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BLM equip 33 - 37

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  • BLM equip 33 - 37

    So I am back to lvling my BLM sub.... currently at 33, might as well take it to 37 and be done with it for the time being.

    This is from memory, currently I am kitted out as follows...

    Solid Wand / Pilgrims for resting
    Morion Tathlum
    Seer's Crown +1
    Black Silk Neckerchief
    Cunning Earring x2
    Magna Body / Seer's Tunic for resting
    Magna Hands
    Seer's legs / Magna legs (Cant remember - which ever gave best stats)
    Seer's feet / Magna Feet (Same as above)
    Eremite X2

    What kind of upgrades am i looking at from now till 37? Eating Melon Pie, Pilgrims for resting (God I miss my Dark Staff)...



  • #2
    Re: BLM equip 33 - 37

    Honestly, besides maybe some rings @36 (and I wouldn't bother for the one level, unless you have them from RDM), you're good to go until 37.


    • #3
      Re: BLM equip 33 - 37

      If you a bit nutty like me, you can also pack your MND gear from RDM.

      Often, the RDM in party would have some enfeeb's resisted, and in that case you can be the "second chance" caster. (Not like you can open fights with a couple of big nukes anyway.) Given you're RDM60+, you might as well put the capped enfeebling magic to good use, and macro in MND gear to help out with Paralyze and Slow when they get resisted.

      You may want to consider switching to hMP food (ginger cookies, imperial coffee, buche au chocolat, etc.), especially since your gears pack plenty of INT.

      While melon pie does work, my BLM suffers from RDM-itis, so I seem to cast a lot--Regen, Curaga after AoE attacks, Bar- spells, back-up curing, status removal, etc. Oh yeah, I nuke, too.

      Overall, hMP food on me is better for the party than max-MP/INT food. Buche au Chocolat is my preferred food, and I share it with the RDM in my static party.
      Bamboo shadows sweep the stars,
      yet not a mote of dust is stirred;
      Moonlight pierces the depths of the pond,
      leaving no trace in the water.

      - Mugaku


      • #4
        Re: BLM equip 33 - 37

        Id upgrade your Eremite rings to Wisdom Rings at 36 if your going for Int rather than MP. That way tho your only gonna use for one lv so maybe not worth it. Could get Eremite+1 instead.
        75 Mnk Sam | 70 Drk | 40 Blm | 37 Nin Rng Thf War
        Woodworking 91.9+2
        ZM:Complete CoP:Complete ToAU:27


        • #5
          Re: BLM equip 33 - 37

          Thanks guys.

          Just wated to make sure there wasnt any pieces I needed to get...although last night I was lfp on my blm the entire night with not a single whiff.... guess I got spoiled by the whole rdm invite thing (last 5-6 parties in RDM I got before I could even getmy flag up)

          Looks like I may have to check out that BLM Solo Guide :p

          And then I could go level my WHM..../shudder

          Murphie - dont even say it. I know you're gonna anyway.


          • #6
            Re: BLM equip 33 - 37

            Level Your WHM Subjob. Gawd.


            • #7
              Re: BLM equip 33 - 37

              Check out Sweet Rice Cakes - they are nice. They give less hMP than Buche au Chocolat, but a little more INT, Evasion +5, and Resist Silence. They're cheaper too. They're good to keep on hand anyway, for when the party decides that they're only gonna stay for another half hour and your 3 hour food just ran out.

              i Am ThE bLaCk MaGe.
              I cAsTs ThE sPeLlS tHaT mAkEs ThE pEoPlEs FaLl DoWn.


              • #8
                Re: BLM equip 33 - 37


                I will, I promise.

                One day.

                GDI over the easter hols, I will be WHM lfp unless

                1. Im helping someone on my RDM or 2, already in a party as WHM.

                Murphie, Kirst, if you see me lfping as any other job, SHOOT ME!!!

                I have even got all my spells ready in my Moggy...

                So anyways, how abouts WHM/NIN in an exp party? XD


                • #9
                  Re: BLM equip 33 - 37

                  Thanks Hag, will try those.

                  Basically, in my last stint of BLM lvl grind, I was going more +MP than +INT (capped skill from RDM).

                  This time I want to try maxing INT over MP (except of course any pieces that give lots of +MP over +1 or 2 INT). Want to try Potency over Quantity.


                  • #10
                    Re: BLM equip 33 - 37

                    Depending on what you have laying around from rdm, I always maxed MP and INT. Rest or start the fight/chain with max mp gear, and once it's used, what good is it?

