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Dancer new FFXI job? (attn Jei or any Japanese readers)

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  • #31
    Re: Dancer new FFXI job? (attn Jei or any Japanese readers)

    Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
    some AoE Duffs.
    Extrapolated for express purpose of taking it way out of context.

    New Job: Duff Mage (With full AF)


    • #32
      Re: Dancer new FFXI job? (attn Jei or any Japanese readers)

      Yeah, I somewhat have my doubts about Geomancer with Dancer in the mix, because it has lifted Geomancer abilities in the past. And personally, I found Mog more interesting than any other take on Geomancer or Dancer. If I were to take anything remaining from FFVI, I'd take Mog's job.


      • #33
        Re: Dancer new FFXI job? (attn Jei or any Japanese readers)

        Originally posted by LilithAngel View Post
        Extrapolated for express purpose of taking it way out of context.
        New Job: Duff Mage
        Gets the mob to drink until he throws up and passes out. Allowing you to kill him no problem.
        I RNG 75 I WAR 37 I NIN 38 I SAM 50 I Woodworking 92+2

        PSN: Caspian


        • #34
          Re: Dancer new FFXI job? (attn Jei or any Japanese readers)

          Originally posted by WishMaster3K View Post
          There needs to be a "No Thanks" Button just for Kessy's comment.
          I gave it my thanks, just so I could remove my thanks.
          FFXIV Balmung Server
          Tenro Matashi


          • #35
            Re: Dancer new FFXI job? (attn Jei or any Japanese readers)

            I (hume male) also think this dancer thing sounds cool. i dance at parties so...


            • #36
              Re: Dancer new FFXI job? (attn Jei or any Japanese readers)

              I find the averse reaction to this job kind of amusing, as if this was a left field pick. I'll admit I had said elsewhere this was my Dark Horse candidate and I thought it was the least likely of the jobs I predicted, but I do think is a logical job to add considering we can still use another support class or two.

              And considering the war theme, wouldn't the rugged melee types of Vana'deil want to relax at a pub and see dancers and bards? Or have them travel in their company to keep their sprits high.

              Of course, I've always found it amusing other men hold on to this notion that dancing is this thing men don't do. That's OK, I'll take your girl out on the dance floor for you. Funnier still is watching people do what they think is dancing and thing putting on some swing, shag or ballroom and watch the grinders freeze up because that's when they realize they really had no rhythm to start with.

              If SE is really picking jobs to suit the theme of the war, then I'm fairly certain Chemist would be another job tapped. In fact, I'm willing to bet Geomancer won't happen in light of Dancer, because it has done geomancy before and could do it in FFXI.

              SE did a good job of distinguishing COR from BRD, even though recently they scaled COR to actually exceed what BRD can do in buffs, that was just for the buffs they had in common, both jobs are remain quite notable for what they have exclusively. So Dancer would also need something to distinguish itself since being a debuffer would actually put it more in RDM's territory, and I think geomancy would be a good way to make it unique.

              I just don't see the FFT Geomancer happening. And the bell-wielding Geomancer just wouldn't look right.

              That's just my take, I could be wrong


              • #37
                Re: Dancer new FFXI job? (attn Jei or any Japanese readers)

                I dance. What's the problem? Ok the outfit would be funny on a Galka... and even funnier on a Taru..
                signatures are for pussies mew mew mew, here's mine


                • #38
                  Re: Dancer new FFXI job? (attn Jei or any Japanese readers)

                  I was praying we weren't going to get dancer not from a job point of view but from a person point of view.

                  Hordes of insecure players who feel under appreciated by whichever sex they are attracted to having access to a job that can wear belly dancing gear or the obnoxious Latin sateen shirts *cry* The macros are going to get old real fast.

                  I do think that this makes very unlikely that we are going to get Chemist though which is a shame because I think Chemist and Geomancer looked to be about the most interesting jobs proposed.

                  Assuming there are going to be 3 new jobs, I can't see SE making all of them support jobs. Also, as it's been said SE are making much more of an effort to go with what the players want and there is a lot more shouting for another knight/big armour based job and Geomancer than there is for Chemist.
                  Signature courtesy of Selphiie the Enchantress


                  • #39
                    Re: Dancer new FFXI job? (attn Jei or any Japanese readers)

                    I'm kind of concerned of the impact Dancer (and possibly Time Mage, if it is released) will have on Red Mage. I do not want to solely be a refresh whore, which is what we will turn into (even more so than normal).

                    Originally posted by Aksannyi
                    "As a RDM, it should irk you to the depths of your soul when a mob had the audacity to buff itself in front of you."


                    • #40
                      Re: Dancer new FFXI job? (attn Jei or any Japanese readers)

                      I already am a Refresh Whore. But RDM can do so much more. Case in point, I subbed NIN and kited during Divine Might. Maybe if Dancers made buffs and/or debuffs more potent, they'd be perfect complements for RDMs or even WHMs and/or BLMs at times.

                      Buffs get way too much precedence and debuffs don't get enough play. For example, BRDs have those songs that raise resistance, in fact, they have versions that RDMs and WHMs don't get, making them used in unison godly. I know that I can cast Barwater and Barpoison to take less damage on Poison Spray, but that would be further reduced by the BRD spell.

                      The only time you hear of BRDs doing that is when the tanks have a resistance setup for end-game mobs such as Tiamat.

