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BLM Gear

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  • #16
    Re: BLM Gear

    Originally posted by Chidori View Post
    Hi everyone new to FFXI
    Sorry, but I agree with the above posters. It very much looks like you bought your account and have no idea what you're doing with it. As such, you're going to get very little respect from the general FFXI populace.

    HQ Staves
    Seers Crown +1
    Seers Tunic
    Seers Mitts +1
    Seers Slacks
    Seers Pumps +1
    Electrum Ring
    Mana Ring
    Enhancing Earrings
    Black Earrings
    Bloodbead Amulet
    Adepts Rope
    Red Cape
    - Why would a BLM wear Seer's Pumps at all (much less the HQ version). Inferno Sabotons or AF please.
    - Why would a BLM55 wear Seer's Mitts+1 over Wizard's Gloves (AF1, Lv54)?
    - Why would anyone wear a Bloodbead Amulet (and in the case of BLMs, what self-respecting Black Mage isn't wearing something like Black Silk Neckerchief since level 20?)

    I don't buy your story about thinking BLM is about nuking - if that were the case, your gear decisions would be very different - and if your "friend" has been playing, they'd have known all of this as well.



    • #17
      Re: BLM Gear

      I don't buy your story about thinking BLM is about nuking
      Ya I was going to ask about your lack of knowledge concerning MB, elements, debuffs, enfeebles, etc.

      PLD75 DRK60 lots of other levels.
      Shackle their minds when they're bent on the cross
      When ignorance reigns, life is lost


      • #18
        Re: BLM Gear

        Well at the time when I was lvling and I can use the baron gear that my friend let me use i lvled to 35 and then he need the gear back because he needed gils and he said that the seer's gears r better for me so I used that gear til 55 im using the bloodamulet because im was concernd with have hp when I was lvl cause I didnt want to die when I pted. the reason y I dont have some of my af gear is because the ppl thats helping me r busy wit dynamis cop zm promy and sky so I wanted to wait until lvl 60 so that I can wear the whold af gear set also im not that great on enfeebling and debuffs I hardly debuff the mob beacause i hardly dont understand that thats y the skill lvl is only around 100 and as for my elemental and dark magic I always cap those because I use those magic the most and as for mb im great as long as evry1 teles me wut they r doin.


        • #19
          Re: BLM Gear

          Originally posted by Chidori View Post
          Well at the time when I was lvling and I can use the baron gear that my friend let me use i lvled to 35 and then he need the gear back because he needed gils and he said that the seer's gears r better for me so I used that gear til 55 im using the bloodamulet because im was concernd with have hp when I was lvl cause I didnt want to die when I pted. the reason y I dont have some of my af gear is because the ppl thats helping me r busy wit dynamis cop zm promy and sky so I wanted to wait until lvl 60 so that I can wear the whold af gear set also im not that great on enfeebling and debuffs I hardly debuff the mob beacause i hardly dont understand that thats y the skill lvl is only around 100 and as for my elemental and dark magic I always cap those because I use those magic the most and as for mb im great as long as evry1 teles me wut they r doin.
          {I don't understand} Can you type properly please?
          ~~~BLM SAM RNG NIN PLD~~~


          • #20
            Re: BLM Gear

            Well I too find it odd about you lack of knowledge, but have to admit I had no idea what I was doing as whm till later on in the 50s.

            I bought seers gear and wore it till AF for whm, and having friends in the game doesn't mean they always tell you *why* you need something, thier either just say you *need* this, and maybe help you get it.

            Why at you level you lack some of the basic knowledge about the game confuses me a little, but I suppose some people do not dedicate themselves as much as others to learn as much. I tried reading forums and what not when I started but didn't understand many of the topics, so absorbed little to no knowledge from them. But before I made the stretch from 50s to 75 I took time out to level some other jobs and learn more about the machinations set by this game.

            Well I believe the other posters in this thread are more vertern players I have only been playing 4 months, and I believe it is a lot harder to get started in this game than it was two years ago. Harder to obtain information in game, hard to start a source of income, and harder to navigate in general for people who are not familier with MMORPGS in general.

