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Soloing BLU

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  • Soloing BLU

    I’ve soloed BLU up to lvl 32 and now I’m having a really difficult time finding mobs/areas within my lvl range that I can kill easily and with minimal MP usage.

    So far I have been fighting EM –Ts and chaining quite well, I can hit chain #3.

    I didn’t start out trying to solo as BLU, I was simply trying to learn spells and found that I can make great xp. Though I have not soloed 100%, as you can see below.

    LVL 1-12
    Soloed on everything in the Sarutabaruta zones, as with any other job.

    LVL 12-14
    I joined a party with a few LS friends which worked well but as we all know Valkurm Dunes parties can disband quicker then a Gob can toss a bomb.

    LVL 14-17
    At 14 I thought it would be a good time to learn my lvl 16 spells, starting with Healing Breeze. This is the point when I found chaining tough mobs could be so easy.

    LVL 17-21
    I spent a lot of this time travelling and fighting DC-T mobs for spells, getting most of the xp from Damselfly’s in Pashhow Marshlands.

    LVL 21-21.5
    Because I had all my spells covered for a while I thought I’d give partying a go so headed to Qufim Island. Unfortunately it was a lvl 19-24 party with no tank and no main healer but I didn’t give up and struggled on for 3 hours only earning 2-3k xp.

    LVL 21.5-23
    , damn Tiger’s. I died roughly 19 times in one day; luckily 4-5 fights got my xp back.

    LVL 23-31
    Qufim Island, worm’s of course go down easy and Head Butt stops those nasty spells. After lvl 27-28 night time becomes a lot of fun, Bludgeon (Arcana based) rips through those Bones like a fat kid through a pie.

    LVL 31-32
    Yhoator Jungle because Bludgeon is Blunt damage it does not do so great against Mandy’s, in saying that Mandy’s aren’t too tough so you wont risk your life fighting them, but you will waste a lot of MP leading to a lot of down time and it is hard to chain them.

    At lvl 32 I have tried many places to camp:

    Middle/Lower Delkfutt’s Tower – Gobs, Gigas, Dolls and Magic Pots.
    Magic Pots drop real easy due to Bludgeons blunt damage, but they’re hard to find and getting to a good camp here will take a lot of time and hassle (you have to fight through a lot of EP mobs)

    Linked zones to Jeuno – Beastmen, Tigers and Raptors.
    All have high attacks and hard to find EM – Ts.

    Ranguemont Pass – Bats, gobs and Slimes.
    Again hard to get a good camp here and almost everything links.

    Until lvl 38 I think it would be best to fight Undead because of Bludgeons extra damage but every zone I have tried either have EP or VT mobs.

    After lvl 38 Jet Stream will help when fighting Aquans, but as of yet I can’t say how much.

    As for my stats/info:


    BLU/WHM – I did try /NIN but enjoy the Magic Def. Bonus and Divine Seal of /WHM. Plus having cure spells means you can take off Pollen for an extra Blue Magic Point.

    I use mainly STR/DEX gear (with a little INT) but switch my Spike Necklace and 1 Ring for +MND gear for cure boost all in 1 macro.

    /equip Neck “Justice Badge”

    /equip Ring1 “Saintly Ring”

    /ma “Cure II” <t>

    /wait 5

    /equip Neck “Spike Necklace”

    /equip Ring1 “Courage ring”

    But anyway back to the main point, I’m having a hard time finding a good place to solo. Skeletons would be ideal prey but there are none within my range. Soloing Decent Challenges is always an option until I get a little higher but even if I reach lvl 34 I can’t see anywhere to lvl.

    You might be wondering why I’m trying to solo, well… I don’t really know.

    Sorry for the long post, hope this helps at least 1 person other then me.
    Last edited by Redx; 08-04-2006, 07:46 AM. Reason: Grammar

  • #2
    Re: Soloing BLU

    I am guilty of BLU soloing.

    I am currently lv 18, after a week of playing around 3-4 hours per day.

    I thought i could solo pretty well since i was learning all my spells alone, and many a naysayer said i'd eventually give in a join a party, but alas, i've already hit my goal: skip valkurm.

    Since the moment i obtained Battle Dance i've been mutilating toins of mobs, just grabbing a bunch of EP-EP and then mauling them all with 2-3 casts around 10-15 mobs, 20 exp each = Woot. Bring Hi-Potions, juices, milks, echos, antidotes, and youre set. Dont hold on reraisers either, its risky indeed, but anything to avoid crappy parties
    Last edited by Balfree; 08-08-2006, 01:59 AM.
    signatures are for pussies mew mew mew, here's mine


    • #3
      Re: Soloing BLU

      Six hours wasted LFP in dunes, always in a party but never did one get started.

