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Elemental Staves.

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  • Elemental Staves.

    Sorry been a post-whore tonight lol.

    I levelled WHM so the only staves I have ever had to use were Light and Dark of course.

    I know that BLM use these too (curing and resting) and Ice staff for casting.

    So what do the other staves do? like would i do better with just Ice staff or like, all staves macroed onto spells eg: FireII (Fire Staff)

    any help is appreciated ^^v

    Crank dat Soulja boy..

  • #2
    Re: Elemental Staves.

    Someone may pop in and tell you different, but really, I think that having all of the elemental staves is pretty handy. Yes, you macro in for the corresponding element most of the time. At least, that's the idea. There are some that you'll want to make a point of getting first, but eventually it would be ideal to have all of them.


    • #3
      Re: Elemental Staves.

      thankyou.. i'll just grab them as I can afford them ^^
      Crank dat Soulja boy..


      • #4
        Re: Elemental Staves.

        They boost spell power by 10% if used with that element.

        Ice is the most important, but as soon as possible try to fill up your set as a Blm.


        • #5
          Re: Elemental Staves.

          Elemental staves will give you the most damage increase for the lowest amount of money for a BLM. A 100k wind staff can make "Fictional Aero Spell Used for the Sake of an Example" go from 500 damage to 550 damage. It would take a LOT more money to boost your damage up to 550 with the same spell with non-elemental staves.

          The HQ versions give +15% damage to spells. Although they're not necessary by any means (except elitist) they give a greater damage boost than buying a HQ back/ring/earring/body could.

          I've heard that the elemental staves also boost the accuracy of the element you cast with. (That's one poorly worded sentence. Thunder staff making thunder II be resisted less, that's what I'm trying to say.) I'm unsure if this is true or not as I've never seen tests about it and I haven't exped my BLM in so long without several pieces of +elemental magic skill (AF1 hands - shaman's cloak) that I don't remember what resists were like at 51-53. Regardless of if staves effect magic accuracy or not, you should still use the staff matching the element of your spell.

          Do not use a spell while equipped with a staff that the spell's element is weak to. (Again, I suck with wording. Aero spell + Ice Staff = bad.) It gives you -10% damage than if you had no weapon equipped at all.

          Off-topic comment, but if you're starting to get resisted a lot: Don't worry, I promise it will get better soon. I don't remember exactly how much I was getting resisted on spells in the 40's and early 50's, but I remember being VERY annoyed with BLM at that point because I kept getting resisted.
          Generic Info!


          • #6
            Re: Elemental Staves.

            Absolutely, get as many elemental staves you can get your grubby little hands on because the increase in damage you'll be doing is fantastic when you consider how cheap they are these days. They also help you land your enfeebles better so you should consider having them handy for your WHM as well.

            The order you get them in should be something like: Ice, Thunder, Wind, Fire, Air, Earth. Also don't forget that Dark Staff will help you land Sleep better, as well as give nicer Drains and Aspirs.

