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  • Overnuking?

    This isn’t intended as a rant but more as a ….huh? :S

    Finally into Kazham and had a great party yesterday, really fun. It was long so we swapped people a few times but the war/mnk and the nin/war who semi shared the tanking for most of the party were really brilliant, I didn’t pull hate once from curing period. The one player we had that confused me was the blm/smn.

    Now I have to say in her defense that she did a hell of a lot of damage and she only got herself and one other person killed the once but I think that’s mostly because the tanks were really great and mostly managed to get hate back before she got hit. She was overnuking like mad by what I currently understand of how to play blm. She got hate on average about twice a fight, she actually started casting ice spikes on herself at the start of each fight because she was getting hit that often which is not something I have ever seen a blm do in an exp party before. When she did get hate she didn’t seem to stop the chain casting either, even if the monster still had most of its hp.

    The problem I was having with this is that she kept pulling the mob out of position and we were fighting mandies so she got me and the other back line job hit with sleep quite a few times. When I am playing blm, I do everything I can think of to avoid getting hate and if I pull attention away from the mob I reign in on the casting a bit. The only time I ever chain cast is if the mob is very close to death or the party is in big trouble and I am pretty sure I can kill it before we all die.

    She definitely made the party difficult in terms of keeping in the right position and if we had had a thf there might have been more said about it but she was doing a hell of a lot of damage and after the first death there weren’t any deaths in the party in several hours and the exp was good (only good because too much competition for camps and mobs). Am I right about the tanks being great and saving the day or do I have to adjust my ideas on how to play blm and run around more as whm?
    Last edited by Saren; 02-22-2007, 09:27 AM.
    Signature courtesy of Selphiie the Enchantress

  • #2
    Re: Overnuking?


    THAT should have been your first clue she was going to be bad. No, it didn't sound like you were playing BLM wrong. Her on the other hand...

    Thanks Yyg!


    • #3
      Re: Overnuking?

      My first job was blm. This was almost 3 years ago. I leveled on worms until I was in the jungle. It was there that I was taught that I was power nuking. I also learned to use elemental debuffs there as well. I didn't understand what powernuking was, nor about the need for tanks to hold hate.

      I am curious if anyone tried to get her to back off a little bit. If she leveled on worms, like I did, the only real penalty for power nuking is Rasp, and that faded pretty quick.

      Yes, the tanks were very likely awesome, as a power nuking blm can hold hate pretty well if the tanks aren't paying attention.


      • #4
        Re: Overnuking?

        Originally posted by neighbortaru View Post

        THAT should have been your first clue she was going to be bad.
        It's the first time I have partied with one (whm is my highest job) so I didn't know it was definitely going to be a bad combination . Having said that though so far not very impressed with /smn I have seen in Qufim and yesterday in Kazham either on whm or blm, I think the mp boost goes to their heads (saw one level 23 whm/smn cast thre curaga's in less than half a minute yesterday).

        On blm I really missed the back up healing abilities (especially when we fought with just 5 people and for a while and her and I were the only mages). I know /smn have carbuncle but I haven't seen anyone who subs smn actually call an avatar yet.

        I am curious if anyone tried to get her to back off a little bit.
        I am still debating about whether I should have said anything as she was very quiet but seemed friendly when I gave her some juice. I didn't because, like I said, only 29 on my main now (27 then) and /smn means shes got something to at least 30 so I can't imagine advice from me is going to go down well.

        I was hoping the rdm we started with would say something because she had a few jobs to 75 so it would have come better from her I think but she said it was a waste of time to say anything because /smn almost always get bitchy if you question them.
        Signature courtesy of Selphiie the Enchantress


        • #5
          Re: Overnuking?

          [quote=Saren;670583]This isn’t intended as a rant but more as a ….huh? :S

          Finally into Kazham and had a great party yesterday, really fun. It was long so we swapped people a few times but the war/mnk and the nin/war who semi shared the tanking for most of the party were really brilliant, I didn’t pull hate once from curing period. The one player we had that confused me was the blm/smn.[/quote]

          That right there spells "N00b". You just got into a party with an idiot blm.
          ~~~BLM SAM RNG NIN PLD~~~


          • #6
            Re: Overnuking?

            Originally posted by Saren View Post
            I was hoping the rdm we started with would say something because she had a few jobs to 75 so it would have come better from her I think but she said it was a waste of time to say anything because /smn almost always get bitchy if you question them.
            haha, how very true

            Thanks Yyg!


            • #7
              Re: Overnuking?

              Just because they have a job 30+ doesn't mean they know how to play their job well, or any other job well. I've seen people in the upper levels who shouldn't be playing... I was in the Crawlers Nest a while back, with my whm, and the blm in the party couldn't grasp the hate concept, along with being careful with -ga spells... especially in there... needless to say my reraise, and raise came in real handy there... >.<

