I play on the Alexander server, and every day I seem to run into more and more low level black mages. My last 5 parties I was with a black mage (one with two of them). And 3/5 of those parties, we where doing skill chains/MBs...
I thought I'd never see another MB since ToAU came out... I don't have an issue with this, infact I am glad. But are BLMs really starting to make a come back? And we are finally leaving the TP burn era of FFXI, and re-enteruing a SC/MB era?
I thought I'd never see another MB since ToAU came out... I don't have an issue with this, infact I am glad. But are BLMs really starting to make a come back? And we are finally leaving the TP burn era of FFXI, and re-enteruing a SC/MB era?