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  • /whm

    As I start to level BLU soon, I will be subbing WHM, because of my poor MP as an Elvaan, but as a WHM, will I be expected to DD less in parties, or suffer fewer invites? I want to DD, but if WHM will hinder that, idk. What do you all think?

    No, I do not have a life.

  • #2
    Re: /whm

    u dont really need a lot of mp to be a DD Blu. Generally blu DD sub ninja or war or mnk from lv1-59 and thf frm lv60 onwards. Subbing whm still can DD a little but not as good as the others sub.


    • #3
      Re: /whm

      /Whm is a turning out to be a great support role healer. Have subbed it from 17+ so far and I'm 22 now. Main healing was not an option during this time, but it was a great idea for support healing. I didn't have an edge while trying to DD, so I just geared up for doing enfeebles and just spammed Bludgeon and such when I could. Damage was in the 30-40 range on ITs. VTs was in the 60-70s. Did rather nicely on landing the Sprout Smack, Sandspin, Battle Dance combo which seems quite effective for helping to lower accuracy and curing in party. :D

      Subbing Whm and trying to DD is not a very kosher idea though, IMO lol. You can still do it. But, I'm definitely switching to NIN now until 30, then subbing THF. Sure, you can pump out some damage and back up a main healer in the party if you wish, and it works out just fine. But, I'd rather do more DMG and focus on that aspect now; and sure, some party scenarios, BLU/WHM may be the best option. However, if you sub /whm and mainly try to DD, you're simply selling yourself short really in the long run, I'm thinking. This is what I'm seeing anyway.

      In you're situation, I'm thinking you're DoT & Spike will suffer considerably because of 1.) your low Elvaan MP will want to make you equip MP gears to make up for that so you can heal more and 2.) equipping your STR AGL CHR gears will lower your MP pool so that when you do heal, you're possibly using up 3/4's of your MP in one battle, give or take a few MP. But this can be overcome in the later levels and won't make much difference.

      If you want to DD, stick strictly to that idea and /sub NIN pre-30. Change to THF at 30 and stick w/it for your career. You can support heal later in the 60's when you get Magic Fruit. Otherwise, if you want to play /whm, don't try to go all out on DD. If you sub /WHM, you're pretty much limiting yourself to being able to only enfeeble and utility. Don't get me wrong though, you can do some damage and BLU/WHM works out well. It just won't be stellar-off-the-charts DD. (Unless you Mana dump [use all your MP in one battle] but that's ludicrous. XD )


      Goodbye everyone.


      • #4
        Re: /whm

        All i have to say but in the search Bar SJ: ??? ??? ??? and put what ever jobs could be subbed and let them pick or just play as what you want. Just a pieace od advice. dont mean to offend anyone
        "Death shall seek you out, If death fails, I promise you, i wont." ~ Srxjo (me)
        "My lips are stained scarlet red from my blood" ~Srxjo (me)
        "The greatest pain in this world is losing that which is closest to ones own heart" ~Srxjo (me)


        • #5
          Re: /whm

          IMO, Pre-lvl 30 most subjob does not offer much in melee DD. Pre-lvl 30, /rng has +10 acc, /drg has +10 atk and jump, /war has provoke and +10 def (more for tanking), /mnk has boost and counter (more for tanking), and so forth. I don't think you really suffer much if you /whm DD pre-lvl30 in exp parties.

          After lvl 30, subjob has more impact on DD.

          On the other hand, /whm is nice for solo, learning blue magic spell, etc.
          Server: Quetzalcoatl
          Race: Hume Rank 7
          75 PLD, 75 SAM, 75 WAR, 75 NIN, 75 MNK, 65 BLU

