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Regarding the Sorcerer AF set

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  • Regarding the Sorcerer AF set

    Hi, I posted this on another forum as well, I was just wondering if anyone with the Sorcