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New Power for Blms with update

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  • #31
    Re: New Power for Blms with update

    That's too simplistic a view. There are many cases that break the above molds:

    Against Dynamis Lord, the preferred sub is /NIN. All the nuking power in the world won't help you if a 1300+ damage Oblivion Smash hits you.

    In XP parties, /WHM and /BRD are also viable subs in various situations over /RDM, plus only one BLM needs to be /SMN in a manaburn party.



    • #32
      Re: New Power for Blms with update

      Honestly, while having auto-refresh is nice, it's certainly not worth giving up /whm for. SMN gets auto refresh primarily a) because we can't rest while we have an avatar out, so partially it's a way of offsetting the constant MP drain, and 2) our mana pools are so enormous that not even clear mind XVII* or whatever we get is enough.

      As for subbing pld... maybe for a screenshot, but surely not while seeking -.-

      * poetic license. So shoot me.


      • #33
        Re: New Power for Blms with update

        SMN gets auto refresh primarily a) because we can't rest while we have an avatar out, so partially it's a way of offsetting the constant MP drain, and 2) our mana pools are so enormous that not even clear mind XVII* or whatever we get is enough.
        Please tell me you don't seriously think smn sub is for keeping avatars out. MP difference between smn and pld sub are trivial as has been stated before in this thread.
        while having auto-refresh is nice, it's certainly not worth giving up /whm for.
        Thanks for providing supporting statements to your opinion.
        Whm 75 Blm 37 Brd 75 | Bastok Rank 10 | Whm > Rdm


        • #34
          Re: New Power for Blms with update

          having blm only at lv 60, i dont know about the later lvs but i've gotten this far w/o using cures. infact, if i try to cure the whm gets mad at me! (i know his point, i get mad when other people cure when i play as whm) I have only used /whm with my blm, unfortunatly, and the only spell from it i ever use is blink. blink... id rather sub smn for aoe blink.

          On the other hand, if there is a good blm and a refresher, they almost never run outta MP. Unless they are bursting AM. So auto-refresh isn't tha big of a deal when considering a black mage spend 1/3 of the battle on his ass resting anyways then busting out a few enfeebs and bursting.

          I don't know if u guys always get in crappy partys or i always get in good partys. i subbed freakin BRD with my blm for ballad b4... now thats a HUGE MP cut, probably more than what ballad would give me back, but we pwnd bugs in the quicksand caves.

          U guys have to knwo that n00bs dont play this game anymore. I can't remember the last time i played and there was a death in the party.

          Lighten UP! odd jobs work.
          `\~*~/`Life is a Dream, Death is the Alarm Clock`\~*~/`


          • #35
            Re: New Power for Blms with update

            I'd use /PLD in ballista.

            Since most melee's cast invis then WS me and run away like a little bitch ;o

            O_o I guess some def can help.
            Blm.75 - Whm.56 - Mnk.58 - Rdm.48 - Nin.37 - War.37 - Drk.37

            Merits - 98
            Goldsmith - 85.2


            • #36
              Re: New Power for Blms with update

              Paladin sub would never ever never ever be better than white mage or red mage sub. In any situation. Ever.

              No seriously.

              NO REALLY.


              • #37
                Re: New Power for Blms with update

                ya lol really......

                BLM/PLD go ahead lol.. I can always use a good laugh


                • #38
                  Re: New Power for Blms with update

                  If you're not a BLM/WHM or a BLM/RDM you can go rot in hell. There are no legitimate excuses not to be.

                  You are not only an offensive mage, you are also there to backup the healer. Yes that's something NA players don't understand.


                  • #39
                    Re: New Power for Blms with update

                    As RDM, I love to sub SMN to get MP while standing thanks to auto-refresh because I barely have any time to rest. But I see it as less important for BLMs who rest a lot more and have highter clear mind tread.

                    Where the balance can go for /SMN as RDM because no WHM-only spells are needed, the BLM is losing more spells : every white magic spells so it really often makes it go on the other side.

                    So here comes /PLD : still gives a bit of white magic with flash whitch is noticable and auto-refresh. I would say that if you dont need WHM only spells nor are you going to be hit then I see it as a usefull subjob ... but that s seems pretty rare. As I use to say when lvling low jobs : "We got a good NIN, it's sad that this BLM choosed to tank." My point is that even if na spells are not always needed, being able to take some hits is always a nice thing for a BLM.

                    On a side note, I m wondering what 3 or 4 peoples with stun and flash can do if they set their things right and manage to keep a mob stunned or flashed. Such things can be amasing when done well.


