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Blue Mage

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  • #61
    I alway thought they should add bluemage....

    I'd like it if they used tp instead of mp... this would keep the blu magic from becoming overpowerful. Bad breath would have to be severely limited to avoid becoming over powered; probably something like one or two of the set of random stat downs or enfeebles would stick most of the time; but at 300 tp, more of them would. Mighty guard wouldn't last too long, just about long enough for one fight. we will step away from the mainstream to live like vagabonds and common dropouts... don't you want to hang out and waste your life with us? -Spike


    • #62
      good thing about using TP to unleash blue magic, is that most mages don't hit too well, so they would build TP rather slowly, and do a good blue spell in the end, which would deal decent dmg. this would help with balancing.

      To those who are saying there is no blue mage!! blah blah...yeah

      i know, that's what the ppl in game were saying before dragoon, samurai and ninja came along. They were like,


      sure these jobs do have their problems right now, but slowly they're determining their roles (nin-blinktanks, samurai- tp generators and renkei, drg + wyvern - dmg dealing + ??? looking good?)


      • #63
        Originally posted by navpops

        people saying blue mage doesnt suck. when in FFXI, its not even a class.
        I haven't said it would suck or it wouldn't suck - I've been trying to design how it would be if it weren't GOING to suck, which is another matter entirely.

        And I love how your quote of my info was totally irrelevant to the comment. I was explaining why it wasn't exactly a support job (it's arguably more of an offensive job than Red Mage ever is) like you were saying it was (which I suppose you thought I was saying it was because of Photosynthesis or Pollen, but most enemy skills are offensive anyway ).

        To respond to other things:

        DM337: Arguably, Ninja is more like the RDM of melees (a mix of enfeeble and enhance "magic") than Warrior is - however, I was talking more in terms of a class that would actually use MP as well on this. Like PLD is sort of WAR/WHM, and DRK is sort of WAR/BLM, this class would be more like WAR/RDM (which, as I said, is like an enhanced version of Ninja, like if they got a totally new set of Ninjitsu beyond lv55 or so).

        Mila: Like I said earlier, I'd balance it even further - it uses some TP, so you're having to use it like a WS, but it uses some MP as well to use these abilities. (Of course, now you can sub any mage job or Samurai, but then it's a matter of "which am I running out of more often, TP or MP?" - YMMV here.)
        mnk26 / rdm16 / blm7 / war5


        • #64
          One: Blue Mage should have the Scan as a Job Ability so can tell what lvl/how much HP an enemy has, if the monster has a spell that the Blue Mage can learn, and what lvl he can obtain it

          Two: The Blue Mage has to be a specific lvl in order to learn a spell from a monster.

          Three: Strong Spells (like Bad Breath) should have to cost a hefty amount of MP and take 18 minutes recast time, so they can't use it repeatedly.

          Now for some ideas for spells:
          Scissors Guard from the Clippers would be an awesome ability! lvl 30, 40mp
          MP Drainkiss could deal dmg to ones MP. lvl 15, 15mp
          Fireball, an ability obtained by Lizards, can be Great for the novice BMG. lvl 5, 12mp
          Sheep Song could put a train to sleep! lvl 32, 40mp
          Bomb Toss can cause a lot of dmg, but hurts you half as much. lvl 7, 8mp
          Bad Breath is a BMG staple! lvl 60, 300mp

          Any other suggestions?
          I ain't no flapjack!
          60 SAM, 44 MNK, 30 WAR, 15 THF, 10 NIN, 8 WHM, 7 BLM, 6 BRD, 6 RNG, 6 DRK, 3 DRG


          • #65
            navpops you seem to have a problem with blue mage, care to enlighten us why? I'm sorry you might not like more variety but 90% of us do and you can continue levelling one class forever.


            • #66
              nav there are other ffs out there, i was saying death claw (ffv) proved blue mages were good

              fk yes


              • #67
                ok. i know this thread is a lil old. but i am looking through it anways.

                heres my humble opinion on this. lol.
                i think as of now, the Blue Mage is confirmed coming out in CHAINS OF PROMATHIA. i think.
                hmm, well, i guess, they maybe, they can only learn skills, that are from 3 lvls above the player downwards.

                as a passive ability, maybe, the spell effectiveness increase. like (dual wielding), at 1st lv passive, effectiveness is 60% of monsters. 2nd lv is 75%. final is 100% i guess.
                if they had the to use TP to cast their spells, maybe i guess another passive ability would be TP gain, 1.5, 2, 2.5 times normal tp gain of weapon. and they would have a tiny melee defense enhancement ya?oh damn. i am 100% gonna use it

                sigh--- Shark Bites just overly rox.
                -Mithra Babes of Siren-


                • #68
                  sorry for spam. can the mod delete the 2 extras for me pls? i dun know how. -.- my net is lagging bad. thats why i pressed "POST" a few times -.- :sweat:

                  sigh--- Shark Bites just overly rox.
                  -Mithra Babes of Siren-


                  • #69
                    Just press the "Edit" link under your name on the post you want to delete, then you can delete it from the screen that comes up.
                    Typho - Elvaan - San d'Oria - Rank 10 - Titan

                    THF - 75 | RNG - 55 | NIN - 38 | WAR - 27 | WHM - 20 | SAM - 16 | MNK - 14 | BLM - 10


                    • #70
                      can u imagine a blue mage learning dimensional deaht? ^^


                      • #71
                        Can you imagine a blue mage using doom scissors on the mob four times :D. Taizari do you mind if i post what i think a quest/abilitys etc would be in this thread? I don't want to make another thread about the blue mage when theres one unless i get permission >_> don't need trolls on my ass because i made a new thread on it.


                        • #72
                          Originally posted by Ithaqua
                          Can you imagine a blue mage using doom scissors on the mob four times :D. Taizari do you mind if i post what i think a quest/abilitys etc would be in this thread? I don't want to make another thread about the blue mage when theres one unless i get permission >_> don't need trolls on my ass because i made a new thread on it.
                          hehe its okay I welcome all input ..except trolls.

                          I feed trolls to sheep..
                          It's Official Promathia Hates me....
                          それは公式である,プロマシア は私を憎む。
                          A Summoners Journey (The Live Journal) >>>> A Summoners Journey the Movie

                          BecomingThe Movie: The tale of the Journey of a Blue Mage


                          • #73
                            -Creation 8/2/04
                            -8/3/04 Update includes
                            -Trait Dictionary
                            -Weapon Learning changed into Staff Training.
                            -awaiting comments.
                            -8/3/04 4:57 EST Update includes
                            -looking for comments weither special spells should be added.
                            -starting quest in word.
                            - 5:27 EST Quest Introduction

                            Blue Mage
                            Blue Mage’s have use of multiple traits.
                            Instead of being hell bent on magic, or the Summoner, White Mage, and Black Mage. They focus more or so on being a copy cat. Taking the ability of the apposing monster, but it is not used with magic points. It is used by Tactical Points. Although they use abilities like that they shouldn’t be referred to front line fighters like the Samurai and the Paladin. They are forced to use light armor so copied abilities cannot be spammed. Their tactical points are used unlike every other job. They only use one hundred tactical points for ability as if it was the samurais two hour with an instant three hundred tactical points. In a few moments they can go from living to dead if their abilities are abused creating no balance issue. Since they are so versatile from being a main magic caster they have the ability to solo low damage monsters or be a front line fighter while being a mage making this the job for those who cannot decide mage or fighter. The down side is since the mob has higher armor than you the damage is reduced. Example a scorpion could use doom scissors on a paladin and hit it for eight hundred where you only hit for one hundred to four hundred.

                            Traits Dictionary
                            Learning: An ordinary ability to copy abilties. Six minutes between each use and each ability last nine minutes. Up to two abilitys are able to be learned at a time. Example: A crawler has sticky thread and cocoon. Usefull for using high damage abilitys while throwing up a buff.

                            Soul Change: The user attacks himself in a four fold hit while the damage taken from the hit is turned into MP. The MP can go to yourself or another allie. Works almost like convert on another player without them flipping their HP and gaining instant mana.

                            Immunity: Lowers the chance of being killed or hurt from own abilities such as bomb toss and other things that can hurt yourself in the process, but abilities like blood weapon the ability still allows you to steal and recover HP.

                            Staff Training: Slightly haste your attacks when using a staff. Useful for farming or gaining tactical points.

                            Ability Conserve: Has a one to five % chance to randomly throw off a free weapon skill. In other terms rarely takes no tactical points to use a weapon skill.

                            Active Traits

                            Ability Level Interval Duration Information

                            Learning 1 6:00 9:00
                            Due to being a magic “Drop out� The blue mage is able to study the monster and Learn one of its abilities through psychological meditation.

