ya I was wondering about the white mage sub side of things. well ya from what I read,
DNC have no traits that offer MP regeneration. and I'm not sure what their MP pool size is
either compared to other jobs, so is subbing WHM beneficial in parties lv.10+?
but oh if WHm is subbed, I guess a 1h sword would be the best weapon for DNC/WHM since barehanded H2H would need /MNK to have any decent results. a dagger is no good until
maybe after lv.20. but maybe cure could be a good substitute and backup healing even
after eventually learning the curing dance.
so anyone think DNC/WHM and WHM/DNC are a good career to follow? oh wait, DNC are frontline healers, if one mains WHM and is the main healer, that might be very risky trying to get TP from
mob like that....hmm that means I would have to sub a 3rd job when I main WHM.....hmmmm
then again, I could also try soloing, but WHM/DNC are too risky to solo. maybe. or maybe
ya maybe instead of focusing on WHM for healing, I could just level MNK first, then have DNC
catch up, then swap between them maybe. hmmmm. but it would be a nightmare going
MNK/DNC I think even for soloing. and no other adv. jobs unlocked either.
there has to be a good way to level DNC without having to depend on more than 1 other job
that's one of the basic jobs.
and the subjob should be swappable and still decent for soloing if necessary.
well I'm thinking DNC/MNK might work, but eventually MNK levels would have to catch up.
hmm maybe DNC/WHM and WHM/DNC is a better pair for progression.
what do people here think of WHM/DNC and MNK/DNC? which one seems more effective and
DNC have no traits that offer MP regeneration. and I'm not sure what their MP pool size is
either compared to other jobs, so is subbing WHM beneficial in parties lv.10+?
but oh if WHm is subbed, I guess a 1h sword would be the best weapon for DNC/WHM since barehanded H2H would need /MNK to have any decent results. a dagger is no good until
maybe after lv.20. but maybe cure could be a good substitute and backup healing even
after eventually learning the curing dance.
so anyone think DNC/WHM and WHM/DNC are a good career to follow? oh wait, DNC are frontline healers, if one mains WHM and is the main healer, that might be very risky trying to get TP from
mob like that....hmm that means I would have to sub a 3rd job when I main WHM.....hmmmm
then again, I could also try soloing, but WHM/DNC are too risky to solo. maybe. or maybe
ya maybe instead of focusing on WHM for healing, I could just level MNK first, then have DNC
catch up, then swap between them maybe. hmmmm. but it would be a nightmare going
MNK/DNC I think even for soloing. and no other adv. jobs unlocked either.
there has to be a good way to level DNC without having to depend on more than 1 other job
that's one of the basic jobs.
and the subjob should be swappable and still decent for soloing if necessary.
well I'm thinking DNC/MNK might work, but eventually MNK levels would have to catch up.
hmm maybe DNC/WHM and WHM/DNC is a better pair for progression.
what do people here think of WHM/DNC and MNK/DNC? which one seems more effective and