                    • #40
                      Re: New Power for Blms with update

                      I cant honestly ever see a reason for /pld in an exp party. Balista then sure go ahead do whatever you need to stop those pesky melee killing you.

                      For exp /whm and /rdm are only ones id really accept. BLM/SMN? Meh it could work, yeah you have AA. But you lack the ability to cure yourself when something goes horribly wrong( as so often it does).

                      You can sub whatever you want tbh, SA - Spirit taker all you want. When it comes down to farming/soloing its whatever works for you. When it comes to ballista, its whatever makes you live longest i guess. For exp tho, there really is no reason to be something other than useful as /whm or /rdm.
                      Blm 75 - One and only love! Lets nuke!
                      Originally Posted by Kirsteena
                      Oh crap, lock down your beer.....
                      Originally Posted by Sethe
                      With Kutu around no alcohol is safe. Hide ya beer!
             - Endgame EU ls, bahamut server


                      • #41
                        Re: New Power for Blms with update

                        People need to read entire threads before they post uninformed stuff.

                        /WHM: Undeniably useful. Sneak, Invisible, Divine Seal, Cures, Curaga, status removal, yadda yadda.

                        /RDM: Fast Cast, Phalanx, Stoneskin, Dispel. Great for soloing, good for XP parties that need extra Dispels.

                        /SMN: Auto-Refresh, Aerial Armor. Useful in small doses in manaburn parties.

                        /PLD: Auto-Refresh, Flash, Shield Bash, Holy Circle, Cures. Useful in sky XP parties against Decorative Weapons. Also useful in manaburn parties when there's also a BLM/SMN present - you get Auto-Refresh with the ability to Cure.

                        People need to learn how to think outside the box.



                        • #42
                          Re: New Power for Blms with update

                          I'm sorry but you're wrong.

                          Have you ever considered people think inside the box because its the best way of doing something?

                          As a BLM you are liable to drawing hate. If you are missing blink, stoneskin, phalanx, no auto-refresh in the world is going to make up for the MP needed by yourself or the healer in the party to recover that. You become a liabilty over an asset.

                          Double Post Edited:
                          P.S. If you want refresh so bad wear a black cloak. Problem solved.
                          Last edited by Sethe; 05-26-2006, 04:29 AM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost


                          • #43
                            Re: New Power for Blms with update

                            BLM/SMN in manaburn = stupid to be honest. You have no way to cure yourself, you end up eating up others mp to cure you, and everyone else will be subbing whm or rdm and have either phlanx and will have SS and blink anyway. (post 68 that is) so AA becomes pointless to be using.

                            BLM/PLD in sky weapons pts. Lets just say no right away shall we? You honestly wanna be up meleeing weapons whoes aoe will still do about 150ish damage with your defence boost? You want to carry that shield, and try run up to the mob, and use shield bash as it readies its aoe. Stun is a whole lot easier.

                            Auto-refresh on both jobs are useless for blm, your better off just wearing your black cloak like sethe points out. Why not just sleep and rest things? 1200 mp an hour or roughly autorefresh gives you? That only just fills my mp bar once an hour, pretty pointless if i dont have enough mp to beat the mob down ill sleep and rest and get it faster than waiting on 1mp a tick autorefresh. Plus blm can get enough h/mp gear that the extra 1 a tick gets pointless, yes its nice enough, yes we all bitch when we dont get refresh but it really isnt justifyable.

                            So yes you can get all these traits, that seem good. But try putting them into practice? Your gonna fail pretty badly.

                            Why not sub /war or sub /thf? Lets all go start meleeing :D And hitting stuff harder! or better lets all sub /drg and jump to lose that hate.
                            Blm 75 - One and only love! Lets nuke!
                            Originally Posted by Kirsteena
                            Oh crap, lock down your beer.....
                            Originally Posted by Sethe
                            With Kutu around no alcohol is safe. Hide ya beer!
                   - Endgame EU ls, bahamut server


                            • #44
                              Re: New Power for Blms with update

                              LOL @ Shield Bash on sky weapons AoE without stoneskin... {death} {do you need it?}

                              This is a foolish thread, seriously, there is a very good reason everyone subs WHM or RDM over SMN and PLD. Sure if you want to be different - do it - but you're gimping yourself, and your parties. That's all there is to it.


                              • #45
                                Re: New Power for Blms with update

                                lol, auto-refresh = 20mp/minute.

                                Stupid when sacrificing Stoneskin, Phalanx and Blink? I think so.

