ya I wonder what it will require and stuff? Well it's either an NM fight, or farming for a specific rare drop (grrr, I hated that for SMN), or maybe talking to a lot of NPCs. I don't think it would be something straight foward like DRK's quest. but maybe it's somewhat like BRD, talking to people and going to some remote location. Aaaah it would be madness if there's a lot to do like Dragoon's quest to get it. Samurai was a real pain though if you forget to bring an axe. SMN's only fun if you get ruby to drop in less than an hour and you have tele to get some of the harder weather spots (and have the crags for those). But probably the advanced job quests I really don't like are the ones that cost gil to complete. Those are just as bad as NMs you need help with to beat. aaah lol I rather the Dancer quest being something like DRK in that case. lol.
but what I like about each adv. job quest is that they are related to the nature of that job pretty much.
So ya it will be interesting what the requirements for Dancer will be. but hopefully if it involves some tasks, hopefully it's not as bad as DRG's quest. XD But if I were to pick which job so far is the easiest to get, it would be BST, followed by RNG.
but what I like about each adv. job quest is that they are related to the nature of that job pretty much.
