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MP Deficient Galk Blu Gear

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  • MP Deficient Galk Blu Gear

    My apology if this question is already in a thread,Im new to the site
    What do people that know better than me suggest as decent gear for my current level and the next few.
    I have just changed from blu/nin to blu/thf and although I miss the dual castor swords Im getting used to the extra damage of SA.
    I have all my RSE and all spells except the spires accessed areas, but am finding that with full rse it means great mp but less def even with cacoon, and my other stats are not of the greatest.
    Current level is 47blu/23thf
    rare/exe drops i can prob get a hand with but high price million gil items will have to wait a wee bit
    Last edited by Infernalfire; 05-23-2007, 05:43 PM.

  • #2
    Re: MP Deficient Galk Blu Gear

    I dunno what your link was about, but I'm gonna take this oportunity to say how much I hate BLUs who don't know how to conserve MP and blow all of it at the begining of a chain.

    Then they make things even worse by resting when their dmg is needed the most; chain 4-6.

    So please don't be like that, hold it on the BLU spells till after chain #3, then use your spells to make chain #6 possible.
    "In this world, the one who has the most fun is the winner!" C.B.
    Prishe's Knight 2004-Forever.



    • #3
      Re: MP Deficient Galk Blu Gear

      Sorry must have put in an url by mistake,have reposted question


      • #4
        Re: MP Deficient Galk Blu Gear

        This Thread Here should help answer your question. It's got a few pointers that should help you round out your gear choices. There are definately a few low-cost alternatives to some of the gear listed, it's just a matter of doing the research. Good luck.


        • #5
          Re: MP Deficient Galk Blu Gear

          much appreciated
          Just had a quick read through it will have a proper study at it when i get in off my shift in the morning

