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Farming places for Black Mage 50

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  • Farming places for Black Mage 50

    Hello! It's been a long time since I played with my BLM and I would like to know up to what mobs I would be able to farm with a BLM 50. I usually farm Crawlers, Bees and Yagudos in Saruta/Giddeus. Sometimes I farm Scorpions and Elementals in Maze/Canyon.

    I would like to know more places or interesting mobs that I can safely farm with my BLM. I'm asking that because I know ways to make money in high levels (bcnms, etc) but I've never seen a post about farming places for BLM in mid level.

    Please, excuse me if the topic is not new and if my english is not perfect

    Thank you a lot. I hope you can help me
    I'm back! Sanim restored!

  • #2
    Re: Farming places for Black Mage 50

    hmm maybe buburimu for crawlers+elementals. not much more exciting but I think silks are easier drop here.
    There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
    but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
    transform a yellow spot into the sun.

    - Pablo Picasso


    • #3
      Re: Farming places for Black Mage 50

      Really? I'll try that! I just leveled THF to 15. Only thing that worries me is if its overcamped.. I remember that it was (back in 2004) for crawlers and woodworking but I'll try it for sure. Thank you Jei
      I'm back! Sanim restored!


      • #4
        Re: Farming places for Black Mage 50

        Try giddeus, depending on your timezone, you might find many people there, or you might not.

        If i ever find you there when im on a stroke of good luck, better move aside! >;P just kidding.

        I grab 3 stacks of sickles, make plenty of room to store drops, sub thf and go kill everything and anything i find, while looking for spots to harvest.

        Since you're on ragnarok, its easier for me to give you prices:


        Beehive Chips - 20-25k per stack, dont bother with singles, dont leave without stacks of this! and the drop % is yummy. I turn this into beeswax, it might not give me more profit, but i can HQ, and it happens regularly enough, also, when you have 10 stacks of beehive chips, its just easier to compress it down to something else, saves you space.... beeswax sells for 50-55k per stack, also used on many alchemy recipes.

        Honey - 5-8k per stack, i wouldnt drop this at all, sell it quickly on the AH, turn it into echo drops, give it to fellow cooks, just dont drop it, unless you get 1 or 2 i guess, i usually come out with 3-4 stacks, i'm an alchemist so i turn them into echo drops and since i can HQ, theyre quite profitable.

        Giant Stingers - Drop once you run out of space, if you never run out of space, just NPC this, better than nothing.

        Insect wings - Drop ;P


        They give a bit of gil upon killing... youre a BLM, stack dozens of yagudo and -ga their faces, the gil isnt much, but adds up! Sell yagudo necklaces if you want, i usually drop them simply because they waste too much space.

        Now, harvesting...

        Red moko grass - 5k each, 50-60k a stack, doesnt sell too well, but sells eventually, seems like singles sell better than stacks though.

        Fresh Mugworth - ooo... 30k each! sells decently, i made a stack in a single run once, but that was one of those boring sundays, you know... 300k per stack, yum.

        Saruta Cotton - woot, these are pretty common! and they sell nicely at 20-25k per stack! these are my second best profit aside from beeswax, simply because it sells really fast.

        If youre taking up clothcraft, you will benefit from most of the harvest yields, flax flowers for example can be used to make linen cloth, dont bother with profiting from this though, but it seems like a good way to skillup your clothcrafting.


        - Aspir worms, run away from them, dont need to kill, if you need HP, drain em too.
        - Kill yagudos, free gil for the win, -ga spells are there for a reason.
        - Set a course on the map, memorize this course, keep going along in circles around the map, stuff will be repoping as you run through, provided you stoped to check for harvest points.
        - The NM for monster signa pops every 1-2 hours, keep an eye out for him.

        I love giddeus
        signatures are for pussies mew mew mew, here's mine


        • #5
          Re: Farming places for Black Mage 50


          Thank you a lot Balfree. I'm spanish, I've never known the timezones very well. I guess that prime japanese time is in my morning, isnt it? And NA is in the afternoon, am I right?

          I'll both Bubu and Giddeus in your way. I've been there lately with the THF to get it to 15 (half level and I'll be there ;D) and I get lots of Necklaces (4k it isnt bad). I'll check harvesting though, it seems profitable! Bad thing is that I only have 40 slots of inv, I'll have to get some more :D

          Ty again.
          I'm back! Sanim restored!


