Hi there,
I have some questions after my last party for my Black Mage.
I was in a party with the following setup :
PLD(set with THF) > THF(set with PLD) > WHM > MNK (my friend) > DRK > BLM (me)
We are having a level sync party at level 68. Camp would be at Mamool Ja Staging Point right outside the staging point nearing the small hill, killing Puks.
We have no refresher, but were doin fine and chaining exp chain 5 constantly.
The problem starts after 10 minute the party commence. The PLD and THF along with the WHM are Jap players and they have alot of party chat goin on. After the 1st 10 minute, they were asking me not to use Ancient Magic such as Flare and Freeze. I understand their concern, since it will be a waste of mp(without refresher), so i stopped using it. But the real problem comes after they asked me to stop using Blizzard III on Iceday, Thunder III on lightning day, which i found particularly weird. Don't coressponding spells on their elemental day makes them stronger? They said will give them more tp. but to my understanding, puks are wind based monster, hence Blizzard III should be effective on them. Coupled with with Iceday, wasn't it supposed to be an added bonus?
I was starting the kill with Choke, Burn and Shock, Bio on the mob. Didn't use Paralyze because it won't stick on it (capped Enfeebling Magic). Wait till 40 % for the tank to get enuf hate before i start the Tier III spell. Never draw hate, help to land the final blow, and even backup healing. Even did a few Magic Burst from the skillchain Impaction. But my Jap party member keep reminding me no Thunder NO Thunder day, NO Blizzard on Iceday, and says " Enfeebling Magic O, Healing Magic O, Elemental Magic little". Which i found weird, since a blm main job is to help deal dmg. I won't dare to say i did a good job, but my fren was laughing saying that "Maybe they don't want you to nuke at all" in /tells. My spells was not resisted much as i got alot of INT gear and food (+31). So my question is WHAT DO THEY ACTUALLY MEAN and WANT? i couldn't understand the chat they was saying in Japanese, and i don't think Puks start with full tp on iceday right?
Can anyone please explain what do they mean? (;-
Thanks alot
PS : Only THF are doing enuf dmg, the DRK is not , and was not refreshed and mp is low most of the time.
I have some questions after my last party for my Black Mage.
I was in a party with the following setup :
PLD(set with THF) > THF(set with PLD) > WHM > MNK (my friend) > DRK > BLM (me)
We are having a level sync party at level 68. Camp would be at Mamool Ja Staging Point right outside the staging point nearing the small hill, killing Puks.
We have no refresher, but were doin fine and chaining exp chain 5 constantly.
The problem starts after 10 minute the party commence. The PLD and THF along with the WHM are Jap players and they have alot of party chat goin on. After the 1st 10 minute, they were asking me not to use Ancient Magic such as Flare and Freeze. I understand their concern, since it will be a waste of mp(without refresher), so i stopped using it. But the real problem comes after they asked me to stop using Blizzard III on Iceday, Thunder III on lightning day, which i found particularly weird. Don't coressponding spells on their elemental day makes them stronger? They said will give them more tp. but to my understanding, puks are wind based monster, hence Blizzard III should be effective on them. Coupled with with Iceday, wasn't it supposed to be an added bonus?
I was starting the kill with Choke, Burn and Shock, Bio on the mob. Didn't use Paralyze because it won't stick on it (capped Enfeebling Magic). Wait till 40 % for the tank to get enuf hate before i start the Tier III spell. Never draw hate, help to land the final blow, and even backup healing. Even did a few Magic Burst from the skillchain Impaction. But my Jap party member keep reminding me no Thunder NO Thunder day, NO Blizzard on Iceday, and says " Enfeebling Magic O, Healing Magic O, Elemental Magic little". Which i found weird, since a blm main job is to help deal dmg. I won't dare to say i did a good job, but my fren was laughing saying that "Maybe they don't want you to nuke at all" in /tells. My spells was not resisted much as i got alot of INT gear and food (+31). So my question is WHAT DO THEY ACTUALLY MEAN and WANT? i couldn't understand the chat they was saying in Japanese, and i don't think Puks start with full tp on iceday right?
Can anyone please explain what do they mean? (;-

Thanks alot
PS : Only THF are doing enuf dmg, the DRK is not , and was not refreshed and mp is low most of the time.