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When does the manaburning fun start?

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  • #31
    Re: When does the manaburning fun start?

    Originally posted by Onionsoilder View Post
    I know I CAN do the stuff, it's just people don't want me for whatever reason.
    I was told by 3 people that ZM5 is quickest with 4 75s, and I asked if I could just tag along with the 4 and they siad I would slow them down?!? As for Promyvion 5-2, I know the cap is 50(I did everyhting but the megabosses actually) but no-one wants to do it wiht me unless I form a static...
    That's really hard to believe. You must hang out with a lot of so called "elitists". Just doesn't make sense to me.


    • #32
      Re: When does the manaburning fun start?

      A. The first people are morons, complete and utter morons. You can sneak/invis yourself and you could just sit there for the battles while they do their thing and it wouldn't affect them at all. Thats one of the dumbest things I've ever heard of.
      B. Sadly, having a CoP static is a good idea. Not just because most people only want to do them with a static, but b/c doing them in pickups can absolutely suck. I've never had a good CoP pickup. Its not even that most of the battles are that hard. It just amazes how bad some people can be at this game. Pickups are really bad at communication in my experience.
      I RNG 75 I WAR 37 I NIN 38 I SAM 50 I Woodworking 92+2

      PSN: Caspian


      • #33
        Re: When does the manaburning fun start?

        Originally posted by Caspian View Post
        A. The first people are morons, complete and utter morons. You can sneak/invis yourself and you could just sit there for the battles while they do their thing and it wouldn't affect them at all. Thats one of the dumbest things I've ever heard of.
        More like account buyers. :p I can't see how someone who's hit 75 has that kind of mentality. Sorry.

        Originally posted by Caspian View Post
        B. Sadly, having a CoP static is a good idea. Not just because most people only want to do them with a static, but b/c doing them in pickups can absolutely suck. I've never had a good CoP pickup. Its not even that most of the battles are that hard. It just amazes how bad some people can be at this game. Pickups are really bad at communication in my experience.
        Couldn't agree more. I'm personally staticing with another high level blm, 75 whm, 75 drk, and a 75 pld. We've been flying through missions and don't have to deal with the bother of random people. Do anything in your power to make a static with some ls friends for CoP.
        ~~~BLM SAM RNG NIN PLD~~~


        • #34
          Re: When does the manaburning fun start?

          I played once in a manaburn party with 5 blms and myself as rdm/brd.

          I had mixed feelings.

          On the one side, I got to pull which was neat to do as a RDM, but then I had to refresh 5 other ppl and cure them if they were being lazy and not keeping up SS or Blink or something. It was extremely mana intensive on my part. In addition, I don't think we even got uber xp. I think it was 5k an hour or so, give or take. This was at LV75 in KRT on Bones.

          So, I can attest to that experience being less than savvy. lol

          However, I have played as RDM/BRD w/5 Wars and now that was some uber XP up in Sky vs weapons. I think we did avrg of 10k an hour. lol ; ; i miss those days. They were great for building up some uber merit points.

          I'm dieing to play in a manaburn party on my new galka. BLM right now is only 1... but the future looks so bright and wonderful for when I finally get ready to play blm. >) ~EG~


          • #35
            Re: When does the manaburning fun start?

            I started manaburning way back in the 50s in Cape Triggan (probably spelled that After that, I pretty much manaburned my way up to 65.

            As far as getting a good one goes, I've learned that you pretty much have to make your own. I make sure to check to see if there are enough blms in lvl range every 10 min or so. If you're lucky, it shouldn't take too long to get a good group together.

            With blm invites ramping down due to ToAU, most blms who aren't afk are eager to join a manaburn ^_^.

            I'll probably be killing crawlers in Mount Z. for a bit longer, but its better than soloing .

            ZM: Complete, CoP: Complete, ToAU: Complete
            BLM75/WHM37/RDM37 | COR 49


            • #36
              Re: When does the manaburning fun start?

              What's with all the necro posts?