          • #6
            Re: Farming places for Black Mage 50

            Spain has the GMT+1 timezone.

            And yea, thats right.

            Give it a shot anyway, best way is to try out the zones whenever you feel like, and work out your times
            signatures are for pussies mew mew mew, here's mine


            • #7
              Re: Farming places for Black Mage 50

              Hi there.

              First actual post, I figure I'd make it worthwhile... There's 2 spots that I used at 50 to make my staff collection grow.

              1) Qufim Island - Thunder Elementals - Seeing as there's commonly thunder-weather there, and on Odin 6k per stack of Thunder crystals isn't uncommon, this was a good spot. Just run between the 4 spawn points (The areas that hit ocean) and Sleep > Aspir > Freeze or what have you.

              After a while of that I tried Pashhow Marshlands.

              2) In Pashhow, you can go to the very Northwest corner and take out crawlers and leeches if it's not packed. A Mandibular Scythe also helps. I subbed Thf, and it worked well, but the big problem was Mp. A Dark Staff helped lots, and the Snippers in the area were only a minor nuisance if Aspir'd.

              3) There's also mining in Gusgen if you're fortunate enough to not have gilsellers in that place. Personally I muled the Zinc and Tin, tossed Silver and Copper and sold Gold and Darksteel on my main. Extremely profitable.

              4) Lastly, you can camp spook in KRT for Traveler's Mantle. He spawns from 22:00-4:00 I believe, and occasionally you can find him free.

              Happy hunting.


              • #8
                Re: Farming places for Black Mage 50

                Originally posted by Matera
                1) Qufim Island - Thunder Elementals - Seeing as there's commonly thunder-weather there, and on Odin 6k per stack of Thunder crystals isn't uncommon, this was a good spot. Just run between the 4 spawn points (The areas that hit ocean) and Sleep > Aspir > Freeze or what have you.
                I'd like to add to Matera's suggestion on Qufim / Thunder Elementals. Run up to floor 10 of Delkfutts tower for Elementals (hopefully you have the key to get there quick).

                On your way to the 10th floor, go up those stairs that you walk by and look around for an NM Gigas named Hippo-something. He's pretty easy and drops Gigas bracelets. (30k on Remora, last I knew)

                On the 10th floor, there are 2-3 spawn points for Elementals (key NM room, and down hallways). Don't go upstairs, death awaits. Just outside that room, you can kill Mimas. Yes, you can do it.

                My Mimas strategy:

                Bind -> Stone III -> Fire II -> Sleep II -> (he'll use Hundred Fists sometime before this point, I let him sleep and I rest until HF wears off. Sometimes, he HFs while sleeping lol) When I feel HF has worn off, Stone III -> Drain, he's pretty much dead by then. I realize that Stone III is BLM51, replace with Thunder II if you're not 51 yet, you may need to do another Fire II or Thunder II before that Drain. He has a quick respawn time always in that spot. He can drop an axe that sells for 5-7k on Remora.

                After you have exhausted everything on Floor 10, hit the teleporter to go to floor 9. When you arrive off the teleporter, there should be a Thunder Elemental in front of you. Don't be afraid to cast around the doll, he should be Too Weak. Just don't use -ga spells.

                Then run down the hallway past the goblins and follow to the right. In this room, there should be lots of Gigas, head SW to a doorway in the west wall. Go in there, take a left and you'll see another Elemental. A pot too, should be Too Weak, ignore him.

                Keep going down the stairs and into another room with dolls and an Elemental. After killing that one, fall down the hole in the middle of the room and you should pretty much land on another Elemental. At this point I tend to head back to the 10th floor, because they should be respawned by this point. Just run to the NW stairs and get to the 9th floor teleporter and hop in.

                Thunder Elementals drop chest keys, so keep an eye out for chests. The drop rate is pretty decent even without /THF. Nothing major in them, but you might as well pop them if you have the key. Don't confuse the chest key with the regular Delkfutt's key, they are different. I'll usually go chest hunting when Thunder weather stops. It won't be long for more weather. You can also kill Gigas for the gil they drop while waiting, too.

                I don't know about your server, but the tower is usually pretty empty. You'll see the ocassional NM camper and Rank 4 parties, but I usually have the Elementals all to myself.

                This may not have the best gil/hour rate, but for me, it has the best fun/hour rate while still making gil.

