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What is really best sub

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  • What is really best sub

    Is it WAR,THF,or NIN...and if i wanted to play BLU,what job should i start of as?

  • #2
    Re: What is really best sub

    As many will tell you, BLU is the jack of all trades job. You can pretty much sub anything and get party invites. The question is, what do you want your main role to be in a party? Healer? Damage dealer? Tank even?


    • #3
      Re: What is really best sub

      Most Likely DD


      • #4
        Re: What is really best sub

        Refer to Spazz's guide here. You really didn't need to make a thread on this :p
        ~~~BLM SAM RNG NIN PLD~~~


        • #5
          Re: What is really best sub

          The best sub for blu really depends on your level and the rest of the party. Blu can make use of a lot of different subjobs, so it's hard to pick just one and say it's the best.

          If you want to go the melee route, I would say level war to 18 to get your subjob, then thf to 37, then quest blu. Use /war for the early levels while you can tank, then switch to /thf at level 30 when you get Sneak Attack or 38 when you get Jet Stream. I'm told SA doesn't really shine til you get that spell.

          If you want to go the mage route, I would say level rdm to 18 first, then whm to 37. Rdm has a nice bonus in that you can use rapier belt when you get to level 30 for +5 sword skill, but before 30 and later on the spells you get from /whm will be more valuable.

          Ninja is a decent sub for solo, I guess, and probably becomes useful at very high levels in TP-burn type parties, but other than that it's not really that good. If you tried to tank with it at 24+ you'd lose Provoke, and have to spam spells that much more to keep hate, which would give your party a lot of downtime. At 60blu/30nin you get dual wield II which decreases your delay by a repsectable amount, but most of your damage comes from your spells, not your melee, so it's not really a big boost. At any rate, ninja is an advanced job that you can't obtain until level 30 also, so even if you want to give it a try you should probably finish leveling two of the subjobs above first.
          lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


          • #6
            Re: What is really best sub

            Originally posted by Taskmage View Post
            The best sub for blu really depends on your level and the rest of the party. Blu can make use of a lot of different subjobs, so it's hard to pick just one and say it's the best.

            If you want to go the melee route, I would say level war to 18 to get your subjob, then thf to 37, then quest blu. Use /war for the early levels while you can tank, then switch to /thf at level 30 when you get Sneak Attack or 38 when you get Jet Stream. I'm told SA doesn't really shine til you get that spell.

            If you want to go the mage route, I would say level rdm to 18 first, then whm to 37. Rdm has a nice bonus in that you can use rapier belt when you get to level 30 for +5 sword skill, but before 30 and later on the spells you get from /whm will be more valuable.

            Ninja is a decent sub for solo, I guess, and probably becomes useful at very high levels in TP-burn type parties, but other than that it's not really that good. If you tried to tank with it at 24+ you'd lose Provoke, and have to spam spells that much more to keep hate, which would give your party a lot of downtime. At 60blu/30nin you get dual wield II which decreases your delay by a repsectable amount, but most of your damage comes from your spells, not your melee, so it's not really a big boost. At any rate, ninja is an advanced job that you can't obtain until level 30 also, so even if you want to give it a try you should probably finish leveling two of the subjobs above first.
            You're too nice. The information's right there.....but guess you don't mind typing it all. XD
            ~~~BLM SAM RNG NIN PLD~~~


            • #7
              Re: What is really best sub

              I have a lot of time on my hands. >_> I should just copy and paste from older threads. I've probably made that response 5 times.
              lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


              • #8
                Re: What is really best sub

                I have only NIN levelled high enough for subbing at the moment (BLU29); I'm working on WAR, and will probably do THF as well. Though I will say that I'm not as fond of THF as I am of NIN and probably won't use it. Shadows and Head Butt are definitely a winning combination, with a side of Cocoon makes you not worry so much about taking hate (unless you're Taru, I suppose). The tanking strategy used with /WAR is also quite nice, but Pollen is hard pressed to stretch to Magic Fruit at 58. I know Sneak Attack stacks with Blue magic, but I'm not that crazy about it (at least not in lieu of the defensive qualities of NIN). SATA would be more useful post 60, however.

