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Black Mage Partying?

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  • #31
    Re: Black Mage Partying?

    Since Level Sync I've actually gotten MOAR PT invites with BLM than I did before. So much so that I have to go off and Solo skill-ups as best I can, since I've now been killing crawlers in CN for a solid month....Not a lot of excitement, but the XP is fat and tasty.

    (\ /)
    ( . . )
    ...Somebunny loves you....

    ...That's "Little Washu", Bub....


    • #32
      Re: Black Mage Partying?

      I stopped playing right after ToAU came out so I haven't experienced this Level Sync thing. Theoretically, can't I just take my lvl 54 Black Mage and hang out at the Dunes waiting for a party? Then sync down when I get one?

      Also...what about taking 4 of your lvl 50+ friends to the Dunes, pick up a low level character you find there, sync down to them, party until that character outgrows the Dunes, then pick up another low level character and repeat?


      • #33
        Re: Black Mage Partying?

        Originally posted by esque View Post
        I stopped playing right after ToAU came out so I haven't experienced this Level Sync thing. Theoretically, can't I just take my lvl 54 Black Mage and hang out at the Dunes waiting for a party? Then sync down when I get one?

        Also...what about taking 4 of your lvl 50+ friends to the Dunes, pick up a low level character you find there, sync down to them, party until that character outgrows the Dunes, then pick up another low level character and repeat?
        I guess, but why would you want to? The dunes suck. As a blm you'd be better off making a mana burn especially after everyone has their elemental staves, so 51+.

        I feel so weak every time I've synced below level 51 on my BLM.

        EDIT: Blegh I contributed to a necro post!
        Last edited by Nataka; 04-22-2009, 12:48 PM.


        • #34
          Re: Black Mage Partying?

          Syncing in Qufim is actually worthwhile and better exp than some of the parties at later levels. Screw the Dunes though, that shit's not even fun.
          ~Mama Gamer~~Quitted July 2009/Bannt October 2009~~Excellence LS~
          ~I has a blog~~
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          • #35
            Re: Black Mage Partying?

            Originally posted by Aksannyi View Post
            Syncing in Qufim is actually worthwhile and better exp than some of the parties at later levels. Screw the Dunes though, that shit's not even fun.

            Using Thunder and Blizzard on the crabs and Pugils which are weak to both elements is just good fun. Thinking about it makes me want to level my Blm.
            "All of the biggest technological inventions created by man - the airplane, the automobile, the computer - says little about his intelligence, but speaks volumes about his laziness." - Mark Kennedy


            • #36
              Re: Black Mage Partying?

              Not to mention FoV ... makes it even more worthwhile.
              ~Mama Gamer~~Quitted July 2009/Bannt October 2009~~Excellence LS~
              ~I has a blog~~
              ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~


              • #37
                Re: Black Mage Partying?

                Thanks for replying! Oh, and sorry about the necropost thing. I get caught up in reading all these threads and forget to check the date. I'm coming back next month and have fond memories of partying as a black mage, so I really want to make it work.


                • #38
                  Re: Black Mage Partying?

                  Just tough it out until level 56.. it becomes so easy it's not funny from there on.

                  Manaburn at Vunkurl Inlet [S] and Aydeewa Subterrain (Spelling -.-) at 61. There is also solo, which I find interesting.. weird I know.
                  Rothy of Valefor Server. MyLittleChocobo Shell Holder Join DiV v2 Today!
                  Jobs: | BLM 90/90 | THF 90/90 | WHM 51/90 | SCH 34/45 | RDM 46/49 | WAR 30/49 | NIN 49/49 | DNC 35/49


                  • #39
                    Re: Black Mage Partying?

                    I got BLM to 75 about 3 months ago and what I found was wonderful post 62 was getting into Mini-burn pts and killing the Gigas BST's tiger out in Vunkerl Inlet. It's like, down around G-10/H-10 or something like that.

