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FYI: DRK Subs in a nutshell

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  • #91
    thank god someone bump this up from hell. i can't stand seeing same question asked every week.:angel:
    Bastok Rank 10
    37WAR 37THF 37NIN 37RDM 37SAM 30MNK 30DRG 20BLM 20BST 20BRD
    Spiral Hell, Ground Strike, Savage Blade, Decimation, Club200, Dagger200, Great Axe180


    • #92
      Will DRK/THF outdamage DRG/SAM or DRG/WAR? And anybody ever heard of DRG/THF?
      I Have Returned One Last Time To Destroy The Beastmen With My Scythe, My Great Sword, And My Magic!


      • #93
        Ask on the dragoon board

        pretty much..

        pre lvl60, /war= most consistant damage dealer

        post 60 /sam= crazy skillchain master
        pre 60 /sam= faster WS use, but not too much faster.

        on thieves... just a 'safe' drk to be with trick attack
        only useful lvl30+, as 1-29 you have NOTHING for fighting


        • #94
          Originally posted by TMPikachu

          on thieves... just a 'safe' drk to be with trick attack
          only useful lvl30+, as 1-29 you have NOTHING for fighting
          not true, the 225 skills are boosted by sneak and trick attack quiet a lot and are the most poweful DRK skills
          Most memorable WoW vent convos on Burning Legion:

          "Dude...I just wrote a sonnet, about taking a dump." - Kronos (2006)

          "Guys, I just set my oven on fire by trying to cook ramen in it, and broke the fire alarm with a frying pan. I think I'm in trouble." - Brawny (2006)

          "But Hisdon, why wouldn't you want The Unblockable Shield - wait a minute..." - Sasukekun (2005)


          • #95
            Good point

            one heavy blow will be stronger than a torrent of weaker ones (that's how def works in this game, I think)

            but... I guess it's up to play style

            some like consistant damage (warrior)
            some like fast techniques (samurai)
            and some would enjoy one solid hit (thief)

            plus you get to steal cool loot :D

            I myself, will be trying drk/rdm and rdm/drk

            en- will do a tiny amount to bridge that damage gap, but having more spells n' MP would make it rather versatile.


            • #96
              /rdm sub sounds cool. The en- part tho. Since you can cast it depending on ur monster. Other than that i am totally against it .


              • #97
                How good is DRK/RDM?

                From what you can see in my levels I haven't gotten DRK job yet... but I plan to.
                I want to play DRK eventually and want to know, how good/bad is the RDM subjob? What are its pros and cons?
                I understand that subbing War or Sam or Thf will probably net me the best result, but it never really hurts try something different, right?
                Character Name: Zelcarim / LS: Ninetofive
                Server: Shiva / Race: Hume / Allegiance: Bastok (Rank 5)
                Jobs: RDM:31 THF:19 BLM:25 WHM:25 WAR:20 MNK:19 DRK:16 BRD:29
                "Heroes occur when someone makes a mistake."


                • #98
                  ive kinda notices /THF is kinda pointless till 65 when you get cross-slash since guillotine is 4 hits sneak+trick will only add the 1st hit the rest is your hate. Now the thing that makes guillotine strong is the fact that it hits 4 times, just 1 hit transfered out of 4 to the tank is kinda dum. i still think /WAR is far better till 65 at least


                  • #99
                    I have heard from many people that Trick attack lasts through the WHOLE weapon skill.. all four hits.
                    ...Farming tigers is unhealthy...


                    • Topic that has alot of info, I'll sticky this.
                      Blm.75 - Whm.56 - Mnk.58 - Rdm.48 - Nin.37 - War.37 - Drk.37

                      Merits - 98
                      Goldsmith - 85.2


                      • Ah crap that means I gotta change it and make it right XD

                        Thanks though heh, I'll work on it ><b
                        DRK75 / THF37 / WAR37 / RDM60 / BLM31 / PLD11



                        • Awntawn, just to clear up what you've said before about RDM sub for DRK.

                          You did say that it is NOT a good sub when you've got a good party, and everyone is doing their job. Since, the enfeebling part of RDM should be then done by obviously a RDM, and the healing is not needed.

                          I would like to hear you take on it though for non-levelling purposes. It seems for soloing it might be the best possible combo available to DRKs, and I've heard you say it would be good for HNM/BCNM battles? Can you clarify on that?

                          Also, anyone considered if Phalanx/Stoneskin block damage from Souleater? Would be quite nice for us if they did.


                          • Stoneskin block damage from Souleater?


                            Main : Sephiro
                            Mules : Sephira Eviljin Sephon
                            COP missions = Complated


                            • Updated D;/
                              DRK75 / THF37 / WAR37 / RDM60 / BLM31 / PLD11



                              • In my opinion, subbing a mage won't always help you if you draw any hate ... Just think about it, when you have lots of hate, and you're healing yourself, what does it do? GIVE YOU MORE HATE!

                                You may think, WIPEE I CAN CURE MYSELF FOR 90, but then the mob will just be hitting you for longer while you drain your MP since you're probably taking 50 dmg a hit, while a PLD would take 20... you'll probably end up draining the healers MP too.

                                Also about the "IF LVL CAP GETS HIGHER, YA RDM R0X0XS!"
                                "CONVERT AT 80 = THE BOMB!, HASTE AT 96! w00t 2 the max"
                                Ok, a healer can cast haste for you.
                                WTF is a darkknight gona convert for anyways. I guess you can probably win the "fastest dying DRK award".. the hp and MP isn't balanced enough to make convert effective.

                                And also, for the ones that think monk is a good sub.
                                Yes it might save you when you pull lots of hate but you're basicly subbing for "conditions".
                                example: "IF I PULL AGGRO, HP WILL SAVE ME"
                                but then you're wasting a sub just so you can take hits, WHEN you take hits and ignore the fact that you could be doing 20 dmg a hit more. Berserk is like a constant meat mithkabob + you can eat a meatmithabobs! Rawr!
                                Here's what a war can do. If you pull hate (because you're doing amazing dmg compared to a monk), you can simply turn defender on. Turning it on won't affect you're damage forever (like a monk sub wuld) because you can simply turn it off when you're done saving ur own ass.
                                As a war, you get more control of how you want your dmg done. If you're doing to much, you can control it, if you're doing too little, you can control it as well. As a monk sub... you can just hope for more dmg... and hope for hate then HOPE for a counter. (lots of hoping.. its like winning the lottery each time you want your sub to be effective)
                                Defender will give you more defense, Berserk will give you more attack. COUNTER will not counter every fukin hit for you (btw if y ou counter while pullin hate with souleater, instead of the mob hurting you... you'd be hurting you but watever)