              • #37
                Re: When does the manaburning fun start?

                necro post?

                ZM: Complete, CoP: Complete, ToAU: Complete
                BLM75/WHM37/RDM37 | COR 49


                • #38
                  Re: When does the manaburning fun start?

                  Originally posted by Kael View Post
                  necro post?
                  Take a look at the date of the last person who posted. If you post at least 3 months after the thread's been doing anything, you're considering to be necro-posting, or reviving a dead thread.
                  ~~~BLM SAM RNG NIN PLD~~~


                  • #39
                    Re: When does the manaburning fun start?

                    Oh, hahahah. Sorry I'm new to these forums as of yesterday, I was just going though and posting on stuff I found interesting.

                    I'll make sure to check post dates from now on ^_^.

                    ZM: Complete, CoP: Complete, ToAU: Complete
                    BLM75/WHM37/RDM37 | COR 49


                    • #40
                      Re: When does the manaburning fun start?

                      it's not that necro posting is necessarily bad, if you have something more to contribute (it needs to be pretty significant though) to the thread, especially when the thread is a good repository of knowledge for a more esoteric topic. but generally it's frowned on as a way to simply increase post count without *really* making a useful post (this is like saying simply: "Me too!" as a post)

                      so, if you see a thread that you feel really needs further discussion, feel free to 'necro' it with a useful post (which is sort of what you did here) but make sure that you're actually fueling additional discussion, otherwise it's probably best not to make the post

                      hope this helps!
                      Grant me wings so I may fly;
                      My restless soul is longing.
                      No Pain remains no Feeling~
                      Eternity Awaits.


                      • #41
                        Re: When does the manaburning fun start?

                        hm.. 3 months - ok. By the time I post in a thread, I have read every post (in it), and try to put in anything that is new to the thread and that someone might find useful (to the thread). Anyway..

                        As BRD/RDM, I did some mana-burns. Similar to what has been mentioned before, it is fun at first - but gets to be monotonous. Even so, as far as I know, it is the fastest way to exp as a blm.

                        I'd say that players might 'short change' themselves from getting a wider variety of experiences if they are doing too many manaburns. For instance, you might miss out learning more about the various jobs and camps at particular levels. Particularly, if BLM is your 1st job to get to mid/high levels.

                        By the way - for others concerned with the lack of blms - there are a few other party set-ups that give exp about as good as a manaburn that don't use a BLM. And, you 'get your money's worth' because they are actually fun ^^

                        To answer the OP - I'd say at least at 55 - when Bard gets the 2nd Ballad. Although, I didn't do one 'til about 60 (I didn't even know what they were exactly - I leveled so fast - lol).

                        It is good to always ask yourself if you actually having fun with your $12.95 ; )

                        ..uh, if fun is what you really want!

                        - Greg W.
                        while helping a friend with a HL level mission..
                        "np - just raise me again - Bard is still effective while cursed,
                        plus, just being a Bard IS a exp buffer"


                        • #42
                          Re: When does the manaburning fun start?

                          Last edited by Tsama; 04-24-2007, 11:21 PM. Reason: just realized it was really old post.
                          "*IT'S GONNA EAT ME!!!!*"


                          • #43
                            Re: When does the manaburning fun start?

                            hm.. after some thought & seeing the postings in 'here.' The fun starts as you begin the fist one that you - do.. after that, it is just 'old hat.'

                            Not the intended answer the OP was looking for- but it seems to be the case (with many of us).

                            Perhaps, I might 'reverse' the OP question..

                            What levels will I ~possibly~ be 'stuck' with mainly manaburn invites?

                            btw - My blm is 40-something (41 or 42 - I forget, lol). I look forward to the challenge of MBs and so on (I was even having fun doing a little MBing as RDM - which is just 38, now).

                            -Greg W.
                            while helping a friend with a HL level mission..
                            "np - just raise me again - Bard is still effective while cursed,
                            plus, just being a Bard IS a exp buffer"

