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  • Tractor?

    What does the tractor spell do? Yes, I've already looked at the spell lists on two sites. The only info stated is, "Teleport a dead body to location where cast from". As a great man once said, "I don't get it". Can someone explain this spell to me please? What is the point of teleporting a dead body if we do not have to do corpse runs in this game? What am I missing here? And what does it mean to teleport a dead body to location where cast from anyways??? Does it mean I teleport it to my current location? Well wouldn't I be standing next to it if I was casting a spell on it?

    Also, one more black mage question... the level 20 BLM innate ability is "Conserve MP" which states less MP usage for magic. How much MP do you save? Are MP cut in half (50%). Is it 30% of normal cost? 70% of normal cost? Does it depend on the spell? Does it depend on your level? If anyone can tell me I'd really appreciate it.

    Thanks in advance to anyone who can answer my questions.
    :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:

  • #2
    I think maybe it means the dead body will be moved to where you casted to spell from? Not sure though... :sweat:


    • #3
      But if you were away from the body, how do you target it? And again, how is this a benefit?


      • #4
        The benefit is not having to be raised in a place that might have powerful argo monsters and being raised in a safer place with the rest of your PT.
        Rude, but not wrong. ;x
        Rank 10 Bastok, Rank 10 San d'Oria, Rank 10 Windurst
        'Rize of the Zilart' Missions: Completed
        'Chains of Promathia' Missions: Completed
        Treasures of Aht Urhgan Missions: #8
        Private First Class
        Purple: O | Brown: O | Black X ;-;
        Mee Deggi the Punisher: 1/1 (no help, no TH)
        "I Kill For Fun, Meng!!" - Tony


        • #5
          Tractor is a great spell.

          Ill give you a scenario:
          Someone just died and the monster is dead. But the are many monsters around the dead body. The blm with tractor (lvl25) casts it on the dead body to bring to safe spot. THe dead person gets a msg, it says do you want to be moved, so say yes. The dead body moves to the spot of the blm. Then if you need to move again use it again until all danger is clear. Then whm will use raise and the person is alive again.

          Also: Any if you are a lvl 50 whm you can sub blm 25 to use tractor.
          lvl 75 whm/ 37 blm/ 26 thf/ 65 rdm/ 26 war/ 56 mnk/anon bst/ 15 brd/ 5 rng/ 9 pld/ drk N/A (to lazy to do quest)/ 37 SMN/ 1 sam/ 2 nin/ 5 drg


          • #6
            Conserve MP works half the time or random amounts of time.
            It is half mp yes. Lets say I am a whm 50/blm 25. I use raise for 150 mp and conserve mp kicks in. It would only cost 75 mp. Conserve mp ability kicks in randomly. It doesnt happen all the time. Nor it happens 50 percent of the time. That is why also subing blm is good for whm. Conserve mp just happens.
            lvl 75 whm/ 37 blm/ 26 thf/ 65 rdm/ 26 war/ 56 mnk/anon bst/ 15 brd/ 5 rng/ 9 pld/ drk N/A (to lazy to do quest)/ 37 SMN/ 1 sam/ 2 nin/ 5 drg


            • #7
              Now I get it. Great, thanks for the info. I know you said Conserve MP is random, but overall, do you see it work often or only occasionally? Something could be random that you only see once out of 100 times or something could be random that you see about 7 out of 10 times overall. If you could just clarify how random it is I would appreciate it. I really want to know because the answer may very well affect my decision to choose BLM as a sub. Thanks.


              • #8
                conserve MP helps a lot. it happens quite often for me. but not noticable in a couple spells.

                I used to stand in jeuno training my magic skill for hours casting the same spell over and over until i can't cast anymore due to lack of MP.
                The MP i got left before i can't cast varies a lot sometimes down to 10, sometimes up to 60.
                There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
                but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
                transform a yellow spot into the sun.

                - Pablo Picasso


                • #9



                  • #10
                    Tractor used to be bugged, it still somewhat is because of the range it has. Tractor only moves body to where the blm casted the spell.

                    When you try tractoring someone in an area with different levels, it might move the body to the lower one. Dying also makes bodies change position slightly from where they were when standing. Came across this problem in Rancor Den where dead bodies kept falling to the lower levels and tractor worked on bringing back up some bodies but not others.

                    Conserve is hella random, I casted burst once, almost 400 MP spell and it was like 100 MP lol.
                    RageOfDark & Rinoa.Nu


                    • #11
                      Does conserve MP affect the cost to summon and maintain summoned monsters for Summoners?

