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  • #61

    He will ask you a series of questions… the answers are as followed:
    - Forge
    - Occasionally
    - Read the scroll
    - Without
    - Mix
    - If
    - Cut
    - Grant
    - End
    - Follow
    Ok, I've done this like 8 times using those same answers, and I still don't have the job unlocked, help me! I've heard it's a bit random, are there any other factors that influence this? Like day/moonphase/certain way to face/sacrifice a tarutaru etc?

    You have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be misqouted and then used against you.

    I don't have a big ego, it just has a large mouth.


    • #62

      are you gonna contune this guide?
      "Death shall seek you out, If death fails, I promise you, i wont." ~ Srxjo (me)
      "My lips are stained scarlet red from my blood" ~Srxjo (me)
      "The greatest pain in this world is losing that which is closest to ones own heart" ~Srxjo (me)


      • #63

        Spazz could you post your Slf Renaki Guide please
        "Death shall seek you out, If death fails, I promise you, i wont." ~ Srxjo (me)
        "My lips are stained scarlet red from my blood" ~Srxjo (me)
        "The greatest pain in this world is losing that which is closest to ones own heart" ~Srxjo (me)


        • #64

          Man... it's been what? 7 monthes since this thread had a reply 0_0 hmmmm.... I guess this means that Spazz couldn't submit the other chapters of his guide eh? =/ But I must say, his work so far is great and hepful which kept me content, because to be honest, I like exploring the jobs on my own Anyway, as that pig said in the time where cussing was not on TV but cartoon violence was, "that's all folks!" (what was his name? hmmm....)

          <Or did Spazz make his guide on a new thread?>


          • #65
            Re: SPAZZ's BLUE MAGE GUIDE

            Originally posted by Sergeant View Post
            youll see why we BLU/THF DESTROYS BLU/NIN in the DD arena.
            How, when you're fighting face to face? I'm just curious, I couldn't see it in the whole post.

            Originally posted by Luthric View Post
            Man... it's been what? 7 monthes since this thread had a reply 0_0
            I can't even believe Aht Urhgan has been out for 7 months already. Damn time goes fast!

            In wilderness is the preservation of the world.


            • #66
              Re: SPAZZ's BLUE MAGE GUIDE

              Wow guys.... so.... i've finally read over all the comments posted and i just wanted to say that Im thrilled that this guide has helped so many people. I am truly sorry for the lack of a complete guide. ...

              I did finish the guide... I submitted it on a new website with full intention of posting it on every website I was apart of ... Allakazham, FFXIOnline, KillingIfrit, etc. Shortly after, my computer went down and I havent had steady access to a computer in many many months. Long story short lets just say Thunderstorm + Weak Surge Protection = Fried PC ....

              I have just rebuilt my PC and am back online! I will try to find my guide online and see about posting the rest. . . That is if people want it?



              • #67
                Re: SPAZZ's BLUE MAGE GUIDE

                np and wb man! Got new stuff to contribute

                Main Jobs- Rdm 60 Smn 31 Bst 28 Blu 27

                The Quetzlcoatl Gimp's SS Gallery


                • #68
                  Re: SPAZZ's BLUE MAGE GUIDE

                  Good Work!
                  Last edited by *Jaydin*; 01-30-2008, 09:46 PM.


                  • #69
                    Re: SPAZZ's BLUE MAGE GUIDE

                    Thanks for the guide I plan on becoming a Thief but will pick up Blue Mage and switch Thief to my sub probably.


                    • #70
                      Re: SPAZZ's BLUE MAGE GUIDE

                      very nice guide

                      one thing id like to add is that drk doesnt get the absorb spells untill the 40's, so even a 75 BLU wouldnt get them


                      • #71
                        Re: SPAZZ's BLUE MAGE GUIDE

                        This is a great guide, i've found it very useful. I'd like to suggest a couple changes though.

                        Under learning blue magic, it says you need to be within viewing distance of the monster when it uses the move. This is not entirely true, it is possible to learn a blue spell without being anywhere near the monster, or even being close enough to get the message about the power being used. I've learned blue spells without being close enough to get exp for the kill. I've learned spells without even knowing my party was fighting. As far as i can tell, the only requirement in regards to distance is that you need to be in the same zone.

                        You must be alive when the monster is defeated. But it's not necessary to be alive when it uses the power.

                        You've also stated that you must be within a certain level of the spell you're trying to learn, to learn it. Your chances of learning a spell are not affected by your level. They are affected by your blue magic skill. If you're level 60, but your blue magic skill is only 40, you can't learn a spell 10 levels higher than you, or even 20 levels lower than you. Because of this, the level range at which you can learn spells can also be augmented by gear that enhances blue magic skill, like blu af top, and the relic headgear.

                        It's true that for levels 1-50, if your blue magic is capped, you can learn blue spells that are up to 10 levels higher than you. But after 50 the rate at which blue magic caps per level increases. From 50-75, you can only learn spells up to 6 levels higher than you, if your blue magic is capped. This is not counting gear or level cap effects that could change your blue magic skill level.

                        I think that you should note the benefits of utsusemi when using a /nin sub. /thf is a better DD support job, and i use it in all parties. But when soloing, like in campaign for instance, i prefer to sub /nin for utsusemi:ni and that extra sword. /thf is better in a group, but when you're alone, utsusemi can save your life. Zephye Mantle at 65 doesn't compare to utsu:ni.

                        Also MP Drainkiss is one of the most underated spells ever. I'll synch to any level to fight Colibri; with blu af hat (+10% to monster correlation effect) i can steal up to 160-mp from them every minute and a half. I usually average 110-mp per use on colibri, with blu af hat, af body, and magic attack gear.