                Double Post Edited:
                Originally posted by Matera
                4) Lastly, you can camp spook in KRT for Traveler's Mantle. He spawns from 22:00-4:00 I believe, and occasionally you can find him free.
                I forgot this before. If you're going to camp Spook, also keep an eye out for Crypt Ghost in the Tomb Bat room (G-8), and Goblin Gruel around (H-6, H-7). There are also chests to pop that can get you Battle Gloves. You'll most likely get keys off of the Tomb Bats you need to kill to pop Crypt Ghost or even Crypty himself.

                Don't neglect the Rock Eaters for Ascetic's Rings and of course the bat wing drop rate is nothing to laugh at. Rock Eaters also drop keys, I think.

                Other key droppers include 3rd tier Goblins and Nachzehrers. Plague Bats, possibly.

                This always gives me plenty to do while waiting for 22:00.
                Last edited by Haggai; 05-05-2006, 07:37 AM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost

                i Am ThE bLaCk MaGe.
                I cAsTs ThE sPeLlS tHaT mAkEs ThE pEoPlEs FaLl DoWn.


                • #9
                  Re: Farming places for Black Mage 50

                  i'm gonna have to agree on the Qufim reccomendation. Works extra well if you have an Earth or Terra's staff. If you don't, get one from a BRD, NIN, PLD, or BLM highlevel buddy, they typically have no problem loaning them out.

                  I reccomend (until you get Stone III) you Drain->Aspir->Stone II->Bliz II (Often outdamages Stone II and even III -__-), Sleep, Aspir, wait until sleep is ready again, Drain, repeat.

                  If you're taking a lot of damage from that, toss in a bind. I've been soloing Qufim eles since around 42 or 43, and I have to say, as long as you keep them away, Thunder eles are teh easiest to deal with.

                  Of course Wind eles (solo'd some EP in Chasm) have silence
                  Earth have slow (This can really kill you), and earth clutsers suck for gil
                  Water...well, water clusters are crap =/
                  Ice eles are ok...hard to find, though, and if you aren't careful, Blizzard spells are the most potent..
                  Light are easy to kill, just spam Bio II, Drain, and other spells. Very rare spawn, though
                  Dark are somewhat hard for a BLM, and bby the time you can safely kill them without getting other aggro, I doubt they'd be worth it
                  And fire are rare, and water spells aren't that great.


                  • #10
                    Re: Farming places for Black Mage 50

                    Elemental hunting, as others have noted, is really good. Delkfutts sounds good, I'll have to try that at 60...
                    Originally posted by Ellipses
                    Really, it's just like pretty much every question about this game that begins with "Why." The answer is "Because."
                    Originally posted by MCLV
                    A subjob is like sex, you shouldn't have it untill your 18 but if you don't have it after 21 everyone laughs at you.
                    More Sig:


                    • #11
                      Re: Farming places for Black Mage 50

                      I've seen high level black mages running around Rolanberry Fields, training Crawlers, Bees, and the occasional Gobbue and/or Marlboro, all of which drops some decent items, most notably Silk Thread and Beehive Chips. Haven't been able to try it myself yet, as my BLM isn't exactly a super level, but it seems like it would work fairly well.
                      ~Mama Gamer~~Quitted July 2009/Bannt October 2009~~Excellence LS~
                      ~I has a blog~~
                      ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~


                      • #12
                        Re: Farming places for Black Mage 50

                        I used to do slimes in Korrokola. Slime oil is usually a good selling item.


                        • #13
                          Re: Farming places for Black Mage 50

                          Beware though, when you train and -ga, the drop rate on the other monsters decreases, or so I've heard.

                          I've trained most of the Yagudos for Giddeus Keys and -ga'd them all dead and got 3 keys with /thf, so personally I'm not sure about it.

                          But yeah, thanks for adding to my recomendations.

                          Also, really watch for Mimas, Hundred Fists are a bitch. Sleep, Bind, and Stun all help though.


                          • #14
                            Re: Farming places for Black Mage 50

                            I'd like to add just a little bit to what Balfree said. When killing those yagudo for gil be sure to bring some wind or lightning crystals. Instead of dropping the yagudo necklaces user a crystal on them. A wind crystal will yield 3 grass thread. A lightning crystal will yield 1 copper ingot. Since the crafting results stack you can increase your profit with this quite easily. The craft is also very low so failure won't be common.