      Soloed 10-14 and had a much more enjoyable time. Heading to Tahrongi tonight for Healing Breeze, Dhamel soloing is a lot of fun from my last character ^^

      Which FF Character Are You?


      • #4
        Re: Soloing BLU

        Flesh Eaters (worms) in Attohwa Chasm are such easy xp you'll be laughing. Zone in from the Maze and sneak yourself past the Hecteyes. The worms are non-aggressive but do link so be careful when they spawn in groups of 3. I remember soloing them at around level 34/35 and getting 100/120 per kill with very little down time.

        You could go /whm, silence them and spank them with ranged blue magic but their melee attacks are really weak and their defence is so low you'd probably be better sticking cocoon up and simply beating them to death.


        • #5
          Re: Soloing BLU

          Originally posted by queenuma
          Flesh Eaters (worms) in Attohwa Chasm are such easy xp you'll be laughing. Zone in from the Maze and sneak yourself past the Hecteyes. The worms are non-aggressive but do link so be careful when they spawn in groups of 3. I remember soloing them at around level 34/35 and getting 100/120 per kill with very little down time.

          You could go /whm, silence them and spank them with ranged blue magic but their melee attacks are really weak and their defence is so low you'd probably be better sticking cocoon up and simply beating them to death.
          I remember trying Attohwa Chasm at lvl 32 but didn’t make it passed the Hecteye’s lol.

          Having Chaotic Eye would free up your sub job, but going as /WHM always seems like a good idea to me.

          I’ll give this a try, thanks for the help.


          • #6
            Re: Soloing BLU

            Just be careful of the air ele spawns near the worms in Attowah. ><

            Also, my favorite mob/zone search page for a very long time as a BST.


            They don't have all the new zone mob info as of yet, but for the older zones, it's pretty reliable and useful. ^^b


            • #7
              Re: Soloing BLU

              Level 26 now, been soloing and duoing occasionally in qufim, i absolutely love smashing the wights ahah, and worms are just piece of cake, kind of not even fun!
              signatures are for pussies mew mew mew, here's mine


              • #8
                Re: Soloing BLU

                Did you tried altepa ?

                If you are looking for soloing guides, maybe you should go check the ones in the BST forum. You will maybe have to adjust the lvls a bit you will have selection of the easiest mobs to fight.


                • #9
                  Re: Soloing BLU

                  so now I’m lvl 36, thanks to the worms in Attohwa Chasm, and having checked FFsomepage for higher lvl worms it tells me Altepa Eastern Desert but i ran around the Desert on a choco and couldn't find any worms . I must be having a really dumb day.

                  Originally posted by Sigmara
                  Did you tried altepa ?

                  If you are looking for soloing guides, maybe you should go check the ones in the BST forum. You will maybe have to adjust the lvls a bit you will have selection of the easiest mobs to fight.
                  I’ve been looking at a lot of BST soloing guides but a lot of the mobs BST fight are just too though for a BLU to solo, like the EM spiders in Altepa take too much MP/HP to bring down and make it impossible to chain them.

                  Hopefully when i get Jet Scream in 2 lvls this will give me an edge over Aquinas.

                  Thanks for everyone’s input so far ^^.


                  • #10
                    Re: Soloing BLU

                    Originally posted by Redx
                    so now I’m lvl 36, thanks to the worms in Attohwa Chasm, and having checked FFsomepage for higher lvl worms it tells me Altepa Eastern Desert but i ran around the Desert on a choco and couldn't find any worms . I must be having a really dumb day.
                    Worms in Altepa only spawn at night, althought they're higher levels than the Attowha Chasm ones they're actually easier to kill. A friend and I duoed West Altepa worms as 42blu/nin and 42war/nin, they checked as VT/IT to both of us and we sucessfully chained for 200 base xp each fight.

                    East Altepa worms are a pain because of the Ants near their spawn locations. May I suggest you venture over to Purgonorgo Isle, you should be able to kill jellies, mandies and (if you're careful) monkeys.


                    • #11
                      Re: Soloing BLU

                      I'd recommend a combo of soloing and party:

                      A) Parties are a great time to try stuff too dangerous to try solo
                      B) No Job, according to S/E, should be able to solo (in a reasonable amount of time) to 75
                      C) If we can solo to 75 and they find out, "Hello, Nerf"

                      So go out and solo with your flag up and only take parties when and if you want.