                      If you don't like being pigeonholed, raise another job. I can't complain about my pt/alliance only inviting me as PLD because "they want me to tank" now can I? I knew what I was getting into when I job changed..
                      The Tao of Ren
                      FFXIV LowRes Benchmark - 5011

                      If we don't like something, collectively, if our hatred for it throbs like an abscess beneath every thread, does that mean that they're doing something right?
                      Originally posted by Kaeko
                      As hard as it may be, don't take this game or your characters too seriously. I promise you - the guys that really own your account don't.


                      • #41
                        Re: Dancer new FFXI job? (attn Jei or any Japanese readers)

                        Originally posted by Murphie View Post
                        Don't read more into the statement than there is. Imagine the outfit on an Elvaan male, or a Hume. Or (shudder) a Galka.
                        Unless of course the outfit is completely different for males. And the dance moves too.
                        Still, it's meant in fun, not in a derogatory way.
                        Probably something like this for Hume Male
                        [FFXI Journal][Pld][War][Nin][Drg][Rng][Brd]



                        • #42
                          Re: Dancer new FFXI job? (attn Jei or any Japanese readers)

                          Probably something like this for Hume Male
                          bonus points if you saw this and thought "Wait, is that my dad?"


                          • #43
                            Re: Dancer new FFXI job? (attn Jei or any Japanese readers)

                            Originally posted by Caspian View Post
                            Wtf are they going to do with a Dancer job? Is it really not covered by bard already?
                            Ofcourse, I still think TimeMage is just retarded, too. All "time" spells are already covered. They're gonna have to massively overhaul these jobs to make them different.
                            I believe all these jobs are going to be as well thought out as PUP.

                            Especially if they're going back to taking community input on how to make them.
                            I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

                            HTTP Error 418 - I'm A Teapot - The resulting entity body MAY be short and stout.



                            • #44
                              Re: Dancer new FFXI job? (attn Jei or any Japanese readers)

                              Only says it's an image of a new job taken from the giant screen, details to be added later.

                              The rest is just the usual advertising, "FFXI is a large inspiring online world with 3 expansions and over 100,000 players" blah blah.
                              There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
                              but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
                              transform a yellow spot into the sun.

                              - Pablo Picasso


                              • #45
                                Re: Dancer new FFXI job? (attn Jei or any Japanese readers)

                                Originally posted by Murphie View Post
                                Don't read more into the statement than there is. Imagine the outfit on an Elvaan male, or a Hume. Or (shudder) a Galka.
                                Unless of course the outfit is completely different for males. And the dance moves too.
                                Still, it's meant in fun, not in a derogatory way.
                                Well, it was completely different in FFV, which was the only previous game to allow male dancers at all.

                                Who wants to see a 3-D version of Bartz's Saturday Night Fever outfit...

                                Hopefully you will be able to choose your dance, not have it chosen for you like FFV (who wants to play a job where they don't get to play it...). Some dance effects that have existed in past games:

                                4x normal melee damage (yes, really. And you could combine it with an equip ability to do it with a weapon other than daggers. I don't remember if you got two 4x damage hits when dual wielding.)

                                Gradual HP damage
                                Gradual MP damage
                                Reduce speed of all enemies (effect builds over time and persists even if you stop dancing)
                                Reduce attack power of all enemies (effect builds over time and persists even if you stop dancing)
                                Reduce magic attack power of all enemies (effect builds over time and persists even if you stop dancing)
                                Cause random status ailments
                                Delay random enemies' turns

                                FFX-2 (Songstress was a dancer/bard combo, but this lists only the dance effects):
                                Blind all enemies
                                Silence all enemies
                                Slow all enemies
                                Sleep all enemies
                                Stop all enemies
                                Haste all allies
                                All allies spend 0 mp to cast spells
                                All allies become immune to magic
                                Double max HP of all allies
                                All allies gain 100% critical hit rate

                                I doubt all of those will be included, particularly some of the really powerful FFX-2 dances (where their power was mitigated by the fact that 1/3 of your party was tied up dancing them, and the effect only lasted as long as you were dancing it), but it gives some idea of where the class might be, ability-wise. FFX-2 affliction dances couldn't be resisted - any enemy not totally immune was guaranteed to be affected.

                                If dance effects only last while you're dancing and you can only do one dance at a time, then each effect should be as strong as two songs/rolls. They will probably be able to do some melee but not very well - maybe on par with a thief without SATA.

                                Still, I wonder how a debuff-oriented class would hold up in today's Chain #100 world. RDM have basically already lost their primary role because monsters are just too weak and fights too short to make debuffing worthwhile... except on HNMs, which are ultra-resistant or completely immune instead. Unless WotG provides powerful new incentive to fight more difficult enemies, I think most of the above list would be wasted.

                                P.S. The idea of dark knights subbing Dancer so they can Sword Dance with a greatsword strikes me as really funny, although SE will probably make it not work (if Sword Dance is allowed at all).
                                Defeated: Maat, Divine Might, Fenrir, Kirin, Cactrot Rapido, Xolotl, Diabolos Prime, Kurrea, 9/10 Dynamis Bosses (missing Tav), Promathia, Proto-Ultima, Proto-Omega, 4 Jailers, Apocalypse Nigh, 6/6 Nyzul Bosses
                                RDM90, PLD90, DRG90, COR90, SCH90, BLU54
                                All Nations Rank 10, ZMs & PMs Complete, AUMs Complete, Captain, Nyzul Floor 100 (5 Weapons, 4 WS), Medal of Altana, WotG Mission 15, 1/3 Addons Complete, 9/9 Abyssea Main Quests, 6/6 Caturae