            I remember when I started with no keyboard for my Xbox I ran around Windy for two days thinking it was the whole world, wondering where I was suppose to kill things >.>

            And yes I was the newb taru in the dunes with no pants, the newb in the jungles with the race ring and empress band, and the newb that was kicked from a party in Garliage Citidal for have the same equipment from the dunes. So before you all burn Chidori at the stake for a lack of knowledge, try to understand how hard it is to get situated in the game if you are new to a 3 year old game, and never played a MMORPG before.

            I think 55 is a bit high to be a newb to that degree, so serious please spend some time learning the concepts in the game before leveling further.


            (P.S. I blame my newbness on being an Allakhazam & Killing Ifrit captive before finding this site)


            • #21
              Re: BLM Gear

              Actually information on FFXI is ridiculously easy to acquire now, compared to what it was like 3 and a half years ago when I started playing. Allakhazam didn't exist. Killing Ifrit didn't exist. FFXIclopedia didn't exist. Somepage didn't exist. Mysterytour was mostly Japanese. FFXIOnline's knowledgeable membership consisted mostly of JP players who understood English and a small number of importers who could understand Japanese, and most "information" was mostly hearsay or untested theories, much of which was inaccurate, or sometimes just wrong.

              There's really no excuse these days for being generally uninformed since there are so many readily available venues for basic information.

              P.S. All I can say to someone who says they wear Bloodbead Amulet (+15HP) because they're afraid of getting KO'd while simultaneously using an Electrum Ring (MP+20 HP-20) is just... /sigh.



              • #22
                Re: BLM Gear

                any gear with int and or mp boost and those staffs help to just use macros to change gear when casting spells of the element to enhance the spell. hey common guys give the kid a break and anwser his question so we can end this noobness. also check about ur af gear (artifact gear in which u have to complete some quest to get) if u need any help just message me im on most weekdays.
                Last edited by massaranger; 12-01-2006, 03:57 PM.
                TERA - Dark.Anubis 70 High Elf Preist - RETIRED
                WOW Ihornedyourmom 85 Tauren Paladin - RETIRED
                FFXIV - Sergei Volkov - RETIRED
                FFXI - Massaranger, Daytimes and Sunghee - RETIRED


                • #23
                  Re: BLM Gear

                  <snip>...I suppose some people do not dedicate themselves as much as others to learn as much.
                  I want to believe this person did not buy their account, so I think the above quote applies very well to this situation. Personally, I enjoy researching my job, discovering the best gear for my level and/or duties, and honing my strategy and skills for partying. I know people in game that just don't seem to care as much as I do. I've been told by a lvl 50 BLM that "gear choice makes no difference for BLM." That statement answered a lot of questions I had about his gear setup >.>

                  I've been told by complete strangers (after being /checked) that I need such-and-such piece of gear, and it stings a bit to hear that when I've worked so hard at my set. But, I take it in stride and do research to find out if the piece really suits me.

                  <snip>...having friends in the game doesn't mean they always tell you *why* you need something, thier either just say you *need* this, and maybe help you get it.
                  Or you could have someone like me as a friend, who is too chicken to give unsolicited advice. It's one thing to give advice to the subjobless newb WAR who is using a G Sword, but its another more difficult thing to tell a friend that their gear could stand for improvement. There is a particular 'gimped' person I know to whom I have been dropping hints, suggestions, and even offered to loan my gear. No dice. This person continues on their gimped merry way, and unless I come out and say "Your gear sucks," I don't think they will get the picture. Is it worth it to keep pressing the issue? Or should I just drop it and let them worry about their own game (not that it keeps me up at night - it just bugs me to see)?
                  Nibblonian: "You are the last hope of the universe."
                  Fry: "So I really am important? How I feel when I'm drunk is correct?"
                  Nibblonian: "Yes, except the Dave Matthews Band doesn't rock."'

