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Hume BLM

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  • Hume BLM

    I am a hume, and I have always loved BLM. I was wondering, however, if (near endgame) i wouldn't get as much enjoyment out of BLM if i wasn't taru. People have told me that BLM is the most fun when you are a taru, is that true?
    Another thing: Is the damage difference between hume BLM spells and taru BLM spells really that noticable later on?
    My blm is only in the thirties, and I found myself doing considerably less dmg than a taru blm who was in my pt, and i had the BEST gear you could possibly have for lvl 32.

    I guess.. i just need someone to console me and tell me it all gets better..

    But yea, any input on hume vs taru blm would be nice.

    Thanks in advance

  • #2
    Re: Hume BLM

    if the damage difference between an elvaan and taru endgame is 20-30 points, what do you think?

    you'll do fine.

    Thanks Yyg!


    • #3
      Re: Hume BLM

      Unless you're a galka playing as a mage, I doubt any race/job combination would hamper your endgame experience to the point where it's unenjoyable. Other unlikely combos like tarutaru warrior or paladin are still playable at a competent level.

      As a Hume your character has no gimped aspects by default, so you shouldn't have to worry about your endgame sucking with any job.
      lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


      • #4
        Re: Hume BLM

        Originally posted by Taskmage
        Unless you're a galka playing as a mage, I doubt any race/job combination would hamper your endgame experience to the point where it's unenjoyable. Other unlikely combos like tarutaru warrior or paladin are still playable at a competent level.

        As a Hume your character has no gimped aspects by default, so you shouldn't have to worry about your endgame sucking with any job.
        Galka's make good blms, they don't have low INT like elvaans, and mp isnt really a problem for Galka's with their RSE, Electrum/Astral Rings & Food. (This goes for galka' and them being other mages too)

        In the end just be what you want to be, if you want to be a small little midget with the lowest HP of the game but highest cute factor, then go with taru, if not just be what you have chosen, which is hume.
        RDM 50/SAM 38/WAR 24/BLM 27/WHM 30/SMN 50/DRG 23/NIN 20/MNK14/PLD14/BRD12
        Shiva,Ifrit,Ramuh,Leviathan,Garuda,Titan Obtained.


        • #5
          Re: Hume BLM

          ye you shouldnt be conserned about crap like that and enjoy play the job cause want to play is and forget about how much dmg your causing


          • #6
            Re: Hume BLM

            IMO i think hume are the best SOLO blms cuz they actually have hp (ballista,duels,farming etc.) there have been many cases in a pt where i got aggro and i get double attacked crited >_< but i still survived!(thank god i wasnt taru) and at endgame getting smacked by aoe from a god can kill a taru for sure...and like the person above said the difference between elv and taru blm in damage is only like 20-30 points.


            • #7

              Unless you're a galka playing as a mage
              As a level 75 Galkan Bard, White Mage and Black Mage, I scoff at this remark.
              All Nations: Rank 10
              Rise of the Zilart: Complete
              Chains of Promathia: Complete
              75 BRD/75 WHM/75 BLM/75 MNK/75 RDM/57 DRK/40 THF/39 WAR/37 NIN & SMN/All the rest < 37

              What to level next? (DRK!)


              • #8
                Re: Hume BLM

                Originally posted by EliteYuna
                Galka's make good blms, they don't have low INT like elvaans, and mp isnt really a problem for Galka's with their RSE, Electrum/Astral Rings & Food. (This goes for galka' and them being other mages too)

                In the end just be what you want to be, if you want to be a small little midget with the lowest HP of the game but highest cute factor, then go with taru, if not just be what you have chosen, which is hume.
                Galka make reasonable end-game mages, if for no other reason than they die less than other mages. Less MP tank really only comes into play for RDM and WHM, who generally have a reason to maintain a reserve of MP for emergency use. There's a whole lot of HP>MP gear available at level 75 which can make up for shortfalls in MP, as well, though you do miss out on some nifty side benefits if you over-indulge in such gear (on the flip side, smart taru mages generally avoid any -HP gear unless it has stats so amazing and irreplacable to be worth it, so the sword cuts both ways).

                Re: lowest HP comment, I actually have more HP than the hume and mithra WHMs in my HNMLS, while maintaining an equal or higher MP pool, since I can use flat +MP and +HP gear without touching HP>MP conversion to reach "reasonable" MP pool levels. Under most circumstances I maintain around 930HP and 1150MP without food, give or take, while most of the "decked out" WHMs around me have around 800HP while still having less MP.



                • #9
                  Re: Hume BLM

                  Uh...generally at endgame you'd want to stack on as much Elemental Magic skill as you possibly can because the things you're going to be fighting are gonna resist the hell out of your magic don't think Galka would be a very applicable race for endgame BLM's as the MP factor would definitely become an issue if they had to replace all their equip with Elemental Magic+ gear. What good is having the same MP as a Hume BLM if you still nuke like you're in the 50's...

