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1-10 Mage leveling

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  • #16
    Re: 1-10 Mage leveling

    Not much more can be said, really, except that stick to it and it'll get better and better as you level.

    Blm was my first job, and I ended up soloing it to 16 because I was afraid of going to the dunes. Ah the painful memories...

    Skye(Remora) | BLM 75/RDM 75/WHM 73


    • #17
      Re: 1-10 Mage leveling

      Originally posted by Skyetaru
      Not much more can be said, really, except that stick to it and it'll get better and better as you level.

      Blm was my first job, and I ended up soloing it to 16 because I was afraid of going to the dunes. Ah the painful memories...

      The Emp Band really made a huge difference, I am almost to level 10 and probably will be grinding that out and heading to dunes tonight.

      Any dunes tips/macros I should keep in mind as a BLM?
      "Nihilistic sky, inhale magic power...Bizen Boat!"

      " Is there anything more beautiful than a beautiful, beautiful flamingo, flying across in front of a beautiful sunset? And he's carrying a beautiful rose in his beak, and also he's carrying a very beautiful painting with his feet? And also, you're drunk."

      -Jack Handy


      • #18
        Re: 1-10 Mage leveling

        Originally posted by Pandaz

        The Emp Band really made a huge difference, I am almost to level 10 and probably will be grinding that out and heading to dunes tonight.

        Any dunes tips/macros I should keep in mind as a BLM?
        What I tend to do is keep all my macros as <t>, so

        /ma "Magicspell" <t>

        My ctrl-1 macro is usually /target <bt> to target the engaged mob as it comes to camp.

        Macro placement is really up to you, but personally I'd macro your nukes in order of strength followed by your enfeebs. You probably won't be using bind much so you can choose whether or not to macro that in, and just to be safe don't macro in any -ga spells, you won't be needing those in dunes.

        As for tips... be careful about how much you nuke. Dunes is when you start to learn how far you can push yourself until the mob turns around and makes you bite the dust. Also, I'd bring a scroll of fire and blizzard so that you can learn them right when you level.

        If you want to use food, pies are nice for extra mp and int, but if you're a little short on gil cookies are great for faster mp regen.

        Also I notcied you're on remora server as well If you need anything feel free to send me a tell.

        Skye(Remora) | BLM 75/RDM 75/WHM 73


        • #19
          Re: 1-10 Mage leveling

          Originally posted by Skyetaru
          What I tend to do is keep all my macros as <t>, so

          /ma "Magicspell" <t>

          My ctrl-1 macro is usually /target <bt> to target the engaged mob as it comes to camp.

          Macro placement is really up to you, but personally I'd macro your nukes in order of strength followed by your enfeebs. You probably won't be using bind much so you can choose whether or not to macro that in, and just to be safe don't macro in any -ga spells, you won't be needing those in dunes.

          As for tips... be careful about how much you nuke. Dunes is when you start to learn how far you can push yourself until the mob turns around and makes you bite the dust. Also, I'd bring a scroll of fire and blizzard so that you can learn them right when you level.

          If you want to use food, pies are nice for extra mp and int, but if you're a little short on gil cookies are great for faster mp regen.

          Also I notcied you're on remora server as well If you need anything feel free to send me a tell.
          As of now I am using a game pad so I dont really need to macro my spells unless there needs to be additional components (like a call or an ammount of MP remaining sort of thing).

          I will try to pick up the spell scrolls, but as always, money is an issue :/

          I'll see if I can drop you a line when I log on. Thanks for the advice!

          OMG Ding, 10!

          To Valk!
          Last edited by Pandaz; 05-17-2006, 01:34 AM.
          "Nihilistic sky, inhale magic power...Bizen Boat!"

          " Is there anything more beautiful than a beautiful, beautiful flamingo, flying across in front of a beautiful sunset? And he's carrying a beautiful rose in his beak, and also he's carrying a very beautiful painting with his feet? And also, you're drunk."

          -Jack Handy


          • #20
            Re: 1-10 Mage leveling

            Nuke (Stone and Water)

            And if you can, get a friendly WHM to help heal you in those tough spots


            • #21
              Re: 1-10 Mage leveling

              here r the 2 macros i use as rdm but for nuking i use
              /ma "Dia" <bt>
              /wait 5
              /ma "Slow" <bt>
              /wait 5
              /ma "Paralyze" <bt>

              and the other i use is
              /ma "Blind" <bt>
              /wait 5
              /ma "Aero" <bt>
              /wait 10
              /ma "Aero" <bt>

              if anyone has any advice for these or thinks i should use different spells my enfeebling one works good and i just fixed my nuking one, but other than that if like i should make a water wait stone wait water or something like that just tell me. soon i kno im gonna be adding in fire but other that idonno
              Spider Torque <mine>
              HQ INT + MND 54 rings ... <mine>
              Phantom Earrings <mine>
              <Imposible to Gauge> <Red Mage> <me>

              Remora Server - Ravd
              Rank 6

              58 Cooking


              • #22
                Re: 1-10 Mage leveling

                lumping a bunch of spells into one macro is not a good idea (ever). neither is using <bt> because if you are not carefull, that could hit a link that you might want slept.

