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Dancer vs Ninja

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  • #31
    Re: Dancer vs Ninja

    Originally posted by Mezlo View Post
    Again, this is strictly a DD comparison. Which job will deal more damage over time, nin or dnc?
    ok, so wouldnt you still need to include buff/debuffs? If you are going to compare both of them then you need assume both jobs used their job abilities to enhance his own damage output. Personally I only know of a few of DNCs abilites but I sure there are some that will increase his damage output directly or indirectly.

    It would be like saying a DRK cannot absorb STR, VIT, or DEX to weaken the mob and enhance damage output, or a Warrior cannot use Warcry and Beserk to enhance his damage output. Granted it would not be up all the time but if you are parcing over a period of time it would increase the total damage output.

    If you are going to try to parce this, I would add a PLD tank to your party. Since noone is including damage mitigation(because casting defensive spells/using defensive job abilites have timers and animations) or holding back because of the hate line would decrease over all damage output.
    Last edited by Losrase; 03-18-2010, 12:52 PM.
    PSN ID: Kelshan
    Completed: F.E.A.R., Bioshock, Turok, The Darkness, Viking: Battle of Asgard, Timeshift, Folklore, Time Crisis 4, Dark Sector, Heavenly Sword, Resistance: Fall of Man, Ninja Gaiden Sigma, The Orange Box, DBZ: Burst Limit, Assassin's Creed, Lair, Overlord, Fracture, Condemned 2, Legendary, BattleField Bad Company 2, Infamous, UT3, Far Cry 2, Resistance 2, Borderlands
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