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How to get HP to less than 75%!

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  • How to get HP to less than 75%!


    I recently obtained a sorcerer's ring for my blm and I'm looking for gear advice on how to bring my HP to less than 75%. I know zenith gear is great for this, but I have yet to obtain any. >.< I'm also looking into the electrum rings, which are relatively cheap. Is there any other gear out there that can reduce my HP to less than 75%? Or if there isn't, do you guys have any suggestions to me for when I use it? Thanks.

    Edit: I have 754 Base xp as blm/whm. Also found that pent's rope takes off 20 health and gold hairpin takes off that's 72 hp so far. Need 116 to go >.<
    Last edited by Mog; 12-23-2006, 01:11 PM.

  • #2
    Re: How to get HP to less than 75%!

    Errant hands/feet are -20 hp each, and astral anythings are -25 each


    • #3
      Re: How to get HP to less than 75%!

      Originally posted by zagex View Post
      Errant hands/feet are -20 hp each, and astral anythings are -25 each
      might get one astral ring as opposed to electrum. So that's an extra 40 hp. Great! Got about 76 hp to go.

      That brings another question. Is there any -hp food I can eat/drink?
      ~~~BLM SAM RNG NIN PLD~~~


      • #4
        Re: How to get HP to less than 75%! knowledge of caster gear is limited, so I can't offer much that you couldn't find out for yourself simply by looking over a gear list. But, have you considered also using items that increase your max HP as well?


        • #5
          Re: How to get HP to less than 75%!

          Couldn't find any food that subtracted HP.
          I RNG 75 I WAR 37 I NIN 38 I SAM 50 I Woodworking 92+2

          PSN: Caspian


          • #6
            Re: How to get HP to less than 75%!

            Originally posted by Mog View Post
            People on Alla are confusing me. x.x
            What??? Blasphemer.
            Wiki lists it as base HP and Somepage doesn't list anything about activating it. I usually trust Wiki and don't recall ever getting burned on it before.
            I RNG 75 I WAR 37 I NIN 38 I SAM 50 I Woodworking 92+2

            PSN: Caspian


            • #7
              Re: How to get HP to less than 75%!

              I'll just let the mob hit me a few times if I'm soloing. Not gonna bother trying to keep my HP low in a party.
              There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
              but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
              transform a yellow spot into the sun.

              - Pablo Picasso


              • #8
                Re: How to get HP to less than 75%!

                Originally posted by Armando View Post
       knowledge of caster gear is limited, so I can't offer much that you couldn't find out for yourself simply by looking over a gear list. But, have you considered also using items that increase your max HP as well?
                Unfortunately, the latent effect only takes place when your HP is less than 75% of your base HP. That is, your HP when you have no gear equipped and no food on.

                Nevertheless! I think I might've found the right gear to use:

                blue cape -15
                errant pinaches -20
                electrum ring X2 -40
                black Coteharde -25
                dune bracers -35
                star necklace -15
                ivory sickle -10
                gold hairpin -12
                penitents rope -25

                After calculating it out, the total amount of subtracted HP is 197. Seems I met my goal by 9 hp. Thanks for the help guys.
                ~~~BLM SAM RNG NIN PLD~~~


                • #9
                  Re: How to get HP to less than 75%!

                  Venom Potions are 1k a pop and do 300 poison damage over 3 minutes. You could pop one of those before every party and just Poisona yourself when you hit 75%. If you can manage to avoid taking hate or stepping into any AoE damage or cures, you should only need one per party.
                  lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


                  • #10
                    Re: How to get HP to less than 75%!

                    You can combine +HP and -HP gears.

                    Asclepios. HP>MP 30 (EX)

                    Patriach Protector's Shield: HP>MP 30
                    Astral Aspis: HP>MP 30 (EX)

                    Zenith Crown(+1): HP>MP 50(55) (EX)
                    Faerie Hairpin: HP-20 MP+55

                    Star Necklace: HP>MP 15 (EX)

                    Astral Earring: HP>MP 25 (R)

                    Dalmatica(+1): HP>MP 50(55) (EX)
                    Fomor Tunic: HP-30, no headgear (EX)

                    Zenith Cuffs(+1): HP>MP 50(55) (EX)
                    Errant Cuffs(Mahatma): HP>MP 20(25)

                    Serket Ring: HP>MP 50 (R)
                    Vivian Ring: HP>MP 50 (R, EX)
                    Ether Ring: HP>MP 30 (R)
                    Vilma's Ring: HP>MP 25 (R, EX)
                    Astral Ring: HP>MP 25
                    Dark Ring: HP>MP 20
                    Electrum Ring: HP>MP 20

                    Bellicose Mantle: HP-10

                    Penitent's Rope: HP-20

                    Zenith Slacks(+1): HP>MP 50(55) (EX)

                    Zenith Pumps(+1): HP>MP 50(55) (EX)
                    Rostrum Pumps: HP>MP 30 (EX)
                    Errant Pigaches(Mahatma): HP>MP 20 (25)

                    Total possible without any pieces of Zenith:
                    -255 HP (would be -305 but you want to use it with Sorceror's Ring so only one ring is usable)

                    You can also wear +HP gears afterwards to push the differential higher.



