So i'm running thru The 1st three prommies tonite again and was wondering whats a good DD combo for jobs/SJ and also good spells the empties are weak to.
So far the I'm going as BLU to be a DD or whatever role i feel like filling.
I can sub
/thf /war /nin /mnk /rdm and /whm
I could mantain an even balance with offensive and defensive blu magic and healing/damage spells by going /rdm so i can bend anyway the party goes...Also i could wear Warlocks Shield but that only gives +7 hp and mp not really special but helpfull none the less to me as a galka.
Now on to setting spells. I don't have any experience in prommy with my blu so i don't know what spells will really be effective. I'm guessing slashing type spells such as claw cyclone will be effective...but a lil danger to use since its AOE style...
So help me out i'm looking for some good ideas and helpfull hints i wanna get these done for my LS tonite....UGh...prolly another long nite.
So far the I'm going as BLU to be a DD or whatever role i feel like filling.
I can sub
/thf /war /nin /mnk /rdm and /whm
I could mantain an even balance with offensive and defensive blu magic and healing/damage spells by going /rdm so i can bend anyway the party goes...Also i could wear Warlocks Shield but that only gives +7 hp and mp not really special but helpfull none the less to me as a galka.
Now on to setting spells. I don't have any experience in prommy with my blu so i don't know what spells will really be effective. I'm guessing slashing type spells such as claw cyclone will be effective...but a lil danger to use since its AOE style...
So help me out i'm looking for some good ideas and helpfull hints i wanna get these done for my LS tonite....UGh...prolly another long nite.