                  Sisqi ~Fairy~WHM 75
                  PLD 60 RDM 54 BLM 48


                  • #24
                    Re: BLM Gear

                    Originally posted by Icemage View Post
                    Actually information on FFXI is ridiculously easy to acquire now, compared to what it was like 3 and a half years ago when I started playing. Allakhazam didn't exist. Killing Ifrit didn't exist. FFXIclopedia didn't exist. Somepage didn't exist. Mysterytour was mostly Japanese. FFXIOnline's knowledgeable membership consisted mostly of JP players who understood English and a small number of importers who could understand Japanese, and most "information" was mostly hearsay or untested theories, much of which was inaccurate, or sometimes just wrong.

                    There's really no excuse these days for being generally uninformed since there are so many readily available venues for basic information.

                    P.S. All I can say to someone who says they wear Bloodbead Amulet (+15HP) because they're afraid of getting KO'd while simultaneously using an Electrum Ring (MP+20 HP-20) is just... /sigh.

                    Well I can certainly understand that the information is more readily available for those who seek it, but for people inexperienced, it can still quiet confusing. Which it probaly the reason he posted a thread to ask. Many gamers do not like using guides and what not and consider it cheating, or takes away from the experience. I would really be interested in how people originally figured out many of the quest/missions in this game...

                    <Player1> Ok guys, we gotta find a Mithra somewhere in Vandiel that has a M name...
                    <Player2> Oh...thats all?
                    <Player1> Umm...I don't know, but lets start in Windy, thats where they hang out right?
                    *6 months later*
                    <Player1> WOOT!!! Found the mithra in Rabao!!!
                    <Player2> Ok, whats next?

                    But when I started I didn't like to ask for help, or information. I always listened when it was offered, but for those that don't do much research out side of the game are going to be at a disadvantage.

                    There are many reasons how this person could be a legitimate player, yet know so little.

                    1. S/he is young, like 8-14 age range...(although I suppose most of us are in our 20s) and therefore not as well versed in researching information.

                    2. This person has a limited time online and would rather play the game as opposed to read through mountains of info trying to find the topic that they have a question about.
                    Ask yourself, if you have 8 hours to play, do you want to play for 8 hours, or read about playing for 8 hours?

                    3. Like myself has become enthralled with this game that all they want to do is level and level and level to 75!!! I consider myself a newb even though I have a 75 character. I've played four months, which is but a drop in the bucket to many of my friends that have played for 2 or 3 years.

                    Weather or not this character was gifted or legitimate (albeit uninformed) I think it would be best to try and catch him up to par as opposed to flame him.

                    *On a side note I find it funny the amount people research into this game, I swear some players put more research into this game than I put into my Master's thesis.

                    *On another side note* In a social LS of mine there is a 55RDM/27SAM, while he has okayish gear he gets flamed a lot for playing a job different from the norm. I wouldn't want to party with him, but he refuses to level a mage subjob, so I leave it be. From now on, I offer advice when given, but shut my trap when I think it wont be welcome. He has achieved a decent level like this, I don't know how, but it goes to show you that even people who level from 1 can still get to high levels without knowing a thing.


                    • #25
                      Re: BLM Gear

                      Originally posted by Necropolis View Post
                      ...or read about playing for 8 hours?...
                      lol hell yeah! :D

                      no, seriously tho


                      • #26
                        Re: BLM Gear

                        Well, I too find your lack of knowledge and experience to be a little suspicious, but I'm always willing to give people the benefit of a doubt, so I'll just say this: The best thing for you to do at this point, in my opinion, is to read around the Black Mage forum here for a while. Read the stickies. Look in the backlogs for a thread that you feel you migh be able to learn from and read through it. Truth be told, the answers to pretty much any normal question you want to ask about gear and party tactics at your level you'll probably be able to find somewhere on the forums.

                        I know that I was scouring all of the forums here before I even got the game (or before I even signed up for an account on the forums, for that matter) for information and tips that I could use to help keep my noobdom in FFXI to a minimum. Most importantly, just be openminded and listen to advice from more experienced players when they give it to you. Unless they're being asshats about it... then theres my wonderful little friend called the /blacklist.
                        RDM 75 - SMN 72 - WHM 37 - BLM 37 - DRK 37 -
                        Bastok Rank 10 Completed
                        Rise of the Zilart 16 "The Celestial Nexus"
                        Chains of Promathia 8 - 1 "Garden of Antiquity"
                        Treasures of Aht Urghan 13 "Lost Kingdom"


                        • #27
                          Re: BLM Gear

                          well just concern on mainly : Elemental magic skill > Magic Attack Bonus > INT > MP(depending on ur gear) and then go through spell interruption etc.