                    • #11
                      Re: How to get HP to less than 75%!

                      Originally posted by Taskmage View Post
                      Venom Potions are 1k a pop and do 300 poison damage over 3 minutes. You could pop one of those before every party and just Poisona yourself when you hit 75%. If you can manage to avoid taking hate or stepping into any AoE damage or cures, you should only need one per party.
                      Only problem is that healing throws everything out of balance. Everytime I heal my mp, it heals my hp too. Hence why I need to swap out my gear before every fight, then, swap it to my nuking gear.
                      ~~~BLM SAM RNG NIN PLD~~~


                      • #12
                        Re: How to get HP to less than 75%!

                        Oh. Point. As a rdm the idea of resting for mp didn't occur to me. >_>;
                        lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


                        • #13
                          Re: How to get HP to less than 75%!

                          Originally posted by Icemage View Post
                          You can combine +HP and -HP gears.

                          Asclepios. HP>MP 30 (EX)

                          Patriach Protector's Shield: HP>MP 30
                          Astral Aspis: HP>MP 30 (EX)

                          Zenith Crown(+1): HP>MP 50(55) (EX)
                          Faerie Hairpin: HP-20 MP+55

                          Star Necklace: HP>MP 15 (EX)

                          Astral Earring: HP>MP 25 (R)

                          Dalmatica(+1): HP>MP 50(55) (EX)
                          Fomor Tunic: HP-30, no headgear (EX)

                          Zenith Cuffs(+1): HP>MP 50(55) (EX)
                          Errant Cuffs(Mahatma): HP>MP 20(25)

                          Serket Ring: HP>MP 50 (R)
                          Vivian Ring: HP>MP 50 (R, EX)
                          Ether Ring: HP>MP 30 (R)
                          Vilma's Ring: HP>MP 25 (R, EX)
                          Astral Ring: HP>MP 25
                          Dark Ring: HP>MP 20
                          Electrum Ring: HP>MP 20

                          Bellicose Mantle: HP-10

                          Penitent's Rope: HP-20

                          Zenith Slacks(+1): HP>MP 50(55) (EX)

                          Zenith Pumps(+1): HP>MP 50(55) (EX)
                          Rostrum Pumps: HP>MP 30 (EX)
                          Errant Pigaches(Mahatma): HP>MP 20 (25)

                          Total possible without any pieces of Zenith:
                          -255 HP (would be -305 but you want to use it with Sorceror's Ring so only one ring is usable)

                          You can also wear +HP gears afterwards to push the differential higher.

                          Thanks, Icemage. I've been seeing two sides of an argument to this though. Does the latent effect only take place when your HP is less than 75% of your max HP, despite of what gear you're wearing? Or is it 75% of your base HP (no clothing)? People on Alla are confusing me. x.x
                          ~~~BLM SAM RNG NIN PLD~~~


                          • #14
                            Re: How to get HP to less than 75%!

                            I have a Fencer's Ring which I very much like to use in non-XP situations. Your ring is useful in XP parties. The biggest problem that I have found are people with healing spells. Once you get your gear set so that you can get to 75% HP with a swap and then reequip your normal gear, you're all set. Throw up Stoneskin and Blink and go to town. WHMs see yellow on a mage and freak out, but most of the time they'll just stick a Regen on you--just cancel it and ask not to have any more--some WHM's won't listen (or don't understand) and you'll just have to keep reswapping your MP->HP until they get the idea. There's also the Good Samaratan Mage... To counter them, use /blockaid. You can turn off /blockaid while KO'ed if you need a raise. Blockaid also blocks blind invites--I use it whenever I'm soloing (for my ring).

                            As a Taru, 25% of your HP is a lot lower than mine, a Hume, thus easier to get 25% out of gear swaps. I occasionally resort to Poison potions to drop my hp after my HP->MP swap, but mostly I just let monsters beat on me for a little bit before throwing my defenses up. Of course, in PT you really don't have that luxury unless you want to incur the barbs of your tank for over-nuking.


                            • #15
                              Re: How to get HP to less than 75%!

                              Originally posted by Mog View Post
                              Thanks, Icemage. I've been seeing two sides of an argument to this though. Does the latent effect only take place when your HP is less than 75% of your max HP, despite of what gear you're wearing? Or is it 75% of your base HP (no clothing)? People on Alla are confusing me. x.x
                              It's 75% of your net max HP. Gear does figure into this - as long as your HP shows yellow or worse, the effect will kick in.


