Warning: My english sucks
Ok, I know some ppl might don't care but here's my short experience with the job... but first, some background.
I'm a mage job lover. I'm a Whm, Brd and I lvl all the others to 20+ for fun. As soon as my wife unlocked dancer we got from 1 to 10 duoing. Then I wanted 15 for Curing Waltz asap, so we builded a party and headed to the dunes (not that I like the place but it's still *very* hard to get ppl to go elsewhere).
Here's the party:
Dnc/mnk Me
Dnc/mnk Wife
Cor/rng LS Buddy
Thf/nin (why sub nin pre lvl20-24 is beyond me)
Pld/war LS buddy
War/mnk (new to the job, anwsome at asking questions and giving feedback)
There was no healer seking so I ask a friend to help with healing (Thanks so much Yokho from Midgar, I own you one)
Allright, so far at that point, from going 1-10 with my wife, we knew Dnc was a little like thf were you have to wait for 15 to get the goodies, but drain Samba and beating EP, DC, EM and T non stop was surprisingly fun and non-stop. Very little downtime as I subbed brd and she subbed whm (don't you love Taru's mp? :D) and we got those 10 levels very fast.
In a party we basically ate acc+ food (pumpkins as chr isn't needed until 15 or so) and pounded away at the mobs. I ran a parser and at this low level the dmg we outputted was pretty nice if we kept boosting ourselves (mnk sub). So we level and level and... well, you get the idea. Then I get 15, my wife 1 fight later does too.
At that point the Pld had been replaced by a Mnk/war and my friend was kinda tired of healing the pt so we did a few fight to get 15 for everyone (except the thf which got 14, sorry Dan didn't knew you were so far in xp) and we disbanded as everyone were hungry.
This concludes the background story
Now, here's the fun part (for me). We were still in valkrum and decided to return to Sandy (closest town, go Windy !) so we team up with the Cor and we run... get aggroed by a T gob... end of story right ?
Well, I remembered the youtube video of the dnc soloing a T orc... so we engage and fight...
Warning ! More background info ('coz you like it):
Me: Dnc/mnk 15, still in lizard (lvl7) gear and with lvl 10 weapon
Wife: Dnc/mnk 15 in Brass (lvl11) gear and lvl 10 weapon
LS Mate: Cor/rng... no idea about the gear
So we *should* be dead meat. We engage and built up TP like mad... well, I was since the Gob found me tender and tasty enough to be whacking at me like there was no tomorrow... I heal myself... wow... I do it again, my wife do it, we are all attacking like mad, 3 against 1, totally unfair, he outnumbered us... then you know the story, 2 bombs later we are... still oddly alive and one fastblade later the gob is "ded" dead.
Wow... the rush.. the fun... the TP meter is still full and my HP too, everyone is smiling stupidly and we're all looking for another gob... which happily aggroed us from behind (the sneaking bastard) and started whacking (I love that word, you can almost hear the sound with it) on our friend the Cor, life goes down to 4 (/panic) and We both (We as in me and the wife) heal, /a <bt> (fun) and start punching... and hear that "oh no..." sound of a Gobling deciding to help a friend in needs.
1 T Gob getting punched
1 EM Gob whacking at my back
3 ppl slightly panicking... only slightly... ok, /panic again...
We down the T Gob (in your face !) and get working on the EM, MP... errr... I mean TP is still good (170+TP for me) and HP in yellow, no stress... he, of course (queue to rolling eyes) choose to bomb us, we heal all around (can't wait for curag...err... Healing Waltz) and finish him promply, chain 3 nobody dead, no downtime as we still have all that TP looking at us with that stupid "don't you dare think to zone and loose me" attitude.
Conclusion (my fingers hurt, this must be the most words I've typed in this forums since forever):
Duo Dnc = endless killing and healing... pair that with a DD or a good support job = *insert wow soundclip here*.
I like... very much... I know that it's low level but god... I can't wait to do that again :D
Thank you for your patience, you can resume your posting
We leveled from 15 to 19 in buburimu, still the same 3. All I can say is, it's of course slower than leveling with a pt, but Since we always fight, no downtime AT ALL and we don't have to seek... well... we got those 4 levels in the span of two leveling sessions so around 4 and a half hours total. Pretty decent.
We got several links without a problem, event links that would normally kill a few members of a regular party. Especially yesterday when we pulled a T Gob, got aggored by an IT, then when beating up the IT got aggroed by an EM, then when I auto-target the EM another IT pokes me behind. It was fun
Died once only by a 180dmg goblin rush and then was raised by a nice guy, rdm.
So all in all, I just love the job and especially doing chains 3 and sometimes 4 with a 3 member pt.
Ok, I know some ppl might don't care but here's my short experience with the job... but first, some background.
I'm a mage job lover. I'm a Whm, Brd and I lvl all the others to 20+ for fun. As soon as my wife unlocked dancer we got from 1 to 10 duoing. Then I wanted 15 for Curing Waltz asap, so we builded a party and headed to the dunes (not that I like the place but it's still *very* hard to get ppl to go elsewhere).
Here's the party:
Dnc/mnk Me
Dnc/mnk Wife
Cor/rng LS Buddy
Thf/nin (why sub nin pre lvl20-24 is beyond me)
Pld/war LS buddy
War/mnk (new to the job, anwsome at asking questions and giving feedback)
There was no healer seking so I ask a friend to help with healing (Thanks so much Yokho from Midgar, I own you one)
Allright, so far at that point, from going 1-10 with my wife, we knew Dnc was a little like thf were you have to wait for 15 to get the goodies, but drain Samba and beating EP, DC, EM and T non stop was surprisingly fun and non-stop. Very little downtime as I subbed brd and she subbed whm (don't you love Taru's mp? :D) and we got those 10 levels very fast.
In a party we basically ate acc+ food (pumpkins as chr isn't needed until 15 or so) and pounded away at the mobs. I ran a parser and at this low level the dmg we outputted was pretty nice if we kept boosting ourselves (mnk sub). So we level and level and... well, you get the idea. Then I get 15, my wife 1 fight later does too.
At that point the Pld had been replaced by a Mnk/war and my friend was kinda tired of healing the pt so we did a few fight to get 15 for everyone (except the thf which got 14, sorry Dan didn't knew you were so far in xp) and we disbanded as everyone were hungry.
This concludes the background story

