Re: Dancer new FFXI job? (attn Jei or any Japanese readers)
I agree with you from the begining, but perhaps i shouldve explained my first post.
I believe it is in SE's power to make the tank scene much better. That is all. Trough a new job if need be. Be that job a tank itself or a job that can drastically change some things to affect other jobs.
What if you suddendly could tank efficietly as a RDM in EXP situation thanks to a Geomancer's defense buff? Or what if a Dancer could buff you into getting more hate for your actions? I can see a SAM doing just fine here, or a MNK, depending on their subjob and your party formation. And what if suddenly Dancer gets a skill that just draws or sheds hate?
Imagine this:
Mages in the back as usual. Melee next to the mob. Dancer sheds hate from the mages, therefore the melees are getting all the hate for themselves. WHM and RDM can Cure all they want because theyre not getting that much hate, and if they do get hate spikes, there's allways someone who can provoke, and if by some heavenly chance DAN also gets an ability for others to gain more hate on their actions, i can see the tides changing in ways no one expects.
Personally i think this is just crazy enough to be viable.
I agree with you from the begining, but perhaps i shouldve explained my first post.
I believe it is in SE's power to make the tank scene much better. That is all. Trough a new job if need be. Be that job a tank itself or a job that can drastically change some things to affect other jobs.
What if you suddendly could tank efficietly as a RDM in EXP situation thanks to a Geomancer's defense buff? Or what if a Dancer could buff you into getting more hate for your actions? I can see a SAM doing just fine here, or a MNK, depending on their subjob and your party formation. And what if suddenly Dancer gets a skill that just draws or sheds hate?
Imagine this:
Mages in the back as usual. Melee next to the mob. Dancer sheds hate from the mages, therefore the melees are getting all the hate for themselves. WHM and RDM can Cure all they want because theyre not getting that much hate, and if they do get hate spikes, there's allways someone who can provoke, and if by some heavenly chance DAN also gets an ability for others to gain more hate on their actions, i can see the tides changing in ways no one expects.
Personally i think this is just crazy enough to be viable.