                    I mean, I completely leveled in that one spot from 62-75 for several days. With a party of two to four, the xp was super good as long as you level synced someone down to around 62-63. We were getting 20k an hour once I believe, sometimes a little less than that.

                    But these days, that little spot might be heavily camped anymore. I got lucky a few weeks ago after dieing a whole bunch in Dynamis-Qufim and got a mana burn party doing Crawlers over in Aydeewa Sub. and made 10k an hour there level-synced with 4 other blms and a rdm. That was cool.

                    The possibilities exist to level BLM and its not as grim is it always appears or people say. Needs be, I've joined a few parties in the late 50's where all I did was cure. Level Syncing seems to have helped the BLM party situation.
                    "Enough expository banter. It's time we fight like men. And ladies. And ladies who dress like men. For Gilgamesh...IT IS MORPHING TIME!"


                    THIS LOOKS AWESOMESAUCE:


                    • #40
                      Re: Black Mage Partying?

                      I always got assraped by those tigers. Well not so much the tiger, but the Gigas himself. I'd sub NIN for pulling, but the bushes and trees in that spot made it so that I couldn't always tell if I got a link, and by the time I'd notice, shadows would be gone and I'd be dead.
                      ~Mama Gamer~~Quitted July 2009/Bannt October 2009~~Excellence LS~
                      ~I has a blog~~
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                      • #41
                        Re: Black Mage Partying?

                        Originally posted by Andrinor View Post
                        One thing to keep in mind: soloing is an entirely different animal than what you will experience end-game as a BLM. While soloing may get you to 75 OK, it doesn't teach you how to 1) Manaburn as a team of BLMs and 2) How to operate effectively in a normal PT. I'd recommend you at least flag up and try to get a sense of what it's like playing BLM this way so that when you get to 75, you know what everyone will expect you to know.

                        I know I'm oldschool (I leveled BLM almost exclusively in a standard XP setup and never soloed), but it saddens me to see 75 BLMs with no idea how to burst on a SC, how to time nuke, control hate, set elemental debuffs, etc. You should know by 75 which sets of 3 elemental debuffs you can cast without overwriting each other. You should know what elements burst off light. Etc. I know this sounds obvious but I'm being serious: there are 75BLMs who soloed the whole way there and do not know this stuff.

                        Anyway, good luck to you and I hope you have a fun time leveling the job as I did, just try to experience this stuff along the way so that when someone calls ":52" in your end-game event when you're in the BLM PT, you know what the heck it means
                        That is a lot easier said than done though. I say it because even with a flag up when soloing, even with myself trying to start up a pt a blm just doesn't get pt invites. Because of this us soloing blm don't get a chance to learn how to do connect with a sc or what all the enfeebling spells we can use without overwriting the other. I would love to pt with the blm but the only way it seems is to lev sync, and im not talking 1-5 levels from your current 1, im talking 30-40 levels. I hate it when pts say they dont want a blm coz they cant seem to use it in a pt. Well i ask how are we blms meant to know if no1 ever gives us that invite to begin with.

                        I am currnetly a lv 62 blm who is soloing more exp than most if not all pts canoffer anyway over in bibiki bay, i put the flag up all the time and i spend a good 5-6 hours soloing. Within that time i only seem to get 1-2 invites from manaburn pts to party in qufim, and after my naive start in the game where i done big gap syncs, i refuse to lev sync that gap ever again. Its the hardest starting job in the game as the other jobs aklways get the invites no problem.

                        Wiki does give us a description on how sc and manaburn works, but tbh it is quite a difficult thing to get in ur head, especially if you've never done anything like it before

                        I don't mean to rant at you. I do agree with you its just no1 truly understands how hard it is for a blm to do things right the 1st time and then the same people who expect us to know what to do in a pt are the ones who wudn't give us a pt to practice all of this in the 1st place.


                        • #42
                          Re: Black Mage Partying?

