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Blue magic learning guide

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  • Blue magic learning guide

    Here's a list of the mob types to target to learn your blue magic up to level 60, and their locations. This is not a list of all the mobs that can teach you the skill, only convenient targets that are available when you reach the required level to learn the spell. I've tried to include targets that are easy prey for that level, some that might be proper fodder for an experience party, and some middle ground targets for skillups and the like. However, you can learn blue magic from any mob of the appropriate family provided you can kill it, or can get a high level person in your party to kill it for you.

    Levels 1-34[code]Blue Magic Level Mob Family Zones (Level range)

    Foot Kick 1 Rabbit Ronfaure (1, 1-5), Sarutabaruta (1-5, 1-6), Palborough (2-6), Dangruf (6-8)
    Pollen 1 Bee Gustaberg (1-6), Sarutabaruta (1-8), La Theine (8-12)
    Sandspin 1 Worm Ronfaure (1-5), Gustaberg (1-5), Giddeus(3-5, 10-12)
    Power Attack 4 Beetle Ronfaure (3-6), Palborough (9-12), Horutoto (11-16)
    Sprout Smack 4 Sapling Gustaberg (2-6), La Theine (7-10), Tahrongi (7-10)
    Wild Oats 4 Mandragora Sarutabaruta (1-6), Tahrongi (7-11), Buburimu (15-18)
    Cocoon 8 Crawler Sarutabaruta (3-8), Tahrongi (11-13), Buburimu (20-23)
    Metallic Body 8 Crab Ronfaure (3-6), Gustaberg (1-6), Sarutabaruta (1-6)
    Queasyshroom 8 Funguar Ronfaure (3-6), La Theine (11-16)
    Battle Dance 12 Orc Ronfaure (3-8), Ghelsba (3-9, 8-10, 11-16), La Theine (8-10, 12-16), Jugner/C Landing (16-20)
    Feather Storm 12 Yagudo Sarutabaruta (4-8), Giddeus (3-10, 11-18), Tahrongi (8-10, 12-16), Merhphitaud (16-20)
    Head Butt 12 Quadav Gustaberg (3-8), Palborough (3-10, 11-18), Konschtat (8-10, 10-16), Pashhow (16-20)
    Healing Breeze 16 Dhalmel Tahrongi (14-16), Buburimu (20-23)
    Helldive 16 Bird La Theine/Tahrongi (9-13), Jugner/Meriphitaud (15-18), Buburimu (20-23)
    Sheep Song 16 Sheep Ronfaure/Gustaberg (5-8), La Theine/Konschtat (11-13), Valkurm (20-23)
    Blastbomb 18 Warmachine Ghelsba Outpost (8-10), Fort Ghelsba (16-18)
    Bludgeon 18 Cardian Outer Horutoto (Fours:10-14, Fives:15-19, Sixes:20-24)
    Cursed Sphere 18 Fly Pashhow/Meriphitaud (18-21), Valkurm (20-23), Batallia (22-26)
    Blood Drain 20 Giant Bat La Theine (11-14), Valkurm/Ordelle/Inner Horutoto (17-20), Ordelle/Zi'tah (26-28)
    Claw Cyclone 20 Tiger Jugner/C Landing (22-25), Batallia/Sauromugue (28-32)
    Poison Breath 22 Hound Jugner/Pashhow/Meriphitaud (18-25), Gusgen (21-24, 28-31)
    Soporific 24 Flytrap Phanauet Channel (15-25), C Landing (18-22, 23-27, 29-33)
    Screwdriver 26 Pugil Jugner/Pashhow/C Landing(17-20), Valkurm (23-26), Buburimu (24-28), Qufim (28-30), Yuhtunga (35-38)
    Bomb Toss 28 Goblin Valkurm/Ordelle/Buburimu (17-20, 22-25) Yuhtunga (32-37), Yhoator (35-39)
    Grand Slam 30 Gigas Qufim (28-31), Delkfutt's (27-35), Korroloka (35-37), Lufaise (35-38)
    Chaotic Eye 32 Coeurl Meriphitaud (22-25), Sauromugue (30-34), Yuhtunga (35-38), Attohwa (37-39)
    Sound Blast 32 Cockatrice Meriphitaud (25-28), Sauromugue (34-37)
    Death Ray 34 Hecteyes Ranguemont (31-34, 35-38), Attohwa (35-38), Eldieme (41-43)
    Smite of Rage 34 Evil Weapon Jugner/Meriphitaud (25-27), Qufim/Outer Horutoto (28-30), Rolanberry/Batallia/Sauromugue (36-38) [/code]Levels 36-60[code]Blue Magic Level Mob Family Zones (Level range)