                I'll also have to mention that it also depends largely on how you gear up. Since BLU wears a similar armor selection to RDM, you can go with the Magey route (taking lower defense for bigger mental bonuses) or you can go with the Fightery gear (going DEF first). I've gone with Fighter gear (even though I have both) b/c I like having DEF at least on par with the tank so I don't get one-shotted by some crazy attack. I only use ring swaps to change my stats around (Courage/Eremites+1/Saintly+1 and Spike Necklace/Holy Phial). I left the Black Neckerchief at home b/c I've already got enough crap in my inventory and it only gives a blase +1 INT.


                • #9
                  Re: What is really best sub

                  I felt that I contributed the most to the party, and had the most fun, as BLU/WAR tank. Because blue magic doesn't rely on +attack gear and food (although STR *does* affect it, reportedly), you can do nearly as much damage with defensive armor and food on as you can with a DD setup (except for SA+Screwdriver/Smite of Rage, which is fun and will keep putting out good numbers while Bludgeon begins to fade in effectiveness). At the same time, you can have better defense than any other tank with Cocoon up and hold hate quite well with a combination of blue magic and provoke.

                  Some people have also reported good results with BLU/WHM main healing. Not sure if that is exclusively a post-Magic Fruit thing or if you can do it earlier with just Healing Breeze and the /WHM spells.

                  I found /NIN to be basically worthless - you hardly ever draw enough hate with it to take advantage of the shadows and make it worth giving up Provoke, Sneak Attack or Divine Seal + WHM spells - but YMMV.

                  I've only taken it up to 37 so far, though. Many jobs' subjob selections and sometimes even role changes as you level, and a versatile job like BLU is highly likely to be one of them (in addition to changing from party to party depending on who else is in the party and what role(s) they need you to play).
                  Defeated: Maat, Divine Might, Fenrir, Kirin, Cactrot Rapido, Xolotl, Diabolos Prime, Kurrea, 9/10 Dynamis Bosses (missing Tav), Promathia, Proto-Ultima, Proto-Omega, 4 Jailers, Apocalypse Nigh, 6/6 Nyzul Bosses
                  RDM90, PLD90, DRG90, COR90, SCH90, BLU54
                  All Nations Rank 10, ZMs & PMs Complete, AUMs Complete, Captain, Nyzul Floor 100 (5 Weapons, 4 WS), Medal of Altana, WotG Mission 15, 1/3 Addons Complete, 9/9 Abyssea Main Quests, 6/6 Caturae


                  • #10
                    Re: What is really best sub

                    As everyone else here has said, your sub as BLU is entirely situational, depending on what you plan on doing. but personally, I've gone this route so far:

                    1-10: /WHM. More MP, a second curative spell, and the MND boost help for soloing your first levels.

                    10-20 (or thereabouts): /WAR. Metallic Body, Cocoon, Provoke, and some of the same gear WAR gets early on (Scale armor, Bone armor, etc.) make this quite useful.

                    20-30: /WHM. I find that around here, your tanking ability takes a bit of a dive, so you'll want to stick with WHM for the MP. Also, this helps in the Jungles when that damned Dream Flower gets one on you.

                    30-45: /THF. I love love love THF. SA makes all your spells SO useful, and I've found myself taking charge post-40 and pulling off massive CA-> MB-> Red Lotus Blade -> SA+Jet Stream -> Bomb Toss Self-SCs for colossal damage when we need to kill something fast (i.e. people are running low on MP, people are dying, etc.

                    Ideally, I'd like to DD as BLU/THF all my way to 75, but I intend to get WAR and WHM to respectable subbing levels as well, because it's really better to be able to fit 3 roles than only fit one. I mean, if you go as DD, and the tank or WHM has to leave, if nobody else is seeking, you can fill that role, and just get another DD. Of course, this'd be quite gear intensive, but that's the way it is...