                      I love when we get a party with a Bard because we often get overlooked by the RDM's (threatened maybe?). I get a lot of solo time getting spells and my magic is always capped from the parties. Plus, in parties, I often drop some of the defensive spells or abilities and get to use some of the spells I use less often. I really enjoy the "Jack of all trades" aspect to the job and parties allow you to pick a role and ignore some of the stuff you have to do solo. I've only been offered a party once as healer and I turned that down. Although, some ppl with WHM leveled and Magic Fruit might have fun trying this.

                      Also, if you are only partying experience, you are missing out. BLU solo is a blast and brings up skills you may not get in a specialized party role.

                      As far as subs, I love my /NIN. Solo, it makes sense for me. Especially as a THF with capped evasion plus evasion merits. The shadows are great damage buffers. It isn't uncommon for me to pull hate in parties and I dual wield swords that add accuracy, attack, and/or boost stats. Plus, as my main job is THF, I want to not do the same stuff I do as a 75 THF with my BLU.

                      Good luck in your pursuits.
                      Randwolf - Tarutaru
                      Windurst Rank 10
                      Goldsmith 53, Blacksmith 39, Alchemy 51
                      World - Sylph


                      • #12
                        Re: Soloing BLU

                        Originally posted by Sigmara
                        Did you tried altepa ?

                        If you are looking for soloing guides, maybe you should go check the ones in the BST forum. You will maybe have to adjust the lvls a bit you will have selection of the easiest mobs to fight.
                        bst mobs are the way to go. At lower 30s, You can solo gigas's sheep in miseareaux for chain #4 easily and you get 200 xp every sheep. At upper 30s, try goblin's spider in altepa. Without resist, it usually takes 3-4 bludgeon to kill each mob. You don't even need to heal up in between chaining if your lucky. With empress band, i can easily get 3-4k exp an hour.


                        • #13
                          Re: Soloing BLU

                          I died more times than I care to count trying to get solo xp off the worms in Altepa Bastards spawn only at night, and go figure, that's the same time (and same place even) that VT-IT Lost Souls spawn...the horror ; ;

                          I pretty much soloed my way to about 24, and kept it up here and there sometimes until about 40. Worms are so fun :D
                          ~ Araius - 75 RDM - 75 BLU - 99.8 +3 Alchemy - Valefor ~


                          • #14
                            Re: Soloing BLU

                            If you're going to go on to all the trouble of looking up and trying the BST solo guides, try this: set your subjob to BST.

                            Yes, it sounds hokey and means you have to level BST some too, but it's freakin' scarey to watch a BLU/BST solo sometimes. For one thing, I don't actually need to load up any defensive spells. I can go total offense on my spell lineup, (and add a few +CHA spells for charm). Second, unlike BST main, if the pet dies before the mob is below 10-20% hp left, (which is the optimal zone for BST soloing the mob's exp), I can pretty much just spam bludgeon, headbutt, screwdriver, etc til it dies.

                            By way of example, I was going to spend last night in Korroloka tunnel doing pugils. Unfortunately, as happens to me alot, there was already a BST here camping the pugil pool room. So I moved on to the Western Altepa exit with the clippers and scorpions. As I'm doing a little clipper on clipper action while I heal mp to finish it off, I /check the Scimitar Scorpion in the room past me. It was T... that's when I get a little confident. 2 crabs and a leech later, I have the scorp down to 10% hp left, which is about a bludgeon and a headbutt. So far so good, so I head over to the next nearest scorpion pop, and it's VT. I figure, what the heck? It takes a few more mobs, but it goes down and I now have 200 exp. Next pop is IT. Sadly, it does not give more than 200 exp, but it was still kind of fun to kill.

                            Think of BLU/BST as the Beastmaster's Revenge combo of FFXI. Everything you used to hate/fear about being BST main is compensated in this combo. If a mob breaks your pet with around 50% hp, this is no longer a problem. You no longer have to worry about whether or not your main weapon is capped or the right damage/delay ratio for the mob. And if you take a few hits, you've got Pollen, Healing Breeze, and a good full rest while the new pet fights another mob to fall back on. I'd recommend just using a BST soloing guide and working your way up. You'll chain slightly faster in this combo than they will.

                            Be the Ultimate Ninja! Play Billy Vs. SNAKEMAN today!


                            • #15
                              Re: Soloing BLU

                              Soloing EM/T is fine, but after about level 45 odd, to 50, the monster's power sky rockets by a lot and it no longer gets feasable. I soloed my DRG to 75 from 1 purely mainly on EP monsters after how I noticed I began suffering much more downtime (with RDM sub) when fighting anything Decent Challenge and up.
                              Soloed to 75

                              [DRG | BST | PLD | NIN | RDM | THF | DRK | WHM | SAM]

                              all done via BST sub where applicable (no DRG/BST!)
                              .:|The Prototype BST|:.
                              Xtreme Precision Soloing [XPS]

