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Blm 7-10

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  • Blm 7-10

    How did you guys get past these three annoying levels? 1-7 went by in a flash, but these three seem to be horrid.

  • #2
    It was a pain, but stay soloing. Use spells and melee too. Basically the same strategy as the first 7 lvls, but if you find yourself dying more between 7-10, only fight decent to EP stuff and stay away from EM of you are unsure u can take them.

    Ice, Dark, Fire, & Thunder Staves Aquired
    Genkai FINISHED!!
    Maat finally went down.
    All BLM AF1 - Acquired
    All WHM AF1 - Acquired
    Windurst Rank 7


    • #3
      BIND and nuke from a distance with weapons drawn.

      A nice sturdy pole helps tremendously.

      Don't fight monk type monsters and don't cast spells mobs will resist.

      Thanks Yyg!


      • #4


        • #5
          Lvls 7-10 seem to be annoying for almost any job. Every job I've done 7-10 was always the slowest section of it. It's so annoying because there is almost no monsters that'll give good EXP and able to kill as easily.

          There is a few small spots though were 7-10 can level very well, the hard part is finding them because every one I've found were usually in a more secluded area on the maps.

          Even though monsters say EM or higher that check is generally just level based. Lv. 7 seems to be the start of when monster that your job will be skilled at killing and which they have a harder time with start to become more aparent.

          So right now is a good time to start testing with DC's and if you have a safety (way to escape or emergency heal) then testing some EMs to see which are easier and which are harder for your job is a good time to test. The strengths and weaknesses you find there against each monster is going to pretty much remain that way, just as you get higher level from there on you'll get more goodies and tricks to help cover the monsters you'd have a harder time with.

          Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)

