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how do i magic burst with blue??

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  • #16
    Re: how do i magic burst with blue??

    Originally posted by Kerio View Post
    does chain affinity mean that my next physical blue spell acts like a weapon skill then?
    I need to practice more with the whole Sneak attack weapon skill thing... is there a macro for that?
    Fixed that for you: "Chainspell" is completely different from "Chain Affinity."

    Also, yes, you can make a macro for SAWS; I think it goes something like this:

    /ja "Sneak Attack" <me>
    /wait 1
    /ws "Weapon Skill" <stnpc> (put the name of your Weapon Skill where the words Weapon Skill are)

    Of course, if you're auto-attacking something, you could use <t> in place of <stnpc>, and I'm pretty sure there's plenty of other stuff that works.

    Take note though, that Sneak Attack will only work if you're not within the mob's line of sight; this is usually accomplished with standing behind the mob.
    Originally posted by Armando
    No one at Square Enix has heard of Occam's Razor.
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    Nintendo always seems to have a legion of haters at the wings ready to jump in and prop up straw men about hardware and gimmicks and casuals.
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    Originally posted by Taskmage
    However much I am actually smart, I got that way by confronting how stupid I am.
    Matthew 16:15


    • #17
      Re: how do i magic burst with blue??

      what does <stnpc> mean?

      And i still don't get how sneak attack can be used in a skill chain, is it considered a "weapon skill" to activate the skill chain? How do i use it in unison with other weapon skills or spells for blue (with chain affinity)?


      • #18
        Re: how do i magic burst with blue??

        <stnpc> means select target (NPC), which allow you to select/target the mob or any non-playable character.

        For Sneak Attack will make your next physical attack a Critical Hit (when /THF). A lot of WS (and physical blue magic) can stack with Sneak Attack.

        --- You mush be standing behind the mob in order to use Sneak Attack, otherwise Sneak Attack as no effect.

        There is more that one way for a BLU/THF to do a Skill-chain: You have the option to self SC, or SC with a partner. You also have the option to use Sneak Attack as part of SC, or not using Sneak Attack at all.

        P.S. : When you level up your THF, it should be clear.
        Server: Quetzalcoatl
        Race: Hume Rank 7
        75 PLD, 75 SAM, 75 WAR, 75 NIN, 75 MNK, 65 BLU


        • #19
          Re: how do i magic burst with blue??

          i know HOW to do sneak attack >< i have thief at lvl 30. I'm asking if Sneak Attack acts like a WS somehow in a skill chain, and can it be used in a skill chain to start it or something. It doesn't sound likely, but i still want to know. Or do people just use it for Sneak Attack + WS to create a powerful attack?


          • #20
            Re: how do i magic burst with blue??

            The Job Ability Sneak Attack itself doesn't act like a Weapon Skill because it isn't an attack, per se, but just forces your next attack, whatever it may be (a straight physical attack, a Weapon Skill, or a Physical Blue Magic), to be a critical hit. Sneak Attack is combined with one of those attacks to make a really powerful attack.

            You can activate Chain Affinity, and then Sneak Attack, and then perform a Physical Blue Magic to produce an exceptionally powerful attack that can be part of a Skill Chain. That is accomplished by either using the ability, and having another party member follow it with whatever Weapon Skills they have to form a Skill Chain, or you can self Skill Chain by using a Weapon Skill yourself first, then follow up with a Chain Affinity (which allows the Physical Blue Magic to behave like a Weapon Skill), Sneak Attack (to force it to become a critical hit), Physical Blue Magic (the actual attack) combo, thus performing a "second" Weapon Skill.

            A CASA (Chain Affinity/Sneak Attack) Physical Blue Magic can be used either before a Weapon Skill or after, but if you use it before a Weapon Skill, be aware that the CASA magic will eat your TP as if it were an actual Weapon Skill, so you will need a partner to finish the Skill Chain.


            • #21
              Re: how do i magic burst with blue??

              woaah waoh woah... this is intriguing...

              So if i use CASA it will use my TP huh? I get that... but what about the part where i use my weapon skill first, use CA and SA, then use my blue spell... if I used my WS first won't that mean the monster is aggroed and thus facing me?? Does that mean using Sneak Attack still holds it's effect if i'm facing the monster while using a Blue Spell to hit it? Or did i misread?

              If i did, i can still understand (for self skillchain) using my SA then WS first together, then CA, then blue spell to create my own skill chain. Heck, i could use my Burst Affinity to MB off that too right?

              Did i get everything right so far?

              Might as well ask...

              Does anyone know of a good element sheet to show me the elemental weakness of each race and type of monster?


              • #22
                Re: how do i magic burst with blue??

                Elemental weakness for race? Don't know about that.

                For monsters, go to and type the name of the critter in the search box. Just about every monster's weakness is listed, though you may have to check the family for some.
                Bamboo shadows sweep the stars,
                yet not a mote of dust is stirred;
                Moonlight pierces the depths of the pond,
                leaving no trace in the water.

                - Mugaku


                • #23
                  Re: how do i magic burst with blue??

                  If you're solo, then you more than likely won't be /THF, so you won't have to worry about the SA part (you'll just go without). If you're in a party, then, if your tank is good enough, you won't have to worry about your initial WS turning the mob for the SA part to be valid. And yes, you can Magic Burst with Burst Affinity off of your own self SC. That part is a matter of timing.

                  Of course, all this just comes with experience. Get out there and do it.