                  Gotta love Manaburn parties


                  • #10
                    Re: Hume BLM

                    Ok ok, jeez.

                    So, there you go. Other people are having endgame success with even galka, so I doubt your choice of hume is going to weigh you down much.

                    I'm curious how another mage of the same level was doing "considerably more damage" than you, especially if you had the best equipment. If you were the same level using the same spell and even assuming the taru's equip was as good as yours, the few more natural points of int taru get should have only given slightly more damage than you, if even a noticable amount. I have to guess that you were just unlucky and your spells were getting resisted when you were comparing.
                    lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


                    • #11

                      Uh...generally at endgame you'd want to stack on as much Elemental Magic skill as you possibly can because the things you're going to be fighting are gonna resist the hell out of your magic don't think Galka would be a very applicable race for endgame BLM's as the MP factor would definitely become an issue if they had to replace all their equip with Elemental Magic+ gear.
                      Like I've mentioned before, I play as an endgame Galkan BLM. I have to say that I really haven't had too much trouble in finding a balance of equipment. This is my current getup: (feel free to comment)

                      Wizard's Petasos
                      Igquira Weskit
                      Errant Slops
                      Wizard's Gloves
                      Elemental Torque
                      Desert Rope
                      Phantom Earring x2
                      Snow Ring
                      Serket Ring
                      Phantom Tathlum
                      All HQ Elemental Staves
                      Maxed out MP merit points from BRD
                      Working on merit points to increase Thunder damage (2 so far)

                      I'm not finding my mana pool to be nearly as much of a dire issue as everyone just assumes it would be. Would I like to have more MP? Sure. But, I work with what's given to me and I'm doing great.

                      Sorry to get off track...I know this thread is supposed to be about Hume BLMs. ^_^
                      All Nations: Rank 10
                      Rise of the Zilart: Complete
                      Chains of Promathia: Complete
                      75 BRD/75 WHM/75 BLM/75 MNK/75 RDM/57 DRK/40 THF/39 WAR/37 NIN & SMN/All the rest < 37

                      What to level next? (DRK!)


                      • #12
                        Re: Hume BLM

                        Unnamed Galka inspire's those galka mages across the Vana'diel Region.

                        But Hume BLM's are great, my friend is a BLM 75 and he feels he chose the right job, due to his HP when fighting NM's he'll surive the AOE attacks like from Serket. He tells me he barely notices a damage difference from a MB compared to him and a Taru most likely 20 Points of Damage more. Also gear plays a role.
                        Blm.75 - Whm.56 - Mnk.58 - Rdm.48 - Nin.37 - War.37 - Drk.37

                        Merits - 98
                        Goldsmith - 85.2


                        • #13
                          Re: Hume BLM

                          Pwned Maat with my Hume BLM without taking a single point of damage. I'd say Humes fare quite well as BLMs.
                          DRK75 BLM75 WAR37 THF37 NIN37 SAM38 WHM38 RDM37

                          Which FF Character Are You?


                          • #14
                            Re: Hume BLM

                            I also pwned maat on first try as hume blm without taking damage hehe, but the difference is very minimal, taru do have more MP and not a lot but more int yes, but at the same time we take hits reasonably better when we pull hate (been taking a few hits recently in manaburns) but if you like hume, go hume, what I like about hume is once im done with blm i can go pretty much any job, our options are open
                            [Blm 75] [Mnk 72] [Drg 64] [Brd 41] [War 37] [Whm 37] [Rdm 37] [Sam 28] [Smn 26] [Thf 25] [Blu 12] [Nin 10] [Pld 9] [Bst 8] [Rng 8] [Pup 3] [Cor 1] [Drk 1] Rank 10 San D'oria


                            • #15
                              Re: Hume BLM

                              I'm a 73 hume BLM, and hav no problem doing good dmg. I can hang with the best of the tarus.
                              BLM 75
                              DRK 75
                              WAR 75
                              SCH 75
                              THF 73
                              PLD 46
                              WHM 42
                              RDM 38
                              SAM 37
                              NIN 37
                              MNK 27
                              BLU 7 (who knows)
                              PUP 5 (staying right where it is)
                              DRG 27
                              SMN 12 (SMN75 oneday)
                              BRD 14 (no intrest as of yet)
                              RNG 5 (gil sink no thanks)
                              SAM 37
                              Beating up Gigas one at a time for their lunch money!
                              Retribution: O Spiral Hell: O Ground Strike: O Savage Blade: O Black Halo: O Evisceration: O Decimation: O Steel Cyclone: O