    Digest 36 Slime Ordelle/Shakhrami (26-28), Gusgen (27-29, 31-34), SSG (39-42)
    Pinecone Bomb 36 Treant Jugner (25-28), Batallia (35-37)
    Jet Stream 38 Bat Triplet Delkfutt's (27-29), Movalpolos (31-35), SSG (36-39), Toraimarai (45-47)
    Uppercut 38 Goobbue Rolanberry (28-32), Zi'tah (40-42)
    Mysterious Light 40 Magic Pot Delkfutt's (28-29, 31-32, 34-35), Fei'yin (41-43), Garlaige (44-45)
    Terror Touch 40 Ghost Valkurm (28-30), Delkfutt's (30-32, 32-33, 34-35), Zarcabard (43-46)
    MP Drainkiss 42 Leech Qufim (32-34), Lufaise (33-36), SSG (35-38), Zi'tah (35-40, 42-45)
    Venom Shell 42 Uragnite Manaclipper (30-37), Purgonorgo (32-25)
    Blitzstrahl 44 Doll Delkfutt's (31-32, 33-34), Beaucedine (37-39), Fei'yin (41-43)
    Mandibular Bite 44 Antlion Attohwa (38-40, 41-44, 45-46, 49-51)
    Stinking Gas 44 Doomed Phomiuna (36-38, 45-47), Garlaige (54-56, 63-65)
    Awful Eye 46 Bugard Lufaise/Misareaux (34-37, 40-43)
    Geist Wall 46 Eft Bibiki (31-36, 76-78)
    Magnetite Cloud 46 Antica Altepa (35-39, 41-45, 44-49, 50-52)
    Blood Saber 48 Skeleton Gusgen (33-36), Garlaige (42-43, 47-49, 52-55), Toraimarai (52-55)
    Jettatura 48 Hippogryph Riverne#A01 (40-42, 45-47), Riverne#B01 (49-52, 55-57)
    Refueling 48 Cluster Lufaise (38-40, 44-46), Misareaux (44-46), Riverne#A01 (46-48), Riverne#B01 (56-58)
    Sickle Slash 48 Spider Altepa East (38-40), Altepa West (40-44), Quicksands (51-55)
    Frightful Roar 50 Taurus Sacrarium (47-49, 57-59), Uleguerand (68-71, 72-75, 79-82)
    Ice Break 50 Golem Beaucedine (40-42), Fei'yin (43-45, 56-58), Zi'tah (56-58)
    Self-Destruct 50 Bomb Gusgen (35-38), Garliage (43-45, 52-53, 59-62), Zi'tah (47-49)
    Cold Wave 52 Snoll Pso'xja (43-46, 57-58), Uleguerand (60-63)
    Filamented Hold 52 Diremite Pso'xja (42-45, 57-59), Shrouded Maw (43-45)
    Hecatomb Wave 54 Demon Xarcabard (48-52, 50-52), Zvahl Baileys (48-52, 50-52, 57-59, 64-66), Zvahl Keep (52-56)
    Radiant Breath 54 Wyvern Riverne#A01 (41-43, 48-50), Riverne#A01 (52-55, 58-60)
    Feather Barrier 56 Greater Bird Altepa East (47-50), Misareaux (47-51), Riverne#B01 (49-53), Altepa West (57-60)
    Flying Hip Press 58 Bugbear Oldton Movalpolos (42-45), Newton Movalpolos (65-67)
    Light of Penance 58 Tonberry Yhoator (45-49, 61-63), Pso'xja (53-60), Uggelepih (51-59, 61-67), Rancor (62-65, 66-69)
    Magic Fruit 58 Opo-opo Yhoator (40-44), Uggalepih (51-54), Ifrit's Cauldron (61-65)
    Death Scissors 60 Scorpion Altepa East (44-47), Crawler's Nest (45-47, 53-55, 60-62), Attohwa (67-69)
    Dimensional Death 60 Shadow Fei'yin (44-46, 55-58), Eldieme (46-48, 52-54, 57-59, 64-66)
