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Solo spots 65+?

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  • Solo spots 65+?

    I'm wondering where black mages are soloing past 65 (we all know party invite rates suck past 60). Personally, I'm doing the hobgoblin animaler's pets for nice 160-200 base exp & regularly chaining #3, but unfortunally the camp is usually occupied and if not, it will be if I happend to die (crit that goes through stoneskin -> interupted -> eats shadow from blink -> try to cast -> interupt -> eats last shadow. After that I will only survive if I'm lucky with my timing/use manafont).

    Another enemy I know is those Qiqirn Enterpriser mobs, but they take way too long to kill for my liking.

    I tried Mamool Ja Pikeman's Wyvern (found a nice camp), but Mamools are changing places too fast to pull (goblins were moving about every 10s. These probably about every 5s. Might be possible with some fast magic, but I prefer to make 500+ dmg with the pulling spell).

    So, any other camps anyone could recomend?

    Oh yeah, and my whm is the only leveled sub I have. I know I should start working on rdm at some point, but meh, I'm lazy. Both my elemental & enfeebling are capped (Sleep has got resisted only once ever on those gob pets). Enchanting is 130 or so.

  • #2
    Re: Solo spots 65+?

    Duo the Enterpriser Mobs its pretty damn good exp with a partner, i did this alot, we even took on the Leiuter(sp) in the room with AM sleep > AM. But it is slow solo with /whm and dont even think of the thief mob.

    At 68-71ish There is a different entrance in Wajaom Woodlands that gets you to Archeaoligists which is the same deal, Really good exp With a Good Duo Partner and slow Solo but still good exp per mob.

    ps. I think you can tell which ones are with exp ring on

    Which FF Character Are You?


    • #3
      Re: Solo spots 65+?

      Best enterpriser spot is the Blue Mage Room (job unlock area). There are 6-ish in an area without aggro.

      Archaeologist entrance is entrance 8 on this map. Just be sure you sneak up when you run past the Slime Molds just past the first two Qiqirn.

      There are also worms in those areas that you can Aspir-and-run. Helpful to do just before you rest. You can also silence-nuke those guys for exp when you're out of Qiqirn. Just be careful, because they link. Stonega 3 isn't fun.

      i Am ThE bLaCk MaGe.
      I cAsTs ThE sPeLlS tHaT mAkEs ThE pEoPlEs FaLl DoWn.


      • #4
        Re: Solo spots 65+?

        Low tier bst pets in Newton Molvalopos?

        By 75, you will want your rdm sub done - Mount Zhalyom is heaven for blm and you need gravity for them (the Qiqirn rangers you don't need to bother with grav, they just stand there).

        Originally posted by Aksannyi
        "As a RDM, it should irk you to the depths of your soul when a mob had the audacity to buff itself in front of you."


        • #5
          Re: Solo spots 65+?

          Thanks for the hints. I know I need the rdm sub done, but yeah... I also found another spot for qiqirn rngs: Alzadaal Undersea Ruins (from staging point, just open north door and follow path. There is 3 IT qiqirn there. Probably level 78 or so. Should be great duo exp.


          • #6
            Re: Solo spots 65+?

            Originally posted by Buzer View Post
            Thanks for the hints. I know I need the rdm sub done, but yeah... I also found another spot for qiqirn rngs: Alzadaal Undersea Ruins (from staging point, just open north door and follow path. There is 3 IT qiqirn there. Probably level 78 or so. Should be great duo exp.
            Out of curiousity, what's the name of those Qiqirn?

            i Am ThE bLaCk MaGe.
            I cAsTs ThE sPeLlS tHaT mAkEs ThE pEoPlEs FaLl DoWn.


            • #7
              Re: Solo spots 65+?

              Originally posted by Haggai View Post
              Out of curiousity, what's the name of those Qiqirn?
              I'm assuming they are lvl 76-78 mobs. I was duoing there with another blm (65) as blm66 for a while and only once we didn't get capped exp (10 levels difference = 288 base exp. 11 levels difference = 318 exp).


              • #8
                Re: Solo spots 65+?

                Originally posted by Buzer View Post
                I'm assuming they are lvl 76-78 mobs. I was duoing there with another blm (65) as blm66 for a while and only once we didn't get capped exp (10 levels difference = 288 base exp. 11 levels difference = 318 exp).
                I don't know. I went there and was getting 323-ish exp with sanction and no ring at BLM71. Finished out to BLM72, got a buffer, now I need to get my RDM sub up to par so I can start on Puddings. Heck, I have to do lots more before I level again. Gear, spells, subjob... gah!

                i Am ThE bLaCk MaGe.
                I cAsTs ThE sPeLlS tHaT mAkEs ThE pEoPlEs FaLl DoWn.


                • #9
                  Re: Solo spots 65+?

                  Originally posted by Haggai View Post
                  I don't know. I went there and was getting 323-ish exp with sanction and no ring at BLM71. Finished out to BLM72, got a buffer, now I need to get my RDM sub up to par so I can start on Puddings. Heck, I have to do lots more before I level again. Gear, spells, subjob... gah!
                  323 exp with sanction would mean 280 base exp. That's 5 levels above you (=lvl 76). Anything higher than that you can only know that it's 7 levels or higher than you from just the exp you recieve if soloing (base exp cap is 300. Mobs that are 7 levels higher than you will always give 300 base exp due to that).

                  gl with that rdm . I still have a bit of mercy time left...

