Re: Dancer new FFXI job? (attn Jei or any Japanese readers)
As someone who has mnk lvled to 37 for subbing to war, and *has* tried to 'tank' (aka, had a crappy nin as a tank so I couldn't go full DD) post update on ToAU mobs (some of the weakest EXP mobs in game) I can still say it hurts like hell. Wearing mostly def gear, I was still taking 200+ dmg crits from low IT crawlers with 100+ normal swings. I was an MP spounge and even when I tried, couldn't hold hate for long against the other (mp spounge) DDs. Died three times in that pt, so did the mnk, the Nin only died once (and used Mijin to boot) and the Drk was smart enough to turn around when he got hate. Though to be fair, I subbed /sam and not /mnk, but even /mnk wouldn't help me for long.
It actually bugs me too. She has pants, actually, fully concealing pants. Pld AF doesn't have real pants, War Af shows more leg AND midrift then Dancer AF and thf AF shows *way* more cleavage. Now I'm not askin for a corsette and a thong or nothing, but they could have at least given them tights D=
Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten
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Originally posted by IfritnoItazura
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