                            Soul 1 Instant 2 Hours
                            Change In a situation where the Blue Mage goes into a panic and he Causes confusion and does a four fold hit on himself. The damage is transferred with damage taken > Magic The Magic points taken are transferred to one other mage.

                            Passive Traits

                            Trait Level Information

                            Immunity 5 Lowers chance of damage from own abilities.

                            Staff 15 Slighty haste staff speed.

                            Immunity 15 Lowers chance of damage from own abilities.

                            Staff 25 Slightly haste staff speed.

                            Ability 32 Rarely allows an ability to be used without tactical points.

                            Immunity 35 Unable to be hurt by own abilities.

                            Blue Mage Starting Attributes
                            Attribute Hume Elvaan Tarutaru Mithra Galka
                            Hit Points 28 30 24 28 33
                            Magic Points 20 18 26 20 14
                            Strength 6 7 5 6 7
                            Dexterity 6 6 6 8 6
                            Vitality 6 7 6 6 8
                            Agility 6 5 7 7 6
                            Intelligence 7 6 9 7 7
                            Mind 7 8 7 7 7
                            Charisma 6 6 6 5 5

                            Quest Introduction!!!

                            Quest: Thieves in Blue.
                            Quest Giver: Chalvotot, gardener of Chateau d’ Oraguille
                            Reward: Title: Bent in Blue and access to the Blue Mage.
                            Requirements: Sixty Red Mage with full artifact armor and to be able to enter Chateau d’ Oraguille.

                            Story: The robbery rate in the realm of San d’ Oria has increased the past three weeks. The only concoctions stolen have been scrolls or parchments with odd markings on them, more or so known as magical scrolls. Light gust have oddly blown them away or the robbery took place behind their backs. Some claim a demon has come among their religious city while others believe the shadow of darkness has returned to haunt them. The royals of the city did not take notice of these incidents until the scroll rumored to seal the shadow of darkness back in place if he ever returned was stolen. Much of the town is panicking and moving as far away as possible to change allegiance to the other nations.

                            In the city of Windurst the tarutaru investigate through their magical talent to find any evidence of what is going on. The city of San d’ Oria and Windurst realize something is going down and its time to figure it out. Meanwhile bastok uses the crises in their advantage by refusing to help like little gnomes mining. Prince Trion believes that something suspicious is going on from the little contact of the nation of men, man kind.

                            Where to go and what to do: Head over to Chateau d’ Oraguille while your title says Paragon of Red Mage Excellence. Near the queens grave you will see Chalvotot mending the gardens as he is the keeper of it. Speak to him, if your title is not Paragon of Red Mage Excellence he will ramble about the queens death and the quest will be impossible to receive. For all those who have followed my instructions so far continue. Speak to Chalvotot a cut scene will play.

                            The landscape: The alleyways of San d’ Oria moving at a steady pace throughout the whole city.

                            A mysterious figure pops up. The only thing you can make out in the shadows is a faint glowing scroll with the appearance of a jug on it and his dark blue cape. He is not tall like an elvaan or short as a tarutaru, more resembling of the height of a man.

                            Mysterious Figure: “You! Get out of my way I have business to attend to!� he yells at you.

                            Soon the figure vanishes into thin air with a black bubble around him compresses tightly as he vanishes. There on the ground is a parchment showing the lay out of the San d’ Oria auction house.

                            ???: Ah, young <insertyourownmysteriouspersonhere>. You have seen this man? Where did he go? That parchment of his….� “Get it! In any meaning possible!�.

                            Thanks Tai, comments are welcome. I am still editing, but this is it so far so i don't screw it up. Sorry to all who saw size its different on word editing now.


                            • #74
                              ok, i dun understand wad Ithaquas is saying about SOUL. and the job passive... care to go into further details? :sweat:

                              sigh--- Shark Bites just overly rox.
                              -Mithra Babes of Siren-


                              • #75
                                sure, sorry i did it quick i'll edit it asap. But if your wondering about immunity, what about abilitys like bomb toss that have a chance to kill you? just to keep you thinking :D i'll put how it's learned just cause i'm bored give me some time and i'll fix it up. Word got me screwed up for an hour editing lol

                                Edit: Its Soul Change i just made a cheesy name up quick because i was in a hurry so i wasn't late to go out to the mall lol.

                                Edit 2:Bump, its updated O_o tell me if that clears it up.

                                Edit 3: Should i add an ability like overwatch and chink in armor ( used for finding what abilitys this certain monster is more weaker to.