                /assist <stpc> : to target the mob the player you selected (usually the tank) is fighting
                /ma nuke <t> : self expanitory

                Originally posted by Ravd
                and the other i use is
                /ma "Blind" <bt>
                /wait 5
                /ma "Aero" <bt>
                /wait 10
                /ma "Aero" <bt>
                that's a sure fire way for you to draw too much hate and get killed.

                Thanks Yyg!


                • #23
                  Re: 1-10 Mage leveling

                  Levelling blm 1-10 was probably the most horrible thing I've had to do ever.

                  A note, though: blm/whm 1-10 was LOTS more painful for me than doing whm/nothing 1-10.

                  Whm have a whole lot more endurance than blm do, and the ability to use hammers, which have a huge amount of attack power for a mage job's weapon.

                  After 7 and Bind, blm's job gets somewhat easier; you can Bind something and then nuke it to death before it ever touches you. Grind it out on easy mobs, you'll get fewer resists and one-shot most things, conserving some MP; killing 5 mobs for 50 exp is better than blowing through your entire mp pool for 100 exp.

                  You're lucky. You can take a few useless (WINK ), fast-levelling jobs like Warrior from, say, 1-4 or so until you have 1000 conquest points, then get an Empress Band for the tough levels 7-10. I did blm, whm and thf before that came out.

                  After 10, though, you'll level so fast you'll forget all about 1-10.

                  "And NO sprinkles! For every sprinkle I find... I shall kill you." -Stewie Griffin

                  My job levels and goals.


                  • #24
                    Re: 1-10 Mage leveling

                    Originally posted by Ravd
                    here r the 2 macros i use as rdm but for nuking i use
                    /ma "Dia" <bt>
                    /wait 5
                    /ma "Slow" <bt>
                    /wait 5
                    /ma "Paralyze" <bt>

                    and the other i use is
                    /ma "Blind" <bt>
                    /wait 5
                    /ma "Aero" <bt>
                    /wait 10
                    /ma "Aero" <bt>

                    if anyone has any advice for these or thinks i should use different spells my enfeebling one works good and i just fixed my nuking one, but other than that if like i should make a water wait stone wait water or something like that just tell me. soon i kno im gonna be adding in fire but other that idonno
                    So when Dia wears off but Slow and Paralyze are still in effect, do you waste MP on recasting Paralyze and Slow, or do you wait for all three of them to drop? When you want to cast Aero but Blind is still in effect? What do you do when you've started that first macro and then suddenly you need to toss out a Cure? When you've been casting just Aero so much that the mob has built up an elemental resistance and it's not doing good damage anymore? How about when your party gets a link, and it's put to sleep (hint: <bt> targets the last mob claimed by your party, in this case the link)?

                    So my advice is to stop using these macros, give each spell its own macro, figure out a better targeting scheme than <bt> (which would be "any"), and learn when to cast what. Much like your multi-cure macro a few days ago, multi-spell macros are generally a bad idea for normal XP parties.
                    Ellipses on Fenrir
                    There is no rush. If you're not willing to take your time, don't be surprised when no one wants to give you much of theirs.
                    . . .


                    • #25
                      Re: 1-10 Mage leveling

                      allright lol ill change them to there own macros but no i dont usually cast the enfebeling macro twice per mob
                      Spider Torque <mine>
                      HQ INT + MND 54 rings ... <mine>
                      Phantom Earrings <mine>
                      <Imposible to Gauge> <Red Mage> <me>

                      Remora Server - Ravd
                      Rank 6

                      58 Cooking


                      • #26
                        Re: 1-10 Mage leveling

                        At higher levels, you will have to.

                        They either do not stick at the first try, or they might wear off early.


