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Can a lvl 75 black mage solo all the Avatars?

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  • Can a lvl 75 black mage solo all the Avatars?

    Can a lvl 75 blm solo all of the avatars.

    I know it can be done to Titan because Titan will accept gravity due to wind beating earth. Gravity and sleep are my main spells which make soloing something I am capable of, if something resists those spells I probably will not fight it unless its a weak mob/NM.

    I have read that the Avatars resist most enfeebles.

    Shiva most likely will resist gravity theoretically and I doubt will bind.

    I imagine fenrir will bind.

    But will these avatars sleep with lvl 75 maxed blm enfeeble (230) with a macro for enfeeble+40ish? is there a chance or simply no? Has anyone pulled it off, is there a known strategy? I would like to read some strategies/experiences before I try to make one myslelf. I already have the main avatars (summlvl20solo) and the item drops (here and there helping), but now I think I wand to unlock Fenrir and would like to just sweep them myself. Please help with any usefull information that you have available.

    One more question, does anyone know how many hitpoints the average avatar has?

  • #2
    Re: Can a lvl 75 black mage solo all the Avatars?

    You can't solo Fenrir. No one can.


    • #3
      Re: Can a lvl 75 black mage solo all the Avatars?

      I don't think a BLM can solo any of the avatars safely (though I suppose it's "possible" you could beat Titan due to his weakness to Wind to improve the accuracy of Gravity and the extreme slowness of his melee attacks).

      Sleep doesn't work on them at all as I recall. Bind won't work on Shiva or Ifrit. Gravity doesn't work on Garuda or Shiva. No way for BLM to defeat Shiva solo for sure, since you have no way of stopping her.

      And yes, no one can solo Fenrir. He'll chew you up and spit you out in under a minute. Gravity will land... sometimes, so will Bind... sometimes. Neither one lasts for very long, even when cast by RDMs with 300+ Enfeebling Magic.



      • #4
        Re: Can a lvl 75 black mage solo all the Avatars?

        A smn in my ls soloed Shiva recently. I don't know how smn and blm relate to each other in power though.


        • #5
          Re: Can a lvl 75 black mage solo all the Avatars?

          A lvl 71 blm taru beat Titan solo, its possible for sure against Titan.

          Fenrir, ok I know I cant solo that. diabolos like even worse.

          Seems Shiva and Garuda may be impossible for blm to solo for a blm.

          Will enfeebles like gravity or sleep be resisted by Ifrit-Ramuh-Leviathan?

          edit: Thanks for the information so far!


          • #6
            Re: Can a lvl 75 black mage solo all the Avatars?

            You can solo all 6 basic ones on BLM. There is a chance that you will die on astral, so it's sort of a gamble.

            Avatars have very high resistance to anything they are not weak to. You can land Silence and Gravity on Titan, Slow on Ramuh, Para on Garuda, and so on. Outside that, I've never been able to stick any other enfeeble on them.
            Junior Member?

            Join Date: 01-27-2004 -_-


            • #7
              Re: Can a lvl 75 black mage solo all the Avatars?

              Ok cool, I needed to know from someones experience that has the same power.
              rate up^^

