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What does it take?

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  • What does it take?

    Ok I am just wandering what does it take to be a really good black mage and not die? I am new and everytime I try to fight somthing I keep I doing somthing wrong? Can I please get a black mage walkthrough? thanks!

  • #2
    Re: What does it take?

    This page has a group of guides at the bottom.

    FFXIclopedia is a great way to learn about the game, since most questions you would have about a topic/item/ability/etc. can be answered just by clicking on it. Try not to waste days on end just cruising from monster to game term to location (ad nauseum).


    • #3
      Re: What does it take?

      Here's a few pointers.

      1) Don't overnuke. I like seeing big numbers as much as the next guy, but save the big nukes for magic bursts and 10% health. Overnuking in an experience points party can cause you to get aggresion, or hate from the mob, in which case, the mob will beat you to a tarutaru pulp. Just don't do it.

      However, when you get to the higher levels and manaburn, nuke all you want.

      2) Black mages end fights, don't start them. Make sure you allow the tank to get enough aggression before you start casting. Also, you can start casting a few enfeebles (blind, slow, etc), so you really won't get that much hate to begin with. When the mobs health is around 5-10%, you can take out your biggest tier spell and finish it off. Make sure you can do it though, otherwise you'll get aggression.

      3) Use your head with bio/dia. If you're fighting a defense-based mob, always case dia to lower its defense. If you're fighting an attack-based mob, use bio to lower it's attack. Also, when you get high enough, you'll receive the 6 elemental debuffs. I would say to take a look at them on ffxiclopedia and decide for yourself which ones you should use in parties.

      4) Keep on top of your intelligence and gear. Make sure you load up on intelligence, and if you're a race that needs more mp, grab some mp gear as well. Intelligence is the main stat that effects your nuking spells.

      That's about it. Hope it helped.
      ~~~BLM SAM RNG NIN PLD~~~


      • #4
        Re: What does it take?

        I think what you are missing is knowledge of emnity control. Let your tanks get plenty of hate before you cast anything heavy. Dont cast heavy early in the fight. Read lots of blm guides like the ones posted above. Good times to cast as not to get hated on by mobs are, over half way throught the fight, after sc, closing a battle. That is until you get further into your blms lvls. Eventually SCs may happen in the beggining of battles so then you would be casting early, but still right after SC. In a party, as a blm, you cant just do your own thing, you gotta work like a team with the party, even if your not MBing due to low lvl partying. You can still be patient and cast heavy only when the time is right, and still be a good asset by peppering in lower tiered spells to your current max. If you cast your highest spells one after the other you are asking to die. Blms create high emnity with thier spells so you gotta watch that.

        Learn about elemental day-spell-resistance correlation so your spells stick, and your not making emnity for nothing.
        Apothecary Owner
        BLM 75
        RDM 75


        • #5
          Re: What does it take?

          I just checked your Char. info, and it says your @ lev.1 right?
          So take on some decent challenges outside your home nation. Also at the early levels I liked to start my fights with Stone so the critter is half dead before it gets to you.
          Watch out for beastmen as they will aggro, meaning attack you cause you got to close as opposed to critter type mobs which only attack after you attack.
          If you get a chance ask some people in game for some tips, if you're polite most people will give you some great info about hunting in your local area.
          Good luck


          • #6
            Re: What does it take?

            try to learn elemental weaknesses too, to avoid resists.

            For instance, around level 5 I believe you'll learn water. Orcs in Ghelsba are weak to water, and therefor will resist the spell less often (resists are bad ^^b)

            If you're in Windy (and I'm assuming you are) you won't really have much of a chance to prey on elemental weaknesses until around level 9 when you can learn Aero. Worms, Bees and Mandragora (saplings too I think) are all weak to wind magic, making them good targets. Worms especially, since you can cast on them at a distance and they'll never retaliate physically.

            Watch out though, because it won't be long (around lv 10/12) before the worms you fight will cast Rasp, what I deem the bane of solo BLMs. It's a Damage over time spell, which means every 3 seconds you'll take 1 point of damage thus keeping you from resting MP. Very annoying.

            The last piece of advice is when you're engaged with a mob, learn to time your spells. Try casting stone just before you get hit, so that the mob's attack doesn't interrupt your casting.

            "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


            • #7
              Re: What does it take?

              I have been using Lokyst's Renkei Chart (pdf link, sorry) which is just an alternate layout of someone else’s work when it comes to the skillchains but it does also have a mob weakness chart on the side which helps me no end when I am playing blm. Hantz and mog gave great advice, reading does help and you need to get a good grip on hate control for partying.

              If you are soloing your first levels consider trying a dagger instead of trying to use a wand or a staff. You will probably do slightly less per hit but you should hit a lot faster than you would with a staff and might do more damage that way.
              Signature courtesy of Selphiie the Enchantress


              • #8
                Re: What does it take?

                and manaburn, nuke all you want.
                You've never played BLM in a manaburn, have you?


                • #9
                  Re: What does it take?

                  Originally posted by Feba View Post
                  You've never played BLM in a manaburn, have you?
                  What? You obviously haven't fought puddings before.. That's just about the only way to merit, besides zerging wamoura princes.
                  ~~~BLM SAM RNG NIN PLD~~~

