Hello I'm new to this forum, and to the world of ffxi. I was wondering how magic bursts work. I know it's a rather nooby question, but I haven't been playing long and I'm rather unsure how it works. If someone would be so kind as to provide an explanation I would greatly appreciate it.
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The MB question
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Re: The MB question
are you familiar with skillchains? A MagicBurst is a spell, of the same element as the skillchain, casted shorty after the skillchain effect. If timed correctly, your spell will do more damage than normal and have a higher chance of not being resisted.
Thanks Yyg!
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Re: The MB question
I have some what of an understanding of how skill chains work, but probably not as deep of an understanding as someone who has been playing for a long time. So basically a mb is done when a spell of the same element as the skill chain is casted after the skill chain?
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Re: The MB question
Originally posted by neighbortaruyep.
you have about a 2-4 second window after you see the "<skillchain> <mob> takes 200 damage" in the log to land your spell. it's very much like skillchains actually.
One of the things I know many new BLMs don't know, or just don't like doing because they feel it to be useless, or even the members doing a SC lack the practice or drive to do is SC->MB->SC->MB.
In otherwords player 1 and player 2 makes 1st Skillchain(SC), player 3 does a MB, player 4 contines the SC off of what player 1 and 2 did, player 3 does another MB on the new SC result.
I've even seen many RDMs that don't know they can do multiple MBs on 1 SC with Chainspell (Which could of saved a few parties I've been in if they'd of known).
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Re: The MB question
As I understand it, a skilled rdm can pull off two MBs from the same SC without Chainspell. I've never seen it but a high level friend I trust was telling me about it. I have a movie somewhere of a ninja getting a double MB with Ni ninjitsu, so I believe it is possible. You have to time the longer spell so it lands just as the SC animation ends and start casting a faster spell as soon as possible.
I wonder if a 70blm/rdm with Fast Cast II could pull of the same thing. If bursting a Flood and say a Water IV on the same chain was possible, that would be quite impressive.
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Re: The MB question
Originally posted by TaskmageAs I understand it, a skilled rdm can pull off two MBs from the same SC without Chainspell. I've never seen it but a high level friend I trust was telling me about it. I have a movie somewhere of a ninja getting a double MB with Ni ninjitsu, so I believe it is possible. You have to time the longer spell so it lands just as the SC animation ends and start casting a faster spell as soon as possible.
I wonder if a 70blm/rdm with Fast Cast II could pull of the same thing. If bursting a Flood and say a Water IV on the same chain was possible, that would be quite impressive.
If you hadn't noticed there is a gap in everything on the game of about 2 sec. Objects that are loading if you can select it exactly on that that 2 sec. gap it is possible to select a monster that hasn't been drawn to screen yet. Abilities, Pets, even stroke of the weapon, if timed right you can take a huge advantage of that 2 sec. gap in the game to get more stuff done in a far more compressed time then anyone else..
Other then just using Fast Cast though, in desperate situations I've had many times were even in a desperate situation I pull off a Skillchain. If the RDM had only used his 2hr "Chainspell" he could of belted out about 5-6 MB spells to kill some troublesome mob quickly. Unfortunatly I've never had that kind of luck with RDMs, their hindsight though is 20/20 (They always realize after the fact).
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Re: The MB question
never tried 2mb before. New toy to playwith yay xD
I like to close the chain and MB by myself thoThere are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
transform a yellow spot into the sun.
- Pablo Picasso
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Re: The MB question
Originally posted by Jeinever tried 2mb before. New toy to playwith yay xD
I like to close the chain and MB by myself tho
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Re: The MB question
The problem with mages double MB'n is the chain. Sometimes you just don't have much of a choice. You want to land the big spell for the MB, but sometimes you don't have the spell, or cast time is too long.
In a majority of my parties, we've gone after goblins. We'd do a 3 person skillchain, RDM & BLM nuke with Fire, then if Banish is available, they nuke with that the second time around. Now of course a RDM could drop an Enfeebling spell on top of that, but the point of a MB is damage. (Though, as DRK, I have MB'd with Aspir before. Just for the same of being able to do it. lol 10 MP spell and I think I got 55MP back.)
I'm surprised to hear that Jei hasn't done this. A RDM with his experience, I half expected him to have invented the double MB.Odude
PS2 Beta tester - Cactaur - Rank 4
RDM32 - BLM17 - DRK11 - RNG11 - BRD9 - BST7 - WAR6 - MNK4
Lakshmi: Windurst Rank 10 - Zilart, CoP, ToAU COMPLETE - WotG
SAM90 - DRK90 - MNK90 - WAR90 - RNG90 - BST90 - RDM83 - NIN50 - THF46 - DRG42 - BLM40 - PUP23 - WHM20 - PLD13 - BRD13 - BLU10 - SCH10 - DNC7 - COR5 - SMN1
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Re: The MB question
Originally posted by tdhThe problem with mages double MB'n is the chain. Sometimes you just don't have much of a choice. You want to land the big spell for the MB, but sometimes you don't have the spell, or cast time is too long.
In a majority of my parties, we've gone after goblins. We'd do a 3 person skillchain, RDM & BLM nuke with Fire, then if Banish is available, they nuke with that the second time around. Now of course a RDM could drop an Enfeebling spell on top of that, but the point of a MB is damage. (Though, as DRK, I have MB'd with Aspir before. Just for the same of being able to do it. lol 10 MP spell and I think I got 55MP back.)
I'm surprised to hear that Jei hasn't done this. A RDM with his experience, I half expected him to have invented the double MB.
To better specificy when executing a MB it's more popular to have it do damage over effect.
Thanks 0
Re: The MB question
Originally posted by MachtIf the RDM had only used his 2hr "Chainspell" he could of belted out about 5-6 MB spells to kill some troublesome mob quickly. Unfortunatly I've never had that kind of luck with RDMs, their hindsight though is 20/20 (They always realize after the fact).
Anyways, like Jei said, a new toy to play with ^^
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