Now, here's the fun part (for me). We were still in valkrum and decided to return to Sandy (closest town, go Windy !) so we team up with the Cor and we run... get aggroed by a T gob... end of story right ?
Well, I remembered the youtube video of the dnc soloing a T orc... so we engage and fight...
Warning ! More background info ('coz you like it):
Me: Dnc/mnk 15, still in lizard (lvl7) gear and with lvl 10 weapon
Wife: Dnc/mnk 15 in Brass (lvl11) gear and lvl 10 weapon
LS Mate: Cor/rng... no idea about the gear

So we *should* be dead meat. We engage and built up TP like mad... well, I was since the Gob found me tender and tasty enough to be whacking at me like there was no tomorrow... I heal myself... wow... I do it again, my wife do it, we are all attacking like mad, 3 against 1, totally unfair, he outnumbered us... then you know the story, 2 bombs later we are... still oddly alive and one fastblade later the gob is "ded" dead.
Wow... the rush.. the fun... the TP meter is still full and my HP too, everyone is smiling stupidly and we're all looking for another gob... which happily aggroed us from behind (the sneaking bastard) and started whacking (I love that word, you can almost hear the sound with it) on our friend the Cor, life goes down to 4 (/panic) and We both (We as in me and the wife) heal, /a <bt> (fun) and start punching... and hear that "oh no..." sound of a Gobling deciding to help a friend in needs.
1 T Gob getting punched
1 EM Gob whacking at my back
3 ppl slightly panicking... only slightly... ok, /panic again...
We down the T Gob (in your face !) and get working on the EM, MP... errr... I mean TP is still good (170+TP for me) and HP in yellow, no stress... he, of course (queue to rolling eyes) choose to bomb us, we heal all around (can't wait for curag...err... Healing Waltz) and finish him promply, chain 3 nobody dead, no downtime as we still have all that TP looking at us with that stupid "don't you dare think to zone and loose me" attitude.
Conclusion (my fingers hurt, this must be the most words I've typed in this forums since forever):
Duo Dnc = endless killing and healing... pair that with a DD or a good support job = *insert wow soundclip here*.
I like... very much... I know that it's low level but god... I can't wait to do that again :D
Thank you for your patience, you can resume your posting

We leveled from 15 to 19 in buburimu, still the same 3. All I can say is, it's of course slower than leveling with a pt, but Since we always fight, no downtime AT ALL and we don't have to seek... well... we got those 4 levels in the span of two leveling sessions so around 4 and a half hours total. Pretty decent.
We got several links without a problem, event links that would normally kill a few members of a regular party. Especially yesterday when we pulled a T Gob, got aggored by an IT, then when beating up the IT got aggroed by an EM, then when I auto-target the EM another IT pokes me behind. It was fun

Died once only by a 180dmg goblin rush and then was raised by a nice guy, rdm.
So all in all, I just love the job and especially doing chains 3 and sometimes 4 with a 3 member pt.