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FYI: DRK Subs in a nutshell

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  • Yeah, 200-300 is SA+TA WITH Berserk.. SA by itself is doing 100-200 at most at level 30+.

    I took THF up to 37 recently, so these numbers are VERY fresh in my mind.

    SA by itself with Berserk is 100-200 or so on ITs at 37.
    SATA with berserk is 200-300
    SATA+Berserk+Viper bite is 250-400


    • I'm talking lvl 23-29! NO TA or Berzerk! >_>
      Most memorable WoW vent convos on Burning Legion:

      "Dude...I just wrote a sonnet, about taking a dump." - Kronos (2006)

      "Guys, I just set my oven on fire by trying to cook ramen in it, and broke the fire alarm with a frying pan. I think I'm in trouble." - Brawny (2006)

      "But Hisdon, why wouldn't you want The Unblockable Shield - wait a minute..." - Sasukekun (2005)


      • I was agreeing with you Hisdon >_<.

        Saying that without SATA it was impossible to get that much damage on ITs in that level range.


        • your post reads wierd, couldn't tell >_>
          Most memorable WoW vent convos on Burning Legion:

          "Dude...I just wrote a sonnet, about taking a dump." - Kronos (2006)

          "Guys, I just set my oven on fire by trying to cook ramen in it, and broke the fire alarm with a frying pan. I think I'm in trouble." - Brawny (2006)

          "But Hisdon, why wouldn't you want The Unblockable Shield - wait a minute..." - Sasukekun (2005)


          • I personally did'nt like tha Drk as my main class, instead I decided to sub it with my samurai because i wanted the renkei and I also wanted to use the weapon combo.

            I usually get plenty of PT invites for a melee fighter, either that or I'm jus too damn sexi 4 anyone not to party with. :p


            • Re: FYI: DRK Subs in a nutshell

              I had Drk/Blm but after reading this I am on my way to switch to Drk/War.
              The path of the fighter begins with a loss.


              • Re: FYI: DRK Subs in a nutshell

                Is there any reason for you to be DRK/BLM? At least explain it so we're not totally in the dark here.
                The endgame virus. Stop the virus. It is spreading.

                HAVE SOME FUN, VANA-DIEL!

                Also, listen to the smart people. They know what they are saying, and you know what? They even say it with this thing called PROPER GRAMMAR, which is more than I can say for most of you.


                • Re: FYI: DRK Subs in a nutshell

                  i doubt your gonna get a reason out of him 2 months after he said it..
                  Originally posted by Blood Red Poet
                  InuTrunks is just mad, because I ate his baby.


                  • Re: FYI: DRK Subs in a nutshell

                    Well done. This is very usefull. Thank you.


                    • Re: FYI: DRK Subs in a nutshell

                      I have not played the game yet, the Dark Knight is my faveret Job. Thats wye I ask this question> When you start the game can you choose the Dark Knight job or do you have to go though other job to get it?

                      Double Post Edited:
                      which remands me! Dose anybody know how to get the Dark Knight job on Final Fantasy Tactices for the playStation?
                      Last edited by Dagon; 08-06-2006, 06:33 AM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost


                      • Re: FYI: DRK Subs in a nutshell

                        Hi, I had a question about using a sub that wasn't in the first post. Would DRK/RNG work? I was thinking about trying it and I'd love some input.


                        • Re: FYI: DRK Subs in a nutshell

                          Originally posted by Leviel View Post
                          Hi, I had a question about using a sub that wasn't in the first post. Would DRK/RNG work? I was thinking about trying it and I'd love some input.
                          It probably won't. Unless you just recently started playing this game, you should know by now that range accuracy and range attack is correspondent to your positioning relative to that of your target.

                          For example, you lose accuracy and attack with your bow if you're standing close enough that you can actually melee the target as well. Standing too far away from the target will also do this to you.

                          What does this mean? As a DRK, you are not known for your ranged attacks. You are part of a group of job classes that solely depend on melee damage for your contribution to the party.

                          Not being able to stand within melee range of a target, to better facilitate your range abilities will seriously hamper your contributions and thus reflect negatively with your party members.

                          Translation: don't do it.


                          • Re: FYI: DRK Subs in a nutshell

                            Oh, I see. Thanks I didn't think about that.


                            • Re: FYI: DRK Subs in a nutshell

                              Actually, /RNG is considered by many to be a very good subjob and arguably the best 20-30. The Accuracy Bonus traits affect both Ranged and Melee accuracy (roughly +10 to each at lvl 20 and about 20-22 to each at lvl 60). Because of this, it can be a decent subjob.

                              While /RNG really causes you to miss out on a number of other abilities from other subjobs (double attack, Berserk, Jump/High Jump, Zanshin, Meditate, etc.) the accuracy bonsuses can really help at certain levels. If your marksmanship is up, you can land Acid Bolts pretty easily with /RNG until about lvl 35 or so. Also, with the recent patch to the Ranged Accuracy and Attack, distance from the mob doesn't impact the damage/accuracy near as much as it did a month ago.

                              Another sub that I've been playing around with is /BLU. It's very situational and I've been using it really only at low level stuff but the debuffs it can provide can really help make the party or event go a bit smoother. At 32, DRK/BLU also has the ability to get auto-regen which helps a little bit as well if/when you use Soul Eater at that level. My DRK isn't that high level right now so I can't comment on how it is then; however, the fact that it gives more MP and a boost to stats (and the fact certain spells are based on combat skill and not blue magic skill) helps a bit. Nonetheless, it's situational.

                              Hope this helps.
                              Last edited by Unholyllama; 11-01-2006, 09:49 AM. Reason: Wanted to mention /BLU for lower levels.


                              • Re: FYI: DRK Subs in a nutshell

                                Thanks, I guess I will keep working on /RNG then. /BLU seems interesting though. I can't get BLU yet sadly as I need to get my Boarding Pass to Al Zhabi.

