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Manafont + Conserve MP?

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  • Manafont + Conserve MP?


    Anyone know if Conserve MP is supposed to kick in while using Manafont? Today after party, I warp'ed everyone unitl my mp was 50 & then manafont'ed & warped rest. Then myself with Warp. Result was, I was in Jeuno with 100 MP, so seems like it kicked in. I didn't see manafont icon in Jeuno tho, so it's possible that it ran out while zoning & Conserve MP kicked in then.

    That wouldn't really make too much sense tho since I would assume it checks if Manafont is active & if not, get a random number and see if Conserve MP kicks in and after that actually change zone.

  • #2
    Re: Manafont + Conserve MP?

    I guess technically Conserve MP could kick in. But that would be like saving a % of MP on something that is 0 cost to begin with...
    Red Mage ~ White Mage ~ Summoner ~ Black Mage ~ Beastmaster ~ Samurai ~ Paladin ~ Blue Mage


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    • #3
      Re: Manafont + Conserve MP?

      Maybe you had refresh or ballad on.


      • #4
        Re: Manafont + Conserve MP?

        Originally posted by Lasareth View Post
        Maybe you had refresh or ballad on.
        Nah, I didn't. We only had Corsair in the party and by the time I used Manafont, Evoker's Roll had already ran out.


        • #5
          Re: Manafont + Conserve MP?

          So you warped with 50 MP and had 100 MP when you respawned? Do I understand this correctly?

          If so, there had to be some other explanation.

          Conserve MP doesn't actually give you MP - it just makes a spell cheaper to cast.
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          • #6
            Re: Manafont + Conserve MP?

            Originally posted by UnnamedGalka View Post
            So you warped with 50 MP and had 100 MP when you respawned? Do I understand this correctly?
            Yes, you do.

            And I pretty much figured Conserve MP shouldn't actually give MP, but rather just let cast them cheaper. That's why this is making me go "o.O"


            • #7
              Re: Manafont + Conserve MP?

              How can Conserve MP kick in when Manafont is active? When you're using Manafont, all spells cost 0 MP, so there's no MP consumption to be conserved in the first place. Or am I missing something?


              • #8
                Re: Manafont + Conserve MP?

                i think he's suggesting that it's slightly bugged. that Conserve MP is programmed to, for example, when you cast warp give you -100 + 50. Mana font then removes the -100 but not the +50. That is as opposed to Conserve MP just reducing the cost to 50, Manafont then reduces the cost to zero. Under normal circumstances it makes no difference, and works how you'd presume. but under the circumstances described the slightly odd programming kicks in and actually restores MP
                Kylestie was defeated by Curiosity.


                • #9
                  Re: Manafont + Conserve MP?

                  I think I was reading about Avatar perp cost (stay with me here, this does apply to BLM...), and read that if you are, say, wearing gear that reduces MP slip past a certain point, and then activate Astral Flow (which reduces MP cost of Avatar perp to 0), that you will start gaining extra MP per tick for the amount you have reduced Avatar perp cost by past that point.

                  If what I just wrote made NO sense, then what I'm saying is, test this: get on SMN, wear all the Avatar -perp gear you can (HQ staff, austere, etc), activate Astral Flow with an avatar out.... and see if you get MP. This would clarify how they work abilities that "reduce" MP costs, generally (in the SMN and BLM context).


                  • #10
                    Re: Manafont + Conserve MP?

                    Originally posted by Valerathon View Post
                    I think I was reading about Avatar perp cost (stay with me here, this does apply to BLM...), and read that if you are, say, wearing gear that reduces MP slip past a certain point, and then activate Astral Flow (which reduces MP cost of Avatar perp to 0), that you will start gaining extra MP per tick for the amount you have reduced Avatar perp cost by past that point.

                    If what I just wrote made NO sense, then what I'm saying is, test this: get on SMN, wear all the Avatar -perp gear you can (HQ staff, austere, etc), activate Astral Flow with an avatar out.... and see if you get MP. This would clarify how they work abilities that "reduce" MP costs, generally (in the SMN and BLM context).
                    Of course you would get MP, SMNs have Auto-Refresh.

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                    I cAsTs ThE sPeLlS tHaT mAkEs ThE pEoPlEs FaLl DoWn.


                    • #11
                      Re: Manafont + Conserve MP?

                      Originally posted by Haggai View Post
                      Of course you would get MP, SMNs have Auto-Refresh.
                      I mean above and beyond auto-refesh. I assumed that was understood.

                      I would do the test myself (this issue has got me a bit curious), but my SMN is too low to wear any avatar -perp gear.

                      EDIT: as soon as I posted that, I saw another few ways people could misread more things that I assume would be understood. For example, yes I could wear Carb mitts, but I'm not high enough to equip Light/Apollo staff on SMN, and I want the test to be on one of the basic avatars (Carb and Fen have lower MP-slips).
                      Last edited by Valerathon; 10-24-2006, 10:01 PM. Reason: Stating the obvious, just in case.