                    Personally, I will never ever EVER use /NIN in exp. The TP gain from two swords (which is only really any better at 50+) and shadows in the event you take hate (which you shouldn't be doing) don't justify it. Besides, you have enough time between Chain Affinities to build TP, oftentimes. However, it can be quite good for soloing (though I personally wouldn't until after Magic Fruit, I like being able to cure. I personally think BLU/NIN is dynamite in Under Observation, though).

                    Another sub I've heard is pretty good (but can't corroborate) is actually /BLM. the MAB and Elemental Seal apparently are REALLY helpful with magic BLU spells. I personally prefer THF because it can be used more often, but I'm sure a BLU with a nuking gear and sub setup can do some nasty stuff.


                    • #11
                      Re: What is really best sub

                      small correction that I feel compelled to make on all threads I trek across...

                      Dual Wield does not give you a higher tp rate. It increases swing rate, but lowers tp/swing, so you end up the same. DW and DW2 will give you higher DoT, but not as much as Berserk or Double Attack would give.

                      /drk and /drg are quite viable levels 20-30. I'd be interested in blu/blm, though I think most of BLU's useful DD spells are physical based, so you wouldn't typically get much benefit from the MAB.
                      "And if he left off dreaming about you, where do you suppose you'd be?"


                      • #12
                        Re: What is really best sub

                        Others all gave good advice, but I thought I'd throw in my 2 cents. This is what I've used throughout the levels:
                        • 1-14: solo levels; I used WAR sometimes and WHM others
                        • 14-29: WHM. I was still a DD, but the backup heals were useful. I tried BLM a few times to help with the magical spells, but they aren't all that great even with BLM sub. Other subs don't really add much at these levels (unless you're tanking, in which case WAR is most useful), so WHM seemed to be the best choice to me.
                        • 30-43: Honestly, I used WHM until 34, then started subbing BLM for Warp so I didn't have to buy warp scrolls. XD If I were to go back and do it over now though, I'd have subbed NIN for the extra accuracy from an offhand sword (Centurion's/Bastokan/Republic until 40, then Combat Caster's Scimitar/+1/+2).
                        • 44+: This is where /THF really starts to shine, in my opinion. You could do it as early as 40 (for Chain Affinity; Sneak Attack without Chain Affinity on a spell is not nearly as good, especially on a multi-hit spell), but your best spells at that point are Bludgeon and Jet Stream, which are both multi-hit spells, and as such, do not stack as well with Sneak Attack as single-hit spells. At 44, you get Mandibular Bite, which is extremely good with Sneak Attack+Chain Affinity. At 48, you get Sickle Slash, and at 60 you get Death Scissors. All stack wonderfully with SATA. However, you have to use discretion with subbing THF before 60. It is a big hate grabber, so you need to have a very good tank to get hate off you before you die, since you don't have Utsusemi to absorb the hits. A good PLD works here, or any tank with a THF ready to SATA the tank. If you don't have either of those in the PT, you're probably better off subbing NIN until 60.
                        • 60+: THF, hands down. I typically use Chain Affinity + SATA Death Scissors every other fight (since Chain Affinity has a 2 minute reuse timer), and it does anywhere from 600-1k+, depending on the type of mob and the amount of TP I have when I do it. And if you do it after someone just WSed, depending on the WS, that may close a SC for even more damage. It's very fun. :3 The other night, I did a 850 or so CASATA Death Scissors on an IT Diremite, and it closed Gravitation (from the NIN's Blade: Jin) for another 500 damage. Very sweet stuff.

                        Myself only being 64, I can't say for certain yet, but I think 74+ I'll be subbing NIN again, since I'll have Utsu: Ni and will basically just be spamming high-damage spells and doing self-Light with Savage Blade -> Cannonball (since all merit PTs nowadays seem to be melee burns).
                        Last edited by Kyrial Arthian; 11-22-2006, 01:16 AM. Reason: Formatting fixes, to make it easier to read.

                        Rank 10 All Nations
                        Zilart/CoP/ToAU Complete
                        Assault Rank: Captain
                        Campaign Rank: Wings of Honor ∮∮∮∮
                        Unique Quests complete: 465
                        Maps Obtained: 79/79