    [/code]Levels 61-75 (Contributions appreciated)[code]Bad Breath 61 Morbol Yuhtunga (45-48), Yhoator (51-54), Riverne#B01 (55-58)
    Eyes On Me 61 Ahriman Xarcabard (45-48), Zvahl Baileys (46-48, 52-55, 63-65), Zvahl Keep (46-48, 52-53, 55-56)
    Maelstrom 61 Sea Monk SSG(47-50, 66-69), Onzozo(55-59)
    1000 Needles 62 Sabotender Altepa West (48-53), Quicksands (52-59, 62-68), Kuftal (64-67)
    Body Slam 62 Dragon Xarcabard (52-53)
    Memento Mori 62 Corse Attohwa (66-67, 75-81)
    Frenetic Rip 63 Imp (Aht Urhgan)
    Frypan 63 Moblin Oldton Movalpolos (46-47), Newton Movalpolos (66-69, 75-79)
    Hydro Shot 63 Sahagin SSG (41-48, 52-59, 62-72)
    Spinal Cleave 63 Qutrub (Aht Urhgan)
    Feather Tickle 64 Colibri (Aht Urhgan)
    Voracious Trunk 64 Marid (Aht Urhgan)
    Yawn 64 Apkallu (Aht Urhgan)
    Infrasonics 65 Lizard Crawler's Nest (49-51), Attohwa (47-49, 65-67), Pso'xja (52-58, 65-68, 73-77)
    Frost Breath 66 Raptor Kuftal (65-68), Terrigan/VoS (66-69), Uleguerand (68-70)
    Sandspray 66 Qiqirn (Aht Urhgan)
    Diamondhide 67 Troll (armor) (Aht Urhgan)
    Enervation 67 Troll(unarmored)Aht Urhgan)
    Firespit 68 Mamool (mage) (Aht Urhgan)
    Warm-Up 68 Mamool (melee) (Aht Urhgan)
    Hysteric Barrage 69 Lamia (Aht Urhgan)
    Tail Slap 69 Merrow (Aht Urhgan)
    Amplification 70 Flan (Aht Urhgan)
    Cannonball 70 Wamoura (Aht Urhgan)
    Heat Breath 71 Manticore Altepa West (53-57), Onzozo (71-74), Terrigan (76-79)
    Lowing 71 Buffalo Uleguerand (62-65, 68-71, 79-82)
    Disseverment 72 Aern Al'Taieu (70-73, 75-78)
    Saline Coat 72 Xzomit Al'Taieu (68-71, 76-76)
    Ram Charge 73 Ram La Theine/Konschtat (21-23), Lufaise (81-83)
    Temporal Shift 73 Hpemde Al'Taieu (68-72, 68-76)
    Actinic Burst 74 Ghrah Hu'Xzoi (75-76), Ru'Hmet (79-81)
    Reactor Cool 74 Zdei Ru'Hmet (76-80), Hu'Xzoi (77-78)
    Plasma Charge 75 Phuabo Al'Taieu (75-76, 79-81)
    Vertical Cleave 75 Euvhi Al'Taieu (74-76), Hu'Xzoi (74-76), Ru'Hmet (78-80)[/code]Remember these guidelines when hunting blue magic:
    • Your main job must be set to blu to learn.
    • The mob must use the ability you wish to learn during the fight.*
    • You cannot be "too far from the battle to gain experience."
    • You cannot learn blue magic that is too high above your level.*
    • It is not necessary to be hit or even targeted by the ability to learn it.
    • You can't learn an ability if you're dead when the mob dies.
    The rules marked with an asterisk were listed in the April 17th patch notes, but have been reported to be untrue.
    Last edited by Taskmage; 06-20-2006, 10:14 AM.
    lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone

