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Upcoming spells

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  • Upcoming spells

    I wonder what types of magic BLU can look foreward 2 in the new expansion.
    my hopes:
    Battery Charge: Uses 10 mp to regain a
    random amount in between 50-150.
    Recast: 1:30mins Lv 54 10mp

    Rushing Drub: Delivers a
    8 fold Attack damage vaires
    with TP.
    Recast: 20secs Lv 70 67mp

    Boiling Blood: Increases Attack speed
    & gives the affect of berserk.
    Recast: 3:00mins Lv 75 52mp

    Thats what im hoping for I wont hold my breath tho. ~_~
    anyone wishing for the same?
    Last edited by getem234; 06-13-2007, 01:24 PM.
    Linx: You suck @ BLU cuz ur elvaan
    Getem: ......yeah I noticed

  • #2
    Re: Upcoming spells

    I dunno where you're getting 8 hits from. Rushing Drub/Slash/Stab is only 4 hits. It's the non-BLU Mamool Ja version of Vorpal Blade. I doubt we'll get it, seeing as we already have 2 spells from Mamool Ja. Boiling Blood would be awesome, and we do need a spell from Wivres, though I'm not sure SE would be nice and give us that one. Personally, I'd like Batter or Clobberhorn from them anyway. We need a physical attack from Lizards anyway. We also need a Fomor move. I'm not sure which they'd give us from them, though. Aegis Schism would be nice, but they'd have to nerf it, since it's -75% to defense, and that's a bit overpowered. Barbed Crescent would be decent (single target damage + acc down), as would Netherspikes (cone damage + bind) or Foxfire (cone physical damage + stun). I think Barbed Crescent would be the one I'd want.

    Rank 10 All Nations
    Zilart/CoP/ToAU Complete
    Assault Rank: Captain
    Campaign Rank: Wings of Honor ∮∮∮∮
    Unique Quests complete: 465
    Maps Obtained: 79/79


    • #3
      Re: Upcoming spells

      Berserk could be very interesting in FFXI. Moreso if you can cast it on PT members.


      • #4
        Re: Upcoming spells

        Originally posted by Feba View Post
        Berserk could be very interesting in FFXI. Moreso if you can cast it on PT members.
        It's already a WAR job ability; increases attack, lowers defense.
        [ 75PLD / 75WAR / 75BLU / 75NIN / 75DNC / 41MNK ] : [100 +3 bonecraft / 60 +1 leathercraft ] : [ LJ: ]


        • #5
          Re: Upcoming spells

          Most likely he's referring to the status effect berserk from other FFs that forces you to attack continuously at the sacrifice of your other abilities ..
          lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


          • #6
            Re: Upcoming spells

            Originally posted by Kyrial Arthian View Post
            I dunno where you're getting 8 hits from. Rushing Drub/Slash/Stab is only 4 hits. It's the non-BLU Mamool Ja version of Vorpal Blade. I doubt we'll get it, seeing as we already have 2 spells from Mamool Ja. Boiling Blood would be awesome, and we do need a spell from Wivres, though I'm not sure SE would be nice and give us that one. Personally, I'd like Batter or Clobberhorn from them anyway. We need a physical attack from Lizards anyway. We also need a Fomor move. I'm not sure which they'd give us from them, though. Aegis Schism would be nice, but they'd have to nerf it, since it's -75% to defense, and that's a bit overpowered. Barbed Crescent would be decent (single target damage + acc down), as would Netherspikes (cone damage + bind) or Foxfire (cone physical damage + stun). I think Barbed Crescent would be the one I'd want.
            Grim Halo >.> That move is vicious!
            Callysto of RamuhCaithsith - 75 RDM / BRD / COR / PLD / WAR / SCH / DRK

            Formerly Callisto of Ramuh. | Retired 5.28.10

            Callisto Broadwurst of Palamecia


            • #7
              Re: Upcoming spells

              It's already a WAR job ability;
              Gee, no shit, Sherlock? I'd never have guessed that after leveling war to 45.

              Most likely he's referring to the status effect berserk from other FFs that forces you to attack continuously at the sacrifice of your other abilities ..
              Exactly, thank you.


              • #8
                Re: Upcoming spells

                > . > or even getting Berserk from bombs/dhalmels would be insane. Berserking w/o the need for WAR sub! Not to mention with the new Merits you could 'zerk the whole PT...

                "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


                • #9
                  Re: Upcoming spells

                  Originally posted by Feba View Post
                  Gee, no shit, Sherlock? I'd never have guessed that after leveling war to 45.
                  No need for insults, you could of clarified with the mindless attacking spell version.

                  Then again this is the internet, so a DIAF, all the same.
                  [ 75PLD / 75WAR / 75BLU / 75NIN / 75DNC / 41MNK ] : [100 +3 bonecraft / 60 +1 leathercraft ] : [ LJ: ]


                  • #10
                    Re: Upcoming spells

                    A Berserk spell off Scorpions, Bombs, or even Howl off Orcs would be awesome. I would also like to see some status boosting spells, but I get the feeling that both of these are borderline too much for BLU. If BLUs did get a Berserk-like spell, what would stop them from using /war or /drk for insane attack.