                          I been a blm for 6 years...... and i almost gave up on it when TAoU came out if FUCKED everything up manaburns for 10-12k and hour does not compare to lolibri parties 18-24~. i used to love blowing up a mob right after SC.
                          sigpicSolidous! from Laksmi
                          CoP: O ZM:O Sandy: 9-1 ToAU:29 WoTG: 15 ACP:O AMK: O
                          BLM:95 THF:95 DRK:95 RNG:82
                          RDM:95 WHM:95 WAR:60 Nin:92
                          SAM:50 BLU:95 DNC:49
                          PUP:32 PLD:15 DRG:10
                          MNK:22 SCH:6 COR:28


                          • #43
                            Re: Black Mage Partying?

                            Originally posted by godsaiyan View Post
                            Wiki does give us a description on how sc and manaburn works, but tbh it is quite a difficult thing to get in ur head, especially if you've never done anything like it before
                            This is sad. Any chance of getting LS members to party with you? BLUs are especially nice, since you can ride along BLU's self-SC for MB. (Had an LS party with BLM and BLU last night, and they were doing exactly that, MB'ing Tornado, I think.)
                            Bamboo shadows sweep the stars,
                            yet not a mote of dust is stirred;
                            Moonlight pierces the depths of the pond,
                            leaving no trace in the water.

                            - Mugaku


                            • #44
                              Re: Black Mage Partying?

                              Originally posted by IfritnoItazura View Post
                              This is sad. Any chance of getting LS members to party with you? BLUs are especially nice, since you can ride along BLU's self-SC for MB. (Had an LS party with BLM and BLU last night, and they were doing exactly that, MB'ing Tornado, I think.)
                              Well my LS has 2 ppl curently leveling blu however they are only at lv 40 atm I don't mind soloing, i can easliy get 600+ exp per mob with emperor band on and 400 without, getting between 14-18k exp an hour atm. But i wud like ppl to start inviting blms more often so that they get a real chance and gain experience in sc combos and learn woit spells to pop and wen to pop them.

                              They got bad rep on my server for over nuking the mobs, but wot i dont understand is y cant pts just let the blms aware of this, as they can offer, even at a low lv, very powerful combos. Its a shame and makes me annoyed that blms have a poor rep really.

                              Oh well i guess for some of us out there we wait till 75, get all the merits for the job, get the best gear out there to us, and solo some badass mobs. one in mind, solo Diabolos w00t


                              • #45
                                Re: Black Mage Partying?

                                Originally posted by godsaiyan View Post
                                That is a lot easier said than done though. I say it because even with a flag up when soloing, even with myself trying to start up a pt a blm just doesn't get pt invites. Because of this us soloing blm don't get a chance to learn how to do connect with a sc or what all the enfeebling spells we can use without overwriting the other. I would love to pt with the blm but the only way it seems is to lev sync, and im not talking 1-5 levels from your current 1, im talking 30-40 levels. I hate it when pts say they dont want a blm coz they cant seem to use it in a pt. Well i ask how are we blms meant to know if no1 ever gives us that invite to begin with.

                                I am currnetly a lv 62 blm who is soloing more exp than most if not all pts canoffer anyway over in bibiki bay, i put the flag up all the time and i spend a good 5-6 hours soloing. Within that time i only seem to get 1-2 invites from manaburn pts to party in qufim, and after my naive start in the game where i done big gap syncs, i refuse to lev sync that gap ever again. Its the hardest starting job in the game as the other jobs aklways get the invites no problem.

                                Wiki does give us a description on how sc and manaburn works, but tbh it is quite a difficult thing to get in ur head, especially if you've never done anything like it before

                                I don't mean to rant at you. I do agree with you its just no1 truly understands how hard it is for a blm to do things right the 1st time and then the same people who expect us to know what to do in a pt are the ones who wudn't give us a pt to practice all of this in the 1st place.
                                Magic bursting, stacking dots and hate control are all pretty simple actions to pick up. It is tolerable to not know them if you have never done them, but once you do you should pick them up fairly quickly. Those BLMs that are constantly in these situations and still don't know them are inexcusable.