                    Once I cast spells that use up that MP, I swap to full INT mode. So typically I would be resting, puller pulls, I get up, enfeeble, maybe throw a cure, then swap out of MP gear and start nuking.

                    Unless you swap it out manually, I use 4 macros for gear swaps all together. Resting/Standing/Max Mp/Max INT. Of course you can set it up however you like. But if you're only after 4 more levels, I wouldn't make a huge investment, mainly things that you just have laying around from rdm, or are cheap to buy.


                    • #11
                      Re: BLM equip 33 - 37

                      So far I have only used 2 macros - Resting/Standing.

                      Also, how do you decide which elemetal enfeebles are best for the PT? They pretty much are all (obviously) useful, but I have trouble with deciding which is best. If I ask the party I get silence.


                      • #12
                        Re: BLM equip 33 - 37

                        Frost/Rasp/Drown is good for melee heavy parties and Ninja tanks. Lower mob evasion (melees can hit better), Rasp to lower mob accuracy (saves shadows), Drown to lower how hard the mob hits (for when shadows fall, and good for PLDs anyway).

                        Shock/Burn/Choke is good for mage heavy parties where you and possibly another BLM will be dealing the majority of the damage. Shock lowers mind, making enfeebs hit better, Burn lowers INT making nukes hit harder (some enfeebs too), and Choke because its compatible, though less VIT is good for a melee that may be there.

                        That's a generalization, though. You may be wanting Shock/Burn/Choke, but the mob hits really hard; Frost/Rasp/Drown would be better in that situation. You may even get into a situation where the enemy is dead too fast to warrant three elemental enfeebs, you may only do Rasp/Drown to make the tank's job easier.

                        Frost/Rasp/Drown is what I mostly did on up. Listen to what people want, and assess each party individually. The easiest way to know what to cast is learning what they do, and watching what the party needs. Research them if you haven't.

                        EDIT: The thing that always frustrated me about elemental enfeebles is that Frost and Choke don't stack. It would be so awesome to have lower evasion and lower vitality in a party.
                        Last edited by Haggai; 04-05-2007, 07:28 AM.

                        i Am ThE bLaCk MaGe.
                        I cAsTs ThE sPeLlS tHaT mAkEs ThE pEoPlEs FaLl DoWn.


                        • #13
                          Re: BLM equip 33 - 37

                          Originally posted by hongman View Post
                          So I am back to lvling my BLM sub.... currently at 33, might as well take it to 37 and be done with it for the time being.
                          This is from memory, currently I am kitted out as follows...
                          Solid Wand / Pilgrims for resting
                          Morion Tathlum
                          Seer's Crown +1
                          Black Silk Neckerchief
                          Cunning Earring x2 (Morion Earring x2)
                          Magna Body / Seer's Tunic for resting
                          Magna Hands
                          Seer's legs / Magna legs (Cant remember - which ever gave best stats)
                          Seer's feet / Magna Feet (Same as above)
                          Waist - Shaman's Belt
                          Back - Black Cape +1

                          Eremite X2 (Eremites+1 x2, or just get Wisdom Ring x2 at lv36)
                          What kind of upgrades am i looking at from now till 37? Eating Melon Pie, Pilgrims for resting (God I miss my Dark Staff)...
                          You're looking pretty good there actually. Suggestions for keeper armor and possible upgrades are listed in red. The upgrades are meant to improve your overall INT and MP - I'm Elvaan too so I know how gimped we are!
                          Host of #FF14 - TheAfterLife XI & XIV LS
                          Olorin (Ramuh): BLM75 BRD78 WHM75 RDM75
                          Olorin Branwen (Melmond): Lv12 LNC9 CON7 THM6 MNR6 ALC4


                          • #14
                            Re: BLM equip 33 - 37

                            I had Seer's +1 and downgraded it to regular Seer's just so I could put it in storage. I say, get the whole set (NQ, not HQ), and then whip it out as needed--it's definitely a keeper. Of course, if you should want a +1 piece, you can always buy one--Mitt's (MND/INT), Crown (INT), Pumps (MND)--depending on what you're levelling. Having the full NQ set in storage is ftw though.


                            • #15
                              Re: BLM equip 33 - 37

                              I didnt know you cant store +1's.

                              Those 2 slots i missed out in red - thats what i have anyway!

                              Thanks peeps.