                    75 BLU | THF | PLD


                    • #11
                      Re: Upcoming spells

                      Well, I think the tradeoff would be not being able to do anything else but attack in the Boiling Blood version. Increased attack and possibly a haste mod, but you can't cast, WS or use JAs. It would suck to have on as a blu, but cast it on say your war or mnk after they WS to give them some nice DoT and faster TP gain so they can WS again when it wears off. It could potentially be annoying and abusing, but probably no more so than SATA.
                      lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


                      • #12
                        Re: Upcoming spells

                        I'd like to see:
                        Wivre: Demoralizing Roar (AOE Attack down)
                        Fomor: Dancing Chains (AOE drown)
                        CoP Birds: Blindside Barrage (damage, Damnation Dive would probably be too much)
                        Clot: Mucus Spread (AOE slow)
                        Orobon: Vile Belch (cone damage + plague)
                        CoP Demons: Condemnation or Quadrastrike
                        Wanderer: Vanity Dive (damage, knock back)
                        Seether: Lamentation (AOE Dia)
                        Craver: Empty Thrash (cone damage)
                        Thinker: Negative Whirl (AOE, strips shadows)
                        Gorger: Stygian Flatus (AOE paralyze)
                        Karakul: ??? Not sure if they have moves different than sheep

                        That would just leave Mimics, Chigoes, Tortoises, Wyrms, and Biotech Weapons without learnable skills I think.


                        • #13
                          Re: Upcoming spells

                          Well, I think the tradeoff would be not being able to do anything else but attack in the Boiling Blood version. Increased attack and possibly a haste mod, but you can't cast, WS or use JAs. It would suck to have on as a blu, but cast it on say your war or mnk after they WS to give them some nice DoT and faster TP gain so they can WS again when it wears off. It could potentially be annoying and abusing, but probably no more so than SATA.
                          Or how about on a NIN that's totally decked out in Haste/DW gear >_ >

                          I've seen a few NIN strike pretty damn fast.

                          Or they could always just give BLU Binary/Trinary Absorption just for kicks...

                          "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


                          • #14
                            Re: Upcoming spells

                            I like the sound of rushing drub i can see that being the new main spell for blus if it was realeased. Boiling blood also sounds a tad bit awesome! i dunno if this is a spell already but how about goblin rush?


                            • #15
                              Re: Upcoming spells

                              Originally posted by Mouser View Post
                              I'd like to see:
                              Wivre: Demoralizing Roar (AOE Attack down)
                              Fomor: Dancing Chains (AOE drown)
                              CoP Birds: Blindside Barrage (damage, Damnation Dive would probably be too much)
                              Clot: Mucus Spread (AOE slow)
                              Orobon: Vile Belch (cone damage + plague)
                              CoP Demons: Condemnation or Quadrastrike
                              Wanderer: Vanity Dive (damage, knock back)
                              Seether: Lamentation (AOE Dia)
                              Craver: Empty Thrash (cone damage)
                              Thinker: Negative Whirl (AOE, strips shadows)
                              Gorger: Stygian Flatus (AOE paralyze)
                              Karakul: ??? Not sure if they have moves different than sheep
                              That would just leave Mimics, Chigoes, Tortoises, Wyrms, and Biotech Weapons without learnable skills I think.
                              Demoralizing Roar:I could see them giving us this, I just hope not. I'd much rather have a lizard physical attack than another damned enfeeble that I'll never use in exp.

                              Dancing Chain: God, I hope not. Would be just like Cold Wave... never used.

                              Blindside Barrage: Good idea, I never thought of that. It'd be pretty nice.

                              Mucus Spread: I've never even seen this used I don't think. o.O I thought Clots just had the same TP moves as Slimes and no extras. Still, we already have Filamented Hold for slow.

                              Vile Belch: I'd rather have a physical move from Orobons personally (Aquans is another family we're lacking a physical attack from).

                              Condemnation/Quadrastrike: Condemnation is the only one used by CoP Demons. Quadrastrike is Dynamis only. And I don't think we're gonna be learning a spell from something that can only be found in Dynamis-Xarcabard. Still, Condemnation would be kinda cool I guess.

                              Vanity Dive: I'd rather have Mirage (evasion boost) from these.

                              Lamentation: That's actually AoE damage + Dia, and sounds good. Wanion would be interesting too though... affect any mobs in range with whatever debuffs you have on yourself. They obviously wouldn't give us Occultation, since that'd be incredibly overpowered even if they made it Blink rather than Copy Image (25 shadows!). XD

                              Empty Thrash: Not much to work with on these guys, this move would be as good as any.

                              Negative Whirl: That's actually AoE damage + slow. I'd rather have Winds of Promyvion (erase), but this would be my second choice.

                              Stygian Flatus: That's what I'd choose from them too. Would be nice to have a spell that just does Paralysis and nothing else (rather than Frost Breath, which is a large MP cost and is more about the damage, or Mind Blast, which is still a fairly high MP cost and set cost and also does damage).

                              And yes, Karakuls only have the same moves as sheep. They just spawn a chigoe every time one is used, like marids. Anyway, I hafta wonder if they'll ever give us Empty spells. It'd be kinda cool, but I wonder how they'd handle the spell levels. Maybe make a couple only learnable in Promyvion-Vahzl so that you aren't getting a crapload of spells around level 30? I suppose they could be staggered a bit though, making one or two available before 30 and some after 30 and such.

                              Rank 10 All Nations
                              Zilart/CoP/ToAU Complete
                              Assault Rank: Captain
                              Campaign Rank: Wings of Honor ∮∮∮∮
                              Unique Quests complete: 465
                              Maps Obtained: 79/79

