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DNC and Joyeuse

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  • DNC and Joyeuse

    Does anyone here have any experience using Joyeuse on DNC? I was wondering how much merits + suppa + acc gear actually makes up for the abyssmal sword skill that DNC has.

    In case anyone that does has experienced this combo i'll just throw out a few talking points. the two scenarios that i think are most attractive are probably the most common, /nin and /sam. If dnc/sam with joyeuse can hit reliable it seems like a TP monster with meditate, Store TP and the 45% double attack rate of joyeuse. However, i can also see it being paired with a fast dagger using /nin for the more reliable hits from dagger, but the potential for quick TP gain from joyeuse offhand. Plus, /nin would benefit from the extra 5% DW bonus of suppa.

    Any input is appreciated. Thanks!

  • #2
    Re: DNC and Joyeuse

    I would like to know if DNC/Nin can even solo/duo Charybdis itself.
    It is too hard to find a ninja to camp with me. Might as well do it myself or level ninja or thief for it.
    -add later-


    • #3
      Re: DNC and Joyeuse

      While you're probably better off with daggers, if you merit sword 8/8 and get the Suppa from Divine Might you should be OK with Sushi.



      • #4
        Re: DNC and Joyeuse

        I haven't had any problems so far with DNC/NIN and Behemoth Knife +1/Joyeuse. I do have Suppa and 4/8 Sword merits (haven't merited in a while) and capped Sword skill from both BLU and PLD, so that helps a lot. Joyeuse actually keeps up quite well against daggers, and the TP gain is excellent. I could also see /SAM working with Joyeuse very well, as I used the DNC/SAM combo myself for the large majority of my DNC career after 60 (until then, I mainly used /DRG). It worked well with Daggers, so Joyeuse shouldn't be any problem. The rapid DA proc rate (especially with Brutal Earring tossed in) coupled with merits and Suppa should make up for any lack of skill DNC has with Swords.
        Last edited by LilithAngel; 12-05-2008, 10:34 PM. Reason: Ultimately, however, Dancer does much better with Daggers in the long run.

