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My spells are getting resisted a lot.

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  • #16
    Re: My spells are getting resisted a lot.

    The reason people use Squid > Sole, is because people would rather pay 30k for squid, than 100k for sole.


    • #17
      Re: My spells are getting resisted a lot.

      I dont use sushi at all I made a thread about the food I use. Since our spells Give bonuses to us, i focus on agi + dex, I wear a couple items for + chr since i've researched it affecting some spells. Blue Sure is an enigma in what we can do/use.

      I don't think Sushi is our only option. Its just one of many.
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      • #18
        Re: My spells are getting resisted a lot.

        I know, I'm just saying when in a SC, it's almost always a good idea to be using sushi. I guess a good way of looking at it is this. You and your SC partner and going to be SC, obviously lol. If he's using accuracy+ equip and squid to hit mobs. Don't you think you should be as well? I mean isn't it necessary to be get TP ready everytime CA and BA are ready?

        I realized there are other food out there, but I don't see any other option then Sushi for participating in SCs. I used Melon Pie +1 or Rolanberry pies when they wanted me to be main/backup healer.


        • #19
          Re: My spells are getting resisted a lot.

          Just because he's whoring out on a bunch of accuracy gear and food doesn't mean he's doing what's best for that particular party and setup, remember that.
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          Why does every discussion have to be a little festivity of sorts, with purple doom rain and lunatic frogs singing the yodelay on top of mushrooms and little babies being eaten by crazy flying cows and green gas explosions on the horizon and screaming goats?


          • #20
            Re: My spells are getting resisted a lot.

            I seem to be sticking spells a lot more often in Qufim, maybe the mobs where to high or something in the Dunes. I also noticed that my debuff spells seem to be resisted a lot more than my attack spells. There would'nt happen to be any cheaper food with similar, even if a lot worse, effect? 30k at stack seems a awful lot to me when my long term gear costs that much and I don't often have more than 30k a time.


            • #21
              Re: My spells are getting resisted a lot.

              Originally posted by nanatsu
              Just because he's whoring out on a bunch of accuracy gear and food doesn't mean he's doing what's best for that particular party and setup, remember that.
              I was using a hypothetical situation. Of course it's best to have a balance of both worlds because it's pointless missing or hitting for 0

              Double Post Edited:
              Originally posted by durecellrabbit
              I seem to be sticking spells a lot more often in Qufim, maybe the mobs where to high or something in the Dunes. I also noticed that my debuff spells seem to be resisted a lot more than my attack spells. There would'nt happen to be any cheaper food with similar, even if a lot worse, effect? 30k at stack seems a awful lot to me when my long term gear costs that much and I don't often have more than 30k a time.
              You should defeintly try to have more then 30k at a time. I also still think it's better to just go berserk with bludgeon at that lvl. I think it's still effective and just eat a cookie to get your MP back and if you can some drinks.
              Last edited by Zempten; 06-20-2006, 08:32 PM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost


              • #22
                Re: My spells are getting resisted a lot.

                Someone posted a thread recently showing how CHR seemed to be the main modifier for BLU M.Acc.

                I can't find it right now, but I was sure I saw it yesterday.

                There was also another thread showing how BLU magic physical attacks used STR as a mod and BLU magic ranged attacks used both STR and AGL, but AGL moreso.

                Man... wish I could find it.


                Goodbye everyone.


                • #23
                  Re: My spells are getting resisted a lot.

                  People seem determined to use CHR as a modifier for just about anything. Until I see something official, I won't buy into it though.


                  • #24
                    Re: My spells are getting resisted a lot.


                    Look at Bludgeon and Mysterious Light. That's where you are getting the CHR theory form.

                    Most of it is just STR and INT, with the breath's being HP...

                    Man I am NOT going up against a GALKA BLU with a Giant's Drink on hand...

                    Art done by Fred Perry.


                    • #25
                      Re: My spells are getting resisted a lot.

                      So, that's a CHR modifier for two spells. Hardly worth building a theory around.


                      • #26
                        Re: My spells are getting resisted a lot.

                        I agree, but note how most skill rely on more than one stat modifier, and on a minor level at that.

                        That makes it rather difficult to focus on any one stat.

                        Looks like Dex, Str, and Int though.

                        Art done by Fred Perry.


                        • #27
                          Re: My spells are getting resisted a lot.

                          Damn my int is in the trashcan. time to buy new armors.

                          Nice link too.


                          • #28
                            Re: My spells are getting resisted a lot.

                            if i wanted to be a good blu i would carry around alot of gear after reading this, looking foward to people pushing the limits of this adaptable job.


                            • #29
                              Re: My spells are getting resisted a lot.

                              It'd be rather confusing in trying to make a macro to fit all the modifiers. Theres about 5 different combinations there.

                              I think the best situation is to just alter your spell list/combos to fit the modifiers you want to specifiy on. Like Str/Dex if you want to be a physical type, and INT/MND if you want to be a more mage type.

                              Personally the equasons of Breath Weapons dont seem to be as strong as they should be, and are realy confusing. Thoug it could be tested to see if a BLU can statck on tones and tones of HP gear and use shortime Breath Spams on gods or somthing. Might work.

                              Art done by Fred Perry.


                              • #30
                                Re: My spells are getting resisted a lot.

                                even without modifiers, STR remains the single most important stat as it sets the base dmg for any attack. In other words, don't go out of your way sacrificing STR for DEX or lolCHR. I've only done sporadic testing but have mostly seen no difference or actually doing less dmg. Modifiers only really kick in at 50% or higher, and those are most STR modifiers anyway.

                                Red + Blue = Purple Mage!

