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MP INT which?

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  • MP INT which?

    Question comes up MANY times.. so sorry if it get repitive.. but i'm a hume blm and lvl 52. and When i cast freeze i noticed that my mp is down to 200 w/out mp conserve o_o it sucks when we trying to chain in manaburns. and from what i can see. i can get ALOT of mp which will let me cast like 2 or more Freezes. Should i do this? I have all elemental staves and was thinking that they would replace the INT. Should i do this? or just hope that cookies, seers, and my darkstaff would help me regen it fast?

  • #2
    Re: MP INT which?

    Both. If you seem to be running low on MP in many situations to the point that it is going to be slowing down the party then you may feel the need to stress MP gear over INT, but you should have both.

    Few jobs are a one or the other when choosing what to boost. What you want to do is find the balance between them where your maximizing your damage output without making sacrifices that will in the long run have more of a negative impact.. In this case ask yourself which is more important, being able to cast Freeze every time with minimal resting or casting Freeze for 1200 instead of 1000 but requiring the party to slow down so you're ready. Choose your gear depending on the answer.

    The Elemental staves will not replace INT gear, they augment it.
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    • #3
      Re: MP INT which?

      Mhurron's got the best answer.

      But quickly:

      MAB > Elemental Magic Skill > Int/Mp

      In my opinion, Int is as important as MP. really though, every Blm should have sets of gear.

      You'll figure that out when you hit endgame.


      • #4
        Re: MP INT which?

        ok thx for the answer!!


        • #5
          Re: MP INT which?

          While it is true for everyone that elemental staves > skill > everything else, the importance of INT and MP are kinda dependent on race IMO. A taru BLM, for example, usually don't relaly need any help in the MP department. I just go for +INT over +MP where ever I can. On the other hand, a Galkan BLM might need a generous amount of +MP to make ends meet.

          Keep in mind though, that you don't really have to give up +INT for +MP. I used to do the swap trick to get the best of both worlds when I was lower level and wanted that little extra MP.

          What you do is put on +MP on resting so you get the extra MP pool, and when you have used the extra MP those gears provide, swap them out for +INT.
          Junior Member?

          Join Date: 01-27-2004 -_-