  • #2
    Re: Blue magic learning guide (1-30)

    Bludgeon from the cardians in Horutoto?


    • #3
      Re: Blue magic learning guide (1-30)

      Yes! Thank you, I was missing that information. Adding it now.
      lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


      • #4
        Re: Blue magic learning guide (1-30)

        It seems likely that it's actually quadav headbutt, not mandragora headbutt; it fits the pattern better with orc and yagudo skills at the same level. Gustaberg, Konschtat, Palborough.

        Similarly, I think the poison breath is probably hound poison breath; no other monster has two blue magics, so why would crawlers? Hounds pop at night in Ronfaure and Gustaberg, not sure about Saruta; they can also be found in Gusgen (as well as higher level places, of course).

        Claw Cyclone is a tiger WS (the rabbit one is Whirl Claws). Jugner is the lowest level place for tigers I know of.
        Defeated: Maat, Divine Might, Fenrir, Kirin, Cactrot Rapido, Xolotl, Diabolos Prime, Kurrea, 9/10 Dynamis Bosses (missing Tav), Promathia, Proto-Ultima, Proto-Omega, 4 Jailers, Apocalypse Nigh, 6/6 Nyzul Bosses
        RDM90, PLD90, DRG90, COR90, SCH90, BLU54
        All Nations Rank 10, ZMs & PMs Complete, AUMs Complete, Captain, Nyzul Floor 100 (5 Weapons, 4 WS), Medal of Altana, WotG Mission 15, 1/3 Addons Complete, 9/9 Abyssea Main Quests, 6/6 Caturae


        • #5
          Re: Blue magic learning guide (1-30)

          Thanks for the corrections. Hard to know about the mob skills with the same name, but your logic makes sense so I'll go ahead and change it.
          lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


          • #6
            Re: Blue magic learning guide (1-30)

            If you already know.. Can you learn Blue Magic with BLU as subjob? ;p

            War75 Thf75 Pld75 Sam75 Mnk75 Rdm75 Nin75 Bard 75


            • #7
              Re: Blue magic learning guide (1-30)

              I'm not sure if anything on this list is accurate, I've been fighting for hours, and havn't learned a single thing from anything on the list.


              • #8
                Re: Blue magic learning guide (1-30)

                Hmmm. Did the mob use the skill against you? Maybe you need certain level to acquire it? Or something you got to do first before you can learn the skill x.x Like an elemantal Item that can "write" the skill on it. I don't know just guessing, I read about some elemantal items.

                War75 Thf75 Pld75 Sam75 Mnk75 Rdm75 Nin75 Bard 75


                • #9
                  Re: Blue magic learning guide (1-30)

                  Nice guide, too bad I can't use it yet
                  I think its going take me at least another week before I'll hit level 30 and be able to unlock advanced jobs.


                  • #10
                    Re: Blue magic learning guide (1-30)

                    It seems the chance that you learn an ability is completely random, but it does have to use it during the fight. I learned Foot Kick at level five, have yet to learn Sand Spin, or Power Attack.

                    I found it easier to hit it until it's near death, and then turn your back until it uses a weapon skill then kill it. The chances of it using the one you want are too good, but you don't want to wait around for it to use another one. Once you've learned something, you can turn your back and spam it to skill up.


                    • #11
                      Re: Blue magic learning guide (1-30)

                      Originally posted by Impaction
                      I found it easier to hit it until it's near death, and then turn your back until it uses a weapon skill then kill it.
                      Should ask a friend to cure me while trying to learn those skills. ^^

                      War75 Thf75 Pld75 Sam75 Mnk75 Rdm75 Nin75 Bard 75


                      • #12
                        Re: Blue magic learning guide (1-30)

                        As stated in the OP, your main job must be set to blu to learn, the mob must use the ability you wish to learn during the fight, and you must meet the minimum level requirement to learn the spell. You can't learn Power Attack until level 4 or Metallic Body until level 8, even if you see a mob use the ability and kill it before then.

                        There may be inaccuracies in the list, especially if there are multiple mob TP moves with the same name, like the ones Karinya pointed out. I made this list by checking ffxicylopedia for the mob families of the TP moves I didn't recognize and using somepage's mob search to find targets in that family in a reasonable level range for when you hit the minimum required level for each spell.
                        lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


                        • #13
                          Re: Blue magic learning guide (1-30)

                          BLU mage was supposed to be fun, but right now, only level 4, I'm extremely frustrated at my inability to learn any skills -_-


                          • #14
                            Re: Blue magic learning guide (1-30)

                            Is the problem that the random chance to learn the skill just isn't ever kicking in?
                            lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


                            • #15
                              Re: Blue magic learning guide (1-30)

                              Originally posted by Taskmage
                              Is the problem that the random chance to learn the skill just isn't ever kicking in?
                              No, it's that I've held 40 different rabbits on me for as long as possible and they have not ONCE used any skill that I can learn. Same applies to all other mobs. Level 5 atm and they NEVER use anything I can learn.