                        Good work on the guide, i hope you keep it up.

                        Death to all who challenge the Immortals.
                        Originally posted by Arctic Wolf View Post
                        Originally posted by Sergeant View Post
                        youll see why we BLU/THF DESTROYS BLU/NIN in the DD arena.
                        How, when you're fighting face to face? I'm just curious, I couldn't see it in the whole post.
                        I have to agree with you here. I'm pretty sure that 1 on 1, a blu/nin will win against a blu/thf. One on one, the /thf gets no Sneak Attack (can't get behind him, unless he pulls something tricky like Yawn to sleep, and go around) and the /nin will have utsusemi:ni. Even with a sleep attempt, the /thf would have to get the spell off while the /nin's utsusemi is down.

                        I'm not trying to argue against /thf on blu, i think it's the best DD sub. But in a one on one, blu/nin would win.
                        Last edited by Shiz; 11-20-2008, 08:02 AM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost


                        • #72
                          Re: SPAZZ's BLUE MAGE GUIDE

                          Originally posted by Shiz View Post
                          This is a great guide, i've found it very useful. I'd like to suggest a couple changes though.

                          Under learning blue magic, it says you need to be within viewing distance of the monster when it uses the move. This is not entirely true, it is possible to learn a blue spell without being anywhere near the monster, or even being close enough to get the message about the power being used. I've learned blue spells without being close enough to get exp for the kill. I've learned spells without even knowing my party was fighting. As far as i can tell, the only requirement in regards to distance is that you need to be in the same zone.

                          You must be alive when the monster is defeated. But it's not necessary to be alive when it uses the power.

                          You've also stated that you must be within a certain level of the spell you're trying to learn, to learn it. Your chances of learning a spell are not affected by your level. They are affected by your blue magic skill. If you're level 60, but your blue magic skill is only 40, you can't learn a spell 10 levels higher than you, or even 20 levels lower than you. Because of this, the level range at which you can learn spells can also be augmented by gear that enhances blue magic skill, like blu af top, and the relic headgear.

                          It's true that for levels 1-50, if your blue magic is capped, you can learn blue spells that are up to 10 levels higher than you. But after 50 the rate at which blue magic caps per level increases. From 50-75, you can only learn spells up to 6 levels higher than you, if your blue magic is capped. This is not counting gear or level cap effects that could change your blue magic skill level.

                          I think that you should note the benefits of utsusemi when using a /nin sub. /thf is a better DD support job, and i use it in all parties. But when soloing, like in campaign for instance, i prefer to sub /nin for utsusemi:ni and that extra sword. /thf is better in a group, but when you're alone, utsusemi can save your life. Zephye Mantle at 65 doesn't compare to utsu:ni.

                          Also MP Drainkiss is one of the most underated spells ever. I'll synch to any level to fight Colibri; with blu af hat (+10% to monster correlation effect) i can steal up to 160-mp from them every minute and a half. I usually average 110-mp per use on colibri, with blu af hat, af body, and magic attack gear.

                          Good work on the guide, i hope you keep it up.
                          You did notice this guide is over 2 years old now, Right? It hasn't been updated since 2006. On a sidenote I think your additions to the guide are somewhat helpful.

                          Originally posted by Shiz View Post

                          I have to agree with you here. I'm pretty sure that 1 on 1, a blu/nin will win against a blu/thf. One on one, the /thf gets no Sneak Attack (can't get behind him, unless he pulls something tricky like Yawn to sleep, and go around) and the /nin will have utsusemi:ni. Even with a sleep attempt, the /thf would have to get the spell off while the /nin's utsusemi is down.

                          I'm not trying to argue against /thf on blu, i think it's the best DD sub. But in a one on one, blu/nin would win.
                          I think in 1V1 it would depend more on if the BLU/NIN could get and keep shadows up. If they were starting with 0 buffs, first spell I'd be casting is something to Stun Utsu:ni which may or may not be countered by the /NIN trying to stun the /THF so he can get shadows up. With the multihit spells that BLU has, it is possible that the shadows could be rendered useless.
                          Last edited by Durahansolo; 11-20-2008, 08:36 AM.
                          {New Sig in the works}
                          "There will come a day when the world will realize that Superman can no longer create miracles. If my name was Superman, that day would be today." 4/29/2009 - Me

                          Originally posted by Aksannyi
                          "Hello! 100+3 Leathercrafting, your materials, 5k! Mention code LTH74 for a special discount!" - they'd get blisted by everyone they sent that to.
                          Originally posted by Solymir
                          What do you have against Ants? Is iVirus some new Apple product?


                          • #73
                            Re: SPAZZ's BLUE MAGE GUIDE

                            Just.... wow... it has been over 2 years since I wrote this... and people are still reading it. Thats kinda... scary... and awesome!



                            • #74
                              Re: SPAZZ's BLUE MAGE GUIDE

                              I'm feeling really stupid necroing this thread, but I do have a question about BLU.

                              How does learning Blue Magic work in relations to parties?

                              Do you need to be hit by the spell or can someone in your party be? So basically, can you take a passive role(like a healer) and still learn the spell?
                              Last edited by The Milkman; 07-06-2009, 04:40 AM.


                              • #75
                                Re: SPAZZ's BLUE MAGE GUIDE

                                Someone in your party/alliance has to land the killing blow on the mob on the mob the party is fighting and you have a chance.
                                Barsha: Sam 85 Blm 85 Blu 85 Drg 75 Rdm 78 Whm 49 Thf 49 War 49 Dnc 42 Nin 49 Drk 33
                                Alchemy 23 Cooking 23
                                Bastok 6-1 COP complete AU complete ZM complete WotG Wings Of Glory

