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Dark knight! - is it really worth it?

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  • Dark knight! - is it really worth it?

    ive read awntawns guide on dark knights....and ive read many, many other class guides and i cant decide. I want to be a really good soloing class and if not, then at least something that can hold his own against "decent challenge" or "even match" monsters without escaping the battle with 2 hp left...(as was the case every battle ive been in)

    im going to restart my character and i want to know any good class combos for a tank-oriented class or a heavy damage dealer...:confused:

    basically to put it simply i dont want to struggle my *BEEP* off:sweat:
    Clueless but learning....the human way!

  • #2
    To be honest, I don't believe there is any job that is good at soloing. This game was designed in such a way that forces you to party. You could solo but the exp payout will be significantly lower than your peers who are partying. This sets you back quite a ways.

    As far as Dark Knight goes. If you like dealing huge amounts of damage in a short amount of time then go with Dark Knight. The damage dealing comes at a price though. You virtually have no defence. This can be a real problem. Remember, dealing lots of damage causes hate, thus the monster will attack you. Since you have no defence, you are kind of in a bind if you don't party. This is the life of a Dark Knight as I see it. To be a successful Dark Knight, I think it is imperative that you group.
    Hume Male
    Bastok Rank 9 | Zilart Mission 5
    70 DRK | 37 THF | 35 WAR | 22 NIN | 5 SAM
    check out my journal


    • #3
      thank you greatly!

      that has cleared up a lot of fog in my way!
      Clueless but learning....the human way!


      • #4
        There is in fact only 1 job capable of soloing VERY well.

        The Bst, by taming monsters and sending them to a target one a time is the way a Bst does his work.

        And because you're able to solo you get very good exp all the time, without the hasle of waiting for a pt or trying to make one.
        Full Cursed= O
        Full Str Gear= O
        Apocalypse= ; ;

        DRK - /war /thf /nin /sam /whm
        1-year break.. everything so cheap O_O


        • #5
          actaully you do have decent def as a drk for a while in the game, i started noticing a huge difference when i went to crawlers around 34ish. I use darkness every once in a while and that does give a lot of hate so it turned off the pld and attacked me. the pld was hit i say about 40 dmg a hit maybe more i was hit around 110dmg and up a hit+im using my own hp to kill the thing..he went afk for a battle and didnt tell anyone so i had tank..the thf had to trick attack me -.-+.. i had to use blood weapon to stay alive since the mages couldnt cure as fast as i was loosing hp..

          another time Drako used a GA spell and hit caveberry and and that thing destroyed our PT in about 2-3 secs... the whm casted warp and i got out but he died while warping so there was a dead whm on the


          • #6
            There is also that bug with cave berrys in CN. It's a targeting bug that makes you auto target a cave berry after you kill a monster (beetle). Causes a lot of pain for pt's especially when they dont have a Blm that can escape. or Whm to teleport.

            Also about the drk thing, that is also one of the reasons why I wont become a Drk/war. People think that because you have war sub that you must provoke in certain situations, thus tank. .
            Full Cursed= O
            Full Str Gear= O
            Apocalypse= ; ;

            DRK - /war /thf /nin /sam /whm
            1-year break.. everything so cheap O_O


            • #7
              Originally posted by kumaeru
              There is also that bug with cave berrys in CN. It's a targeting bug that makes you auto target a cave berry after you kill a monster (beetle). Causes a lot of pain for pt's especially when they dont have a Blm that can escape. or Whm to teleport.

              Also about the drk thing, that is also one of the reasons why I wont become a Drk/war. People think that because you have war sub that you must provoke in certain situations, thus tank. .

              Bull shit i'm reporting this post!!!!


              • #8
                Originally posted by Diablo

                Bull shit i'm reporting this post!!!!
                on what accounts?... I said nothing to offend anyone.
                Full Cursed= O
                Full Str Gear= O
                Apocalypse= ; ;

                DRK - /war /thf /nin /sam /whm
                1-year break.. everything so cheap O_O


                • #9
                  Originally posted by kumaeru

                  on what accounts?... I said nothing to offend anyone.

                  Don't gang up on him u mother fucker I'll fuck u!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111111one!!!!!oneone111!!!!!!!!!!!

                  And I'm reporting that post ..............buddy your going to have a lot of trouble at the end of the day.
                  The desert calls for battle, shall that be my final resting place? I shall die fighting!


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Seargant Bash

                    Don't gang up on him u mother fucker I'll fuck u!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111111one!!!!!oneone111!!!!!!!!!!!

                    And I'm reporting that post ..............buddy your going to have a lot of trouble at the end of the day.
                    For one thing, I have no clue why people are angered against me, perhaps if you could inform me on exactly what I said I may begin to fix the problem whatever it may be.

                    However the use of profanity against me is very immature as seeing as how no one has explained what exactly was wrong to begin with.
                    Full Cursed= O
                    Full Str Gear= O
                    Apocalypse= ; ;

                    DRK - /war /thf /nin /sam /whm
                    1-year break.. everything so cheap O_O


                    • #11
                      Please refrain from excessive profanity.

                      Diablo, I believe that Kumaeru's post was sincere. A better response would have been to explain why you think it's wrong or ask Kumaeru or others for confirmation.

                      Kumaeru, I have not heard of this bug. Perhaps somone in your PT had the auto-target on or was aggroed.
                      RDM 75, BLM 73, WHM 42, SMN 41, RNG 40, NIN 37, DRK 37, THF 25, WAR 20


                      • #12
                        Well maybe it the bug didnt happen in other servers but it occured quite often in Cactuar.

                        Anybody who had killed anything around Cave berrys would sometimes (not all the time) auto-target a cave berry (maybe because they are in abundance in the area) and could possibly aggro it.

                        If aggroed it is hard to live, unless the pt had a blm with escape or whm with teleport. Due to the fact that running out of Crawlers Nest would link the rest of the Berry's on the way out.

                        I have had serveral pts where this happened, and I was relied on to teleport the pt out.
                        Full Cursed= O
                        Full Str Gear= O
                        Apocalypse= ; ;

                        DRK - /war /thf /nin /sam /whm
                        1-year break.. everything so cheap O_O


                        • #13
                          It's a common bug, it's in korroloka too, last time i checked. After you kill a worm, it will autotarget-switch you to a bat, which can be a problem. A good way to prevent this is by telling your whole party to type "/autotarget off"
                          DRK75 / THF37 / WAR37 / RDM60 / BLM31 / PLD11



                          • #14
                            Hahaha Sgt. Bash and Diablo got pwned!!


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Azraelwrath
                              Hahaha Sgt. Bash and Diablo got pwned!!
                              1 year later....

                              I "pwned" your ass in jail last night.
                              The desert calls for battle, shall that be my final resting place? I shall die fighting!