                        • #27
                          Re: 1-10 Mage leveling

                          All these people saying to just melee your way to 10 are crazy! I respect your opinions guys, but I am levelling BLM on a new server from scratch for the hell of it with a buddy, and I'm amazed at how easy it is.. 1~3 is fairly easy, one or two nukes with stone. 4~6 you can simply one-shot nuke things with water (Basically 6 EP kills in a row for 20 XP a kill (+10 on the ding bats). After than EPs take a little more, but give a little more. I'm killing forest hares in sandy with a water, and then a stone.. before they even get to me, and I'm a taru so the mana that takes is pretty small compared to my overall pool.

                          By the way, I mentioned I'm on a fresh server.. This character isn't even wearing any good gear because I'm saving all my gil for a +1 club at 9, and RF tunic at 10. So if I'm wearing starter gear, and not having a lot of trouble, then I don't think you need to buy cookies or selbina milk. And if you feel like you need to take stronger stuff, bind > nuke with water / stone to take him out.. But it won't make you as much XP, as fast as taking down EPs.

                          Corwynn's Journal

                          Red Mage for life.

                          What's worse than finding a worm in your apple?


                          • #28
                            Re: 1-10 Mage leveling

                            mage lvling to lvl 10 is supremely easy. Why?!? Ill tell you why

                            Pies make a bigger difference in the lower lvls then any for obvious reasons.

                            Are you an alchemist or cook? Load up on potion mix, aulait mix, and juice mix and make them on the field while playing. You should shoot straight from 1-10 in a matter hours.


                            • #29
                              Re: 1-10 Mage leveling

                              Yup, gotta love the Rolanberry pies with, what, 50mp? And pineapple juice?

                              I think I pulled with Paralyze, though, because it had a longer casting time.

                              Good advice here about macros...nothing like a -ga spell in a crowded area or a {Fire} on the wrong mob to really wake up your pt^^


                              • #30
                                Re: 1-10 Mage leveling

                                Originally posted by supersimian
                                mage lvling to lvl 10 is supremely easy. Why?!? Ill tell you why

                                Pies make a bigger difference in the lower lvls then any for obvious reasons.

                                Are you an alchemist or cook? Load up on potion mix, aulait mix, and juice mix and make them on the field while playing. You should shoot straight from 1-10 in a matter hours.
                                Orange Au Lait, the weakest, is a level 51 synth doing 1hp/tick. I just drink Selbina Milk. It doesn't last as long, but still does 1hp/tick and it stacks and doesn't require me to lug around crystals, oranges and honey (honey being about 800gil each).

                                Selbina Milk: 1 HP Regen every 3 seconds for 2 minutes, 40 total. These cost 66gil each and require no synthesis. 1.65gil per point (dirt cheap).

                                Orange Au Lait(51 Cooking): 1 HP Regen every 3 seconds for 5 minutes, 100 total (Saruta Orange x 2 + Honey + Selbina Milk > Water Crystal). Saruta Orange = 35 gil x 2 + Honey (800gil) + Milk (66 gil) + Water Crystal (166gil) = 1102gil for 100 hp = 11.02gil per point!!!
                                Apple Au Lait(62 Cooking): 2 HP Regen every 3 seconds for 3 minutes, 120 total (Faerie Apple x 2+ Honey + Selbina Milk > Water Crystal)

                                Now Juices on the other hand, I am in complete agreement. These are awesome, and easier to synth. The two best ones being Pineapple and Melon Juice. Both only require 2 pieces of fruit--the lower juices require 4 pieces of fruit with the exception of tomato (3 fruit + salt).

                                Pineapple Juice(30 Cooking): 1 MP Regen every 3 seconds for 240 seconds, 80 total (Kazham Pineapple x 2 > Water Crystal) Pineapples cost at most 66gp from the Elshimo Lowlands Regional Merchant or directly from Kazham if the Region is unclaimed, and water crystals are cheap (usually around 2000gil/stack on Asura) for a grand total of 298gil for 80 mana = 3.725gil per point!

                                Melon Juice(40 Cooking): 2 MP Regen every 3 seconds for 135 seconds, 90 total (Watermelon + Thundermelon > Water Crystal) Melons are a lot more pricey (220 for Watermelon, 357 for Thundermelon), but you get 2mp per tick. Cost = 743gil for 90 mana = 8.256gil per point. Twice as expensive, but twice as fast.

                                I can't say enough good things about Potion Field Synthesis (statistics from Asura):

                                12 Lizard Tails (from AH): 1,000gil
                                12 Sage (from Regional): 2,436gil
                                12 Distilled Water (from any Tavern): 156gil
                                12 Water Crystals: 2,000gil
                                Total: 5592gil for 12 potions
                                12 potions x 50hp = 600hp / 5592gil = 9.32gil per point (cheaper than Orange Au Lait)

