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Using Cannonball & Radiant Breath

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  • Using Cannonball & Radiant Breath

    Just wondering if anybody up in the 70's ever used Savage Blade->Cannon Ball and bursted Radiant Breath. Is this a workable good self-sc? (Forgot to mention, I'm playing BLU/THF. I'll be doing SA/SATA on Cannonball.)

    I was reading up and seen that this looked like a ton of fun, but it almost sounds like Radiant Breath's casting is way too long.

    Also, can anyone give me a run down of what the bread&butter self-sc's n sch there are after 40? I'd like to know from people's experiences cuz that's the funnest part about this job is the self-skillchaining.

    Thanks! :D


    Well, I went and tried a bunch of different scenarios and found that right at LV42, RLB->Jet Stream: Bomb Toss was my best self-sc I could perform right now. I tried a few others like Seraph Blade->Smite of Rage: Mysterious Light and it didn't compare. On a EM, 1st one did roughly 400dmg total, while other did about 150 lol. I didn't try out RLB->Screwdriver for Gravitation Burst Death Ray (I think that was it.) But I figured Death Ray would do good dmg. I'll have to see.

    The one thing that's confusing me is that Jet Stream seems to act weird. It's TP mod gives +acc to the 3 hits, but I noticed that somtimes it will do like 150ish dmg, then other times it will do 350ish dmg. Maybe 40% of the time, the 350ish dmg will occur. I can't figure out if this is a critical on all three hits, or if this is just all three hits connecting, and that when I do the lower dmg, only 1 hit is connecting. At 42 using sushi on an EM, I think my acc is capped 95%.

    Does anyone know how Jet Stream works? I know when I've seen other BLUs use it in party on a IT, it usually does 100ish dmg... and I really want it to do these phat hits that I'm seeing it do while I'm trying to learn spells.

    Anyway, I checked the cast time of Radiant Breath... its like 5.4 sec (I think it was)... I doubt it will connect on a MB. Anyone know?

    I think at 48, the RLB->Sickle Slash MB Death Ray will be super fun. :D

    I can't wait for LV60 and Death Scissors. My 62 WAR friend said last night in pt, they had a BRD/COR and the BLU was doing SATA/DS for 1500dmg lol. He was also bursting but didn't tell me the burst dmg. I bet it was close to 2k. The only other job that I did around 1500dmg on a WS on w/BRD/COR at this level was my DRK.. and I'm a Galka. BLU is sounding like some pretty good FKN DD :D :D (I use to think that BLU wasn't very good... didn't get pt invites.. etc etc.... I'm finding I'm having no pt invite issues whatsoever. Course, I help heal my pt too.)
    Last edited by ShadowHolyFlyingDragon; 06-17-2009, 09:30 AM.
    "Enough expository banter. It's time we fight like men. And ladies. And ladies who dress like men. For Gilgamesh...IT IS MORPHING TIME!"


  • #2
    Re: Using Cannonball & Radiant Breath

    I'm going on the conclusion here that your Jet Stream's damage is most likely from all hits landing, assuming you're going up against normal EXP mobs and that there's small chances of critting around those levels. Just keep in mind that Chain Affinity is will also modify the damage on your spells based on either how much TP you have (which is 100% the case here) or if you're closing a skillchain when you've already used your TP for your Weapon Skill. Here are some Self-SkillChains and Magic Bursts that you'll find yourself using as you go:

    - Red Lotus Blade to Jet Stream creating Fusion to Magic Burst with Bomb Toss is a little tricky to pull off at first, but it seems since you're already doing it, so you're set with this until the next few levels.

    - Red Lotus Blade to Sickle Slash creating Gravitation is a good idea in the mid-levels if you plan to Magic Burst MP Drainkiss on mobs with MP (Crabs, Beetles, Colibri). This works well with /THF too, since Sickle Slash is a Single Hit, which works with Sneak Attack.

    - Vorpal Blade to Hysteric Barrage creating Detonation is decent if you come across a point where you're going to be /NIN. You could try Bursting with Hecatomb Wave if you have that set with Metallic Body for Max MP Boost if you don't have Auto-Refresh spells yet.

    - Self-Explanatory to this topic, Savage Blade to Cannonball, closing Light. Magic Bursts with Magic Hammer (which is a neat spell at 74) or Radiant Breath. Magic Hammer and Radiant Breath having a 4-5 second casting time will make this tricky as well and will come close to whether you burst or not. If you have this set up in your macros right, It's possible to execute.

    - Savage Blade to Disseverment closing Distortion puts out decent numbers. I wouldn't recommend Magic Bursting with this since there's really no point in doing so. However, you could try Bursting with Regurgitation, which is an excellent Water-based Magical Spell that has a potent Bind effect.

    - Expiacion to Vertical Cleave will be your only means of closing Darkness, which is also another tactic for less-resisted MP Drainkiss. Expiacion is the Mythic WS from Nyzul Isle Assault that requires completing "Unlocking a Myth (Blue Mage)" first.

    An interesting thing to know is that some of these Self-SkillChains can jump into a multi-Skill Chain with your party members, which is a rare occurence. For instance, a WAR could step in with Shield Break to open Liquefaction, which can be closed with Red Lotus Blade. That can then be closed with Jet Stream to create Fusion to take the damage further. You'll be seeing some combos that are even crazier as you advance.


    • #3
      Re: Using Cannonball & Radiant Breath

      I used to Self SC when I was levelling blu, the RLB to Jet stream with bomb toss magic burst just isnt worth the mp if you look at the damage you do compared to blowing 50% of your mp sopecially as a galka when you have to be careful with it.

      I was in a level 70 party a while ago and instead of self SC for like 1k damage and gettin killed cause of it, I sc with a party member. Cannonball > SA shark bite > light 2 shotted an IT+ dahmal for around 2k damage, The pld was MB banish or holy on this SC for silly damage.

      I hardly ever MB an I'm a 75 blu because partys at higher levels are so fast you dont get to rest for mp. Only ones I ever used regularly are RLB > sickle slash > gravitation > mp drainkiss. but even then I sometimes just used the mp drainkiss soon as it was up rather than waitin to MB it.

      Youve just got to look at the mp cost of the blu magical spells to see there not worth the effort, dont quote me but isnt radient breath 150mp+ and its a breath attack so its based on your hp so not worth MB it.

      In a party full self SC MB is not worth it less your sure your gonna kill the mob otherwise specially on /thf your gonna die and be an mp sponge. Its all funny saying watch what I can do when in 5 seconds your lying on your face.

      In the few parties I did join I was never allowed to go /thf I was always /nin and its hard enough keeping your mp up just casting spells without blowing half of it per fight on showboating.
      Barsha: Sam 85 Blm 85 Blu 85 Drg 75 Rdm 78 Whm 49 Thf 49 War 49 Dnc 42 Nin 49 Drk 33
      Alchemy 23 Cooking 23
      Bastok 6-1 COP complete AU complete ZM complete WotG Wings Of Glory

