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DANCER would be a most wanted and popular new Job for Wings of the Goddess!

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  • #16
    Re: DANCER would be a most wanted and popular new Job for Wings of the Goddess!

    After some thought and looking into, I see it's...sad to see Ranger at 2% being a job that doesn't come from expansions. I'd like Geomancer, (Al)Chemist, and a new tank. Now I know I'd definitly play Geomancer. Also, some people (including me) want new jobs that will be beneficial to parties such as more tanks and more healers. Question is will people play it and will people be interested in it? Ninja, Samurai, and Dragoon are from RotZ. Summoner was released in an update upon the release of RotZ but didn't require the expansion. Ninja sounds like something cool people like so maybe that's why it's at 7%. Alchemist would be a useful healer, but does it sound like a job that people would be interested to actually play? Basically, some people may play a job because the think the name of what it's called sparks their interest. Alchemist...sounds interesting I guess (you're probably thinking of Full Metal Alchemist maybe?) but Chemist sounds uninteresting. Plus, not everyone will be owning the WotG expansion anyway. Pretty much most of the advanced jobs and new jobs will probably stay being 2-3% or move up by 1%.

    P.S. Yeah I know I'm jumping from one thing to another.

    Aaliyah is more than a woman and she graduated with a 4.0 GPA (she only had 1 "C" grade ever in her life).

    I bolded and underlined the "is" just for you, Malacite.


    • #17
      Re: DANCER would be a most wanted and popular new Job for Wings of the Goddess!

      Based off what I've read in the Final Fantasy Wiki Mediator/Trainer/Beastmaster are more or less different versions of the same job type. So BST actually is Mediator. Plus letting one job charm beastmen and another charm beasts is kinda screwy and would put Mediator at a disadvantage. And neither would be able to charm the things most commonly EXPed on at high level since demons, chimera and dragons are uncharmable.

      I really do wish SE would devise some kind of job that dealt in real crowd control, though. I'd hate for them to do a complete rip-off of Enchanter from Everquest, but there really is no other MMO job out there that did more true crowd control than that one, at least from the others I've played.

      Spamming sleep is not true crowd control, its just spamming sleep. Enchanter had the ability to both bind and charm anything without penalty, making them godly with link management.

      But SE has all enchanters skills split up between four different jobs and the only real way you could even closely replicate it is BRD/BST or RDM/BST. And that requires BST beyond sub level, comprable to your real main jobs level just because Charm works funny like that.


      • #18
        Re: DANCER would be a most wanted and popular new Job for Wings of the Goddess!

        yea if Dancer is not included, then maybe Geomancer would make a decent substitute, but on top of all that, it's very crucial that they give them effective and fun abilities while not making them inferior to existing jobs. we already have expensive jobs (nin/rng), and jobs that require a lot of patience to learn abilities before the job becomes useful (blu). so there should be at least 1 new job that's fun and affordable, kind of like brd.

        it's not just about more variety. more new jobs help balance the % of players that are leveling a new job from lv.1, and at the sametime, the rate of new players who join FFXI need party members to camp and level unless they wanna level the solo and slow way.

        so new jobs are always a beneficial step forward that an expansion can provide.


        • #19
          Re: DANCER would be a most wanted and popular new Job for Wings of the Goddess!

          Okay okay let's forget I ever said the word "Mediator"
          I'll propose another job... let's call it "Guy that talks to players and monsters for the purpose of buffing and debuffing(not charming)" He could have an array of buffs and debuffs in addition decent staff and possibly gun skills. Essentially it would fill the same roll as dancer in a buff/debuffer roll but I think it's just more fitting to have a diplomatic/media.... err well a diplomat sort of job in a war setting. Plus the AF would look cooler.

          As for the Geomancer I think they're the perfect candidate for a new tank class. Axe/shield skill, decent fighting abilities and it has always been one of the more rugged mage classes. The possibilities for self cast protective buffs is great.


          • #20
            Re: DANCER would be a most wanted and popular new Job for Wings of the Goddess!

            Given that the new jobs would be gained int he past, I would see chemist Geomancer and dancer being the most likely choices. Also yeah it may only be 2 jobs and not 3... but it has to be at least 2 because SE said "more then one"
            Kain (FFIV): I am aware of my actions, but can do nothing about them.


            • #21
              Re: DANCER would be a most wanted and popular new Job for Wings of the Goddess!


              Alchemist as a crafter, already in the game.

              Alchemist as a job . . . don't count on it.
              Originally posted by Armando
              No one at Square Enix has heard of Occam's Razor.
              Originally posted by Armando
              Nintendo always seems to have a legion of haters at the wings ready to jump in and prop up straw men about hardware and gimmicks and casuals.
              Originally posted by Taskmage



              Originally posted by Taskmage
              However much I am actually smart, I got that way by confronting how stupid I am.
              Matthew 16:15


              • #22
                Re: DANCER would be a most wanted and popular new Job for Wings of the Goddess!

                Originally posted by Yellow Mage View Post

                Alchemist as a crafter, already in the game.

