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Thinking about become a blm/summonner (plzzzzz anwser me:))

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  • Thinking about become a blm/summonner (plzzzzz anwser me:))

    This is my problem:
    I want to become a blm/sumonner but if I take summonner as a sub job, will I get the auto-refresh ability. (hope so)
    :p :mad: :confused: :angel: :spin: :sweat: :dead: :p :mad: :confused: :angel: :spin: :sweat: :dead: :p :mad: :confused: :angel: :spin: :sweat: :dead:
    My character:

    Earth Spirit
    Air Spirit

  • #2
    BLM/SMN is the worst job combo
    mad mp yes, but you cant heal and blms are a back-up healer in pts
    This combo just wont work out in pting, you need to sub whm for blm no doubt about it. Without whm sub your pt will be in trouble.
    lvl 75 whm/ 37 blm/ 26 thf/ 65 rdm/ 26 war/ 56 mnk/anon bst/ 15 brd/ 5 rng/ 9 pld/ drk N/A (to lazy to do quest)/ 37 SMN/ 1 sam/ 2 nin/ 5 drg


    • #3
      "Worst" is taking a bit far.. It could work, considering you have a decent PT.. Whm Brd Blm, sure it's nice to be able to heal as a blm.. and probably expected in most pt's, it would probably only be worth it if you are a elvaan or galka.. since they have fairly low MP- other than that what nady said

      And yes 50blm/25smn would have auto-refresh


      • #4
        About 80-90% of the time while in party, Blackmage will most likely to cast Cure. Blackmage/Summoner could work out at earlier level, but at later level, bad bad combination.


        • #5
          Has the summoner no Spell to heal his pet?? ANd I think this combo will work fine. Your pet draws the aggro of the mob and you can fight it with your spells without have to fear that it will attacl you


          • #6
            Originally posted by hoizup@
            Has the summoner no Spell to heal his pet?? ANd I think this combo will work fine. Your pet draws the aggro of the mob and you can fight it with your spells without have to fear that it will attacl you
            i agree with that. In fact it is a prety good idea, go for it. As for finding a party just join a linc shell they will always be someone to party with then.
            During the 'space race' NASA spent millions of dollars into developing a pen that would work in zero gravity. The Russians used pencils...Sometimes the simplest ideas work best.


            • #7
              i ment it would greatily increase your chance of getteing a pt.
              As for everything else you said i can easily find a way for blm/sum would work well in a pt, but currentily i am to lazy to type it out.
              During the 'space race' NASA spent millions of dollars into developing a pen that would work in zero gravity. The Russians used pencils...Sometimes the simplest ideas work best.


              • #8
                "Worst" is taking a bit far.. It could work, considering you have a decent PT.. Whm Brd Blm, sure it's nice to be able to heal as a blm.. and probably expected in most pt's, it would probably only be worth it if you are a elvaan or galka.. since they have fairly low MP- other than that what nady said
                I will be an elvaan
                My character:

                Earth Spirit
                Air Spirit


                • #9
                  You can do what you want, but trust me, if there is a choice between....

                  a>. Blackmage/Summoner
                  b>. Blackmage/Whitemage

                  People will, with no doubt, choose b>. Blackmage/Whitemage.

                  You have to play the game to have a feel, you have to experience it, not speculate it. This has already been tested out, and Blackmage/Summoner just won't work as well as Blackmage/Whitemage.


                  • #10
                    As stated above, BLM/SMN doesn't work. As a BLM you are pretty much stuck with WHM sub. Even with BRD/RDM and WHM in PT, the BLM is expected to cure to help out the other mages and to maintain MP levels. When your average III level elemental spell costs over 100 MP and Ancient Spells costing over 300, MP regen (which recovers slower than Ballad2 and Refresh) is more or less useless.

