AF1: Beginnings
Talk to Waoud. He will send you to the 5 staging points. At each staging point, talk with the immortal there for a CS and recieve a Key item. When you are done head back to Waoud and recieve another CS along with your Immortal's Schimitar
I had some problems with going thru Mamook, so I decided to put a map with the route to take. Hope this helps
Mamook Staging Point Guide:

Dvucca Isle Staging Point Guide:

*Note: Must wait one real life day or after midnight JP time for next quest*
AF2: Omens
Talk to Waoud. He will send you to the Navukgo Execution Chamber where you will fight a flan. He is a pretty easy fight. I soloed him with my RDM. Afterwards go back to Waoud and talk with him. He will send you to another NPC in Whitegate which can be found at the 2nd floor of F-8 (Balrahn Way). You will receive a CS. You will then need to make a run to Aydeewa Subterrane. Please following the maps below. . .

You will receive another CS and then go back to Whitegate and talk to the same NPC at the 2nd floor of F-8 (Balrahn Way) for your Magus Charuqs
AF3: Transformation
Talk to Waoud. He will tell you to head to the Imperial Gate(the gate on the east side of the Whitegate map). You will recieve a CS. Now you will need to bring with you 2 imperial silver pieces for your trip to Nashmau. These pieces will be used to trade to the Immortal guarding the entrance of the Alzadaal Undersea Ruins.
Now take the ship or the Runic Portal and head to Nashmau. You will need to exit out of the east exit of Nashmau and run straight to the cave at J-10 in the bottom left cornor. Trade your Imperial Silver Piece to the guard and run straight thru the Alzadaal Undersea Ruins, there is nowhere to run but straight. You will eventually hit a room and recieve one CS. After the CS walk to the right teleport and you will be teleported to another room. In this room run towards the door for the 2nd CS in this room. Afterwards find a means to return back to Nasmau.
This time you will take the west exit to Caedarva Mire. Run straight to H-11 to the upper middle of the box. You will meet another Immortal. Trade your Imperial Silver Piece to him to enter the ruins. Once again run straight until you reach the room, take the right teleport to be teleported to another room. In this next room you will find the NM. You should tab until you find something. It will be near the upper left cornor of the room.
When I fought the NM he was relatively easy. We were RDM, NIN, and SMN. I believe SMN was doing most of the DMG with his Garuda's Predator Claw. The NM seems to be a BLM from what I saw as I saw him use Manafront. Good luck with the fight.
After defeating the NM, examine the " " again and you will receive your CS and the Magus Keffiyeh
Other pieces
Now for the other pieces of your artifact you will need to talk to the same NPC at the 2nd floor of F-8 (Balrahn Way). Here you will enter a CS where you may choose either your Body, Hands, or Legs. Below is the ingrdient list for each item. Also please be aware that you need the AF3 quest activated before you can recieve these other pieces.
Note: When you turn in the items you must wait one GAME day and zone and rezone.
Velvent Cloth
Chimera Blood
Karakul Cloth
Imperial Silk Cloth
4 Imperial mythrial pieces
Platnium Sheet
Velet Cloth
Karakul Leather
Venom Potion
2 Imperial mythrial pieces
Gold Chain
Velvet CLoth
Flan Meat
Imperial Silk Cloth
2 Imperial Mythril Pieces
I hope this can help everyone out with their questions on the BLU Artifact. Later on I'll try to clean things up and make things more presentable.
P.S: If there is anyway I can make the guide more clear or precise please let me know, i'll try to make it so
Talk to Waoud. He will send you to the 5 staging points. At each staging point, talk with the immortal there for a CS and recieve a Key item. When you are done head back to Waoud and recieve another CS along with your Immortal's Schimitar
I had some problems with going thru Mamook, so I decided to put a map with the route to take. Hope this helps
Mamook Staging Point Guide:

Dvucca Isle Staging Point Guide:

*Note: Must wait one real life day or after midnight JP time for next quest*
AF2: Omens
Talk to Waoud. He will send you to the Navukgo Execution Chamber where you will fight a flan. He is a pretty easy fight. I soloed him with my RDM. Afterwards go back to Waoud and talk with him. He will send you to another NPC in Whitegate which can be found at the 2nd floor of F-8 (Balrahn Way). You will receive a CS. You will then need to make a run to Aydeewa Subterrane. Please following the maps below. . .

You will receive another CS and then go back to Whitegate and talk to the same NPC at the 2nd floor of F-8 (Balrahn Way) for your Magus Charuqs
AF3: Transformation
Talk to Waoud. He will tell you to head to the Imperial Gate(the gate on the east side of the Whitegate map). You will recieve a CS. Now you will need to bring with you 2 imperial silver pieces for your trip to Nashmau. These pieces will be used to trade to the Immortal guarding the entrance of the Alzadaal Undersea Ruins.
Now take the ship or the Runic Portal and head to Nashmau. You will need to exit out of the east exit of Nashmau and run straight to the cave at J-10 in the bottom left cornor. Trade your Imperial Silver Piece to the guard and run straight thru the Alzadaal Undersea Ruins, there is nowhere to run but straight. You will eventually hit a room and recieve one CS. After the CS walk to the right teleport and you will be teleported to another room. In this room run towards the door for the 2nd CS in this room. Afterwards find a means to return back to Nasmau.
This time you will take the west exit to Caedarva Mire. Run straight to H-11 to the upper middle of the box. You will meet another Immortal. Trade your Imperial Silver Piece to him to enter the ruins. Once again run straight until you reach the room, take the right teleport to be teleported to another room. In this next room you will find the NM. You should tab until you find something. It will be near the upper left cornor of the room.
When I fought the NM he was relatively easy. We were RDM, NIN, and SMN. I believe SMN was doing most of the DMG with his Garuda's Predator Claw. The NM seems to be a BLM from what I saw as I saw him use Manafront. Good luck with the fight.
After defeating the NM, examine the " " again and you will receive your CS and the Magus Keffiyeh
Other pieces
Now for the other pieces of your artifact you will need to talk to the same NPC at the 2nd floor of F-8 (Balrahn Way). Here you will enter a CS where you may choose either your Body, Hands, or Legs. Below is the ingrdient list for each item. Also please be aware that you need the AF3 quest activated before you can recieve these other pieces.
Note: When you turn in the items you must wait one GAME day and zone and rezone.
Velvent Cloth
Chimera Blood
Karakul Cloth
Imperial Silk Cloth
4 Imperial mythrial pieces
Platnium Sheet
Velet Cloth
Karakul Leather
Venom Potion
2 Imperial mythrial pieces
Gold Chain
Velvet CLoth
Flan Meat
Imperial Silk Cloth
2 Imperial Mythril Pieces
I hope this can help everyone out with their questions on the BLU Artifact. Later on I'll try to clean things up and make things more presentable.
P.S: If there is anyway I can make the guide more clear or precise please let me know, i'll try to make it so