                          • #28
                            Re: BLM Gear

                            If you have some help with camping the NM's here are some options you can/should consider:

                            Body: Shaman's Cloak from Centurio XI (godly until you get Black Cloak). You'll still keep Seer's to macro in while healing though.
                            Earring: Moldavite from Mysticmaker Profblix (godly for the rest of the game)
                            Hands: Mycophile Cuffs from Mycophile (no +INT over Seer's but the +MND is okay for backup cures and its the only -enm gear that is attainable early on)
                            Legs: Magic Slacks from Intulo. These aren't rare/ex but the AH price isn't worth the negligable increase. The drop rate on this rate is stupidly low.

                            And a couple of quest items:
                            Earring: Cunning Earring (easy Sandy quest)
                            Neck: Black Silk Neckerchief (easy Bastok quest)

                            Other notes:
                            Feet: If you're Hume, your RSE is stellar and will last you to the 70's.
                            Waist: I prefer the Merc. Captain's Belt for the +INT build over +MP
                            Rings: I'd use Zircon rings or Eremite's at least for the same reason.
                            Back: It's nice to have a Gramary Cape on hand if you're nuking stuff and find you're getting a fair number of partial resists.


                            • #29
                              Re: BLM Gear

                              Originally posted by Icemage View Post
                              - Why would a BLM55 wear Seer's Mitts+1 over Wizard's Gloves (AF1, Lv54)?
                              - Why would anyone wear a Bloodbead Amulet (and in the case of BLMs, what self-respecting Black Mage isn't wearing something like Black Silk Neckerchief since level 20?)
                              1st question: That's not even bad yet... I used Linen Cuffs unitl 60 (had problems getting help with DS fight).
                              2nd: Used Justice Badge unitl like 48. That's when a friend lend his black silk neckerchief.

                              Yes, I do hate farming . Trying to pick up on Cooking now since I have like 50 stacks/clusters of crystals on mule...
                              But yeah, I do know about the game mechanics & gears pretty much, but the problem is that I'm either too lazy to get them or can't get them (for example, NM fights. Living in EU, so playing times differ from most on the ls).

                              The great thing about taru black mage: You can survive with gimped gear fairly well. Even if others have better gears, they most likely will have about same int/mp as I do. The only time I remember someone even somehow suggesting me I suck (not that I take him too seriously tho) was when we were fighting Puks. Puk half hp -> another Puk aggroes -> I manage to sleep it -> finish first -> start killing 2nd -> 3rd aggroes -> sleep -> wears off while still killing 2nd -> 4th aggroes -> all sleeps fail. So we have 3 Puks on us, all sleeps still on recast. People shouting me to sleep. The result is guessable. Leader then is like "{Good job} >" and disbands party. Everyone else was seemed neutral tho (rest of the party was JPs (except leader)). Got Raise II from the whm & warped everyone back then.

                              Besides that, on the manaburns (not in reg parties) I have been usually told to get AF. So I don't think I suck way too much even when my gear is gimped.


                              • #30
                                Re: BLM Gear

                                Frankly, if you got that many links, you were in the wrong camp, and failing to sleep all of them isn't totally your fault, however, I never had any troubles sleeping any links I got - AF coat helps you with that when you are at the level to fight puks.

                                EU times never stopped me from getting anything done, even when I was in a US based ls, just took creative timing and forward planning. And being told during manaburns to get AF does suggest that people DO think your gear is gimp.

                                I guess, it just confuses me when people are too lazy to get half respectable gear. Especially when some of the gear, like Black Silk Neckerchief is a quested item.

                                Originally posted by Aksannyi
                                "As a RDM, it should irk you to the depths of your soul when a mob had the audacity to buff itself in front of you."

