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Soloing BLM +60

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  • Soloing BLM +60

    I suddenly felt like finishing leveling my BLM to 75. Last I leveled BLM was before the release of ToAU so this soloing thing is kinda new to me. I've been killing Goblin pets in Bibiki Bay and I think I've kinda got the hang of it. I'm not so sure about my gear and whatnot so I'm looking for some general information from people who have done this more.

    First, as I understand it Elemental Skill+ gear is better then INT+ because of the lower resist rate. So I'm at level 61 and have an Intellect Torque, at 65 I would replace that with an Elemental Torque. Do I have that right?

    Is there a site or a listing somewhere of the levels of pets so it's easier to find possible alternate leveling spots?

    Ok, the gear list:
    NQ Staves
    Shield: Bugard Leather Strap +1
    Head: Wizard's Pestasos
    Neck: Intellect Torque
    Ear: Cunning Earring
    Ear: Moldavite Earring
    Body: Justaucorps/Wizard's Coat for Sleep
    Hands: Wizard's Gloves
    Rings: Zircon Ring
    Back: Red Cape +1
    Waist: Penitent's Rope
    Legs: Wizard's Tonban
    Feet: Wizard's Sabots

    Other then the AF, most of that is stuff I use playing RDM.

    Now I know about the Yigit stuff at 72, though I haven't looked into which pieces to prioritize since at the moment I don't have a LS to do Assaults with. Thanks to Hongman I know about the Sorcerers Ring though I don't believe I would want to use that soloing, but it's on the wish list for later.

    Would I keep the Justaucorps at 68 or get a Black Cloak? I'm thinking go with the Cloak.

    For food I've been using Melon Pie +1 that I had in my mog house. Anything better?

    Again, I'm really looking for any tips and whatnot from anyone who's done this more.
    I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

    HTTP Error 418 - I'm A Teapot - The resulting entity body MAY be short and stout.


  • #2
    Re: Soloing BLM +60

    Ok, another question, the Bitter Corset. Is the +2 MAB worth the 5% Slow and -1 MACC and worth replacing the Penitent's Rope?
    I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

    HTTP Error 418 - I'm A Teapot - The resulting entity body MAY be short and stout.



    • #3
      Re: Soloing BLM +60

      I'm leaving out most of the endgame gear (Sorcerers, Zenith, Nashira, Yigit, Goliard, Morrigans, Sea Obis, other r/ex drops, etc.) for now. I figured I'd try to keep it to stuff you can get easily or buy.

      - The elemental staff thing has been said over and over, so I won't get into it. If you can afford to get at least Jupiter's and Aquilo's, it helps a lot.

      - See if you can get yourself a Shaman's Cloak. The NM should be low traffic now that the bots are under control and they're not farming it for Quake/Stonega scrolls. Very nice piece to have until you get high enough to wear Black Cloak, and you can set Wizard's Coat & Hat in your Sleep macro.

      - At 65, grab an Elemental Torque if you can afford it or get lucky from the BCNM.

      - 71/72 you can get your Rainbow/Prism Cape and Errant Houp & Slops (though if you can manage to get Jet Seraweels instead of Slops, do it).

      - At 72 you can also upgrade to Diamond Rings, or wait until 74 to get Snow Rings. Either way it can get expensive..

      - Keep Peni Rope.. it's too good a piece to give up.
      Host of #FF14 - TheAfterLife XI & XIV LS
      Olorin (Ramuh): BLM75 BRD78 WHM75 RDM75
      Olorin Branwen (Melmond): Lv12 LNC9 CON7 THM6 MNR6 ALC4


      • #4
        Re: Soloing BLM +60

        I'll give you some pointers too(and leave out a lot of the end-game gear)

        -Definitely pick up a elemental torque. If for nothing else, it really helps with resists.

        -When you hit level 72, pick up a prism cape. More intelligence = more damage

        -Mahatma Slops at 72. More intelligence again

        -Yigit crackows! Can't stress this enough. You will love these feet and use them over others (though rostrum vs. yigit is highly debatable)

        -Wizard's Gloves full-time until you can get Zenith.

        -I would say to pick up the black cloak at 69. The elemental skill and intelligence is much more than you can get with a normal body-hat setup....until you get your weskit of course.

        -Rings are fine. When you hit 72 pick up the diamond rings, or the snow rings at 74(more expensive)

        -Errant body at 72 for healing purposes.

        -Hierarch belt for healing purposes.

        If there's a particular setup you're looking for too(Magic damage, elemental, healing, etc), just ask. I'll try to list all the gear I can think of.


        A side note. Don't, DON'T get a sorcerer's ring until you have the proper zenith gear to use it. I made this mistake awhile back and I ended up selling it because even 10 pieces of normal gear weren't enough to bring me down to 75%. Don't want you to make the same mistake.
        ~~~BLM SAM RNG NIN PLD~~~