                Alchemist as a job . . . don't count on it.
                On the contrary, overlooking Chemist is overlooking potential for another healer-based class and subjob potetial for various jobs.

                Just because there's a craft doesn't make the job class impossible. You could easily make Chemist tool-based with thier own "spells" to get aroud the crafting element and not really hurt crafting at all.


                The Chemist, also known as an Alchemist, is a is a job that appears in various games in the series. Chemists are often characterized as wearing yellow robes. Their main weapons are daggers, guns, and rods. They are best known for their abilities involving various items in the game. They can use special items that no one else can use, they can double the effects of recovery items, and most importantly, their ability Mix allows them to combine two items into one. They also can heal party members for free.
                Rikku from Final Fantasy X is the only character in the entire series that can be associated with the Chemist class, as her skillset and Overdrive mimic a Chemist.
                Chemist/Alchemist also appears in FFV, FFT, FFX-2 and FFTA, just to add.


                • #23
                  Re: DANCER would be a most wanted and popular new Job for Wings of the Goddess!

                  What I'm saying is it'd be a nonmenclature nightmare.

                  While I'm aware of the potential for the Job, you'd need a name that sort of stays away from the whole "Al/Chemist" thing.

                  I think I remember hearing a similar idea for a "Medic" job, if it focuses on tool-based healing/occasional attacking.
                  Originally posted by Armando
                  No one at Square Enix has heard of Occam's Razor.
                  Originally posted by Armando
                  Nintendo always seems to have a legion of haters at the wings ready to jump in and prop up straw men about hardware and gimmicks and casuals.
                  Originally posted by Taskmage
                  GOD IS MIFFED AT AMERICA



                  Originally posted by Taskmage
                  However much I am actually smart, I got that way by confronting how stupid I am.
                  Matthew 16:15


                  • #24
                    Re: DANCER would be a most wanted and popular new Job for Wings of the Goddess!

                    Seeing as SE owns FMA (I was sure they only supported it) it would be really, really freaking cool to apply something in the style of Edward Elric to the game. But I doubt that'll happen ; ;

                    "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


                    • #25
                      Re: DANCER would be a most wanted and popular new Job for Wings of the Goddess!

                      I thought of Alchemist being something like what happens in Beseiged. In Beseige, you have this other section of items. I tought Alchemist could be like that, but instead do quests for specific medicines to permanently keep them in the other section of items. Although, that's just my 2 cents into that.

                      Aaliyah is more than a woman and she graduated with a 4.0 GPA (she only had 1 "C" grade ever in her life).

                      I bolded and underlined the "is" just for you, Malacite.


                      • #26
                        Re: DANCER would be a most wanted and popular new Job for Wings of the Goddess!

                        Originally posted by Rain_Blade View Post
                        I thought of Alchemist being something like what happens in Beseiged. In Beseige, you have this other section of items. I tought Alchemist could be like that, but instead do quests for specific medicines to permanently keep them in the other section of items. Although, that's just my 2 cents into that.
                        The areas in which Temporary Items appear in specific zones, usually instances. They might have to recode all the other zones to handle that. At any rate when you zone with temporary items, they don't move with you to the next zone.


                        • #27
                          Re: DANCER would be a most wanted and popular new Job for Wings of the Goddess!

                          I always liked chemist and think a temporary item or tool based healing class would be great. They're probably better off calling it medic for the war setting. I think this would also allow more creative ability names like bandage/first aid, shock therapy, whatever. Anything but boring old Throw Potion 1-5.

                          Also it would help avoid confusion with alchemist, mostly caused by idiots misusing the translator... 1 {Minuet} {May} {Bee}.... /sigh. Well I'll save that rant for another thread.


                          • #28
                            Re: DANCER would be a most wanted and popular new Job for Wings of the Goddess!

                            Anyone can take up and learn the Alchemy craft, but it takes a true master to put it to exemplory use ^^

                            Thus, the Chemist class.

                            "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


                            • #29
                              Re: DANCER would be a most wanted and popular new Job for Wings of the Goddess!

                              I'd have to agree that Geo would make a good candidate. Dancer & (Al)Chemist both seem interesting too, obviously with some tweaking from their original versions. I'm w/ the pool of people that are hoping for Geo to fill a tanking role.

                              On weapons though...axes are a bit overdone, in my opinion, even with Geomancers using them previously. Some people have mentioned giving them a specialty in staves & finally making some melee use of them. It has potential, although I don't know how keen SE is on throwing together oodles of good melee staves. (I've been away for ~2 years to boot, so I'm unaware if there have been additions to them already.) Something like polearms might work, although not so much that they overwhelm DRG's territory of course.

                              If SE were inclined to add a new weapon type (supposing it's within PS2 limits) then I have to ask where are the two handed maces? I've yet to see a Maul/Great Club mentioned around here & always hoped they might show up at some point. Given Geo's style I could see G Club being a nice addition, however unlikely that may be.

                              Anyway, all the job ideas sound fun and nostalgic. I'll leave it at that before I derail the thread.


                              • #30
                                Re: DANCER would be a most wanted and popular new Job for Wings of the Goddess!

                                Dancing Taru? {Yes, please!}

