Ok, if you've ever looked at the allakhazam posts on the moldavite earring, I think my story takes the cake.
So, I'm a 61 blm and I need the moldavite earring. I ask my 75 blm cousin for help and we head off to Labyrinth of Onzozo.
My cousin is an experienced NM hunter. His real passion is NM hunting and he's camped Mee Deggi the Punisher many times. To say the least, I have never claimed a NM in my life, so this was all new to me. We go in there, I constantly invis myself, and wait.....and wait.....and wait.....
My heart is beating the entire time. There's about 10 people there, so the pressure on me is greater. >.< Suddenly, it pops. My cousin gets the claim. :D He tells me to stay invised, which I did, mainly because I would've gotten dino and gob aggro if I uninvised.
My cousin takes it down to a quarter health. At the same time, he's getting hit pretty hard when an AM spell hit him. His mp is down to nothing and his hp is looking grim. I also noticed that he didn't cast manafont, so I stepped in and finished the mob off with Water III. (thank god I didn't get aggro).
No drop.
We basically write the tod down and come back later in the night. Next time, I get the claim. :D
No drop.
We continue to come back day after day, getting 8 straight claims on the NM and I continuously get thunder scrolls!!! We had it down to a science.
No drop X8.
The 9th time, we lost the claim to a solo blm taru. It was a close fight, but he died and my cousin snatched Mysticmaker at little health. He kills it off and:
No drop.
The 10th time takes the cake....literally. In all of the previous NM pops, it always appeared in my screen. This time, it didnt. My cousin, I, and a rdm mithra were camping it. the mithra is camping to the left of me and I'm ready for anything.
Before you know it, Mysticmaker Profbilx comes walking from the left side of my screen. I started casting stun on it, and before you know it, it was already claimed.
And guess what? She got the drop. The one fricken time we didn't get the claim, the goddamned earring drops.
Just thought I would share this with all of the blms who get angry when the moldavite earring doesn't drop, because I can assure you, your luck isn't bad as mine.
/end vent
Ok, if you've ever looked at the allakhazam posts on the moldavite earring, I think my story takes the cake.
So, I'm a 61 blm and I need the moldavite earring. I ask my 75 blm cousin for help and we head off to Labyrinth of Onzozo.
My cousin is an experienced NM hunter. His real passion is NM hunting and he's camped Mee Deggi the Punisher many times. To say the least, I have never claimed a NM in my life, so this was all new to me. We go in there, I constantly invis myself, and wait.....and wait.....and wait.....
My heart is beating the entire time. There's about 10 people there, so the pressure on me is greater. >.< Suddenly, it pops. My cousin gets the claim. :D He tells me to stay invised, which I did, mainly because I would've gotten dino and gob aggro if I uninvised.
My cousin takes it down to a quarter health. At the same time, he's getting hit pretty hard when an AM spell hit him. His mp is down to nothing and his hp is looking grim. I also noticed that he didn't cast manafont, so I stepped in and finished the mob off with Water III. (thank god I didn't get aggro).
No drop.
We basically write the tod down and come back later in the night. Next time, I get the claim. :D
No drop.
We continue to come back day after day, getting 8 straight claims on the NM and I continuously get thunder scrolls!!! We had it down to a science.
No drop X8.
The 9th time, we lost the claim to a solo blm taru. It was a close fight, but he died and my cousin snatched Mysticmaker at little health. He kills it off and:
No drop.
The 10th time takes the cake....literally. In all of the previous NM pops, it always appeared in my screen. This time, it didnt. My cousin, I, and a rdm mithra were camping it. the mithra is camping to the left of me and I'm ready for anything.
Before you know it, Mysticmaker Profbilx comes walking from the left side of my screen. I started casting stun on it, and before you know it, it was already claimed.
And guess what? She got the drop. The one fricken time we didn't get the claim, the goddamned earring drops.
Just thought I would share this with all of the blms who get angry when the moldavite earring doesn't drop, because I can assure you, your luck isn't bad as mine.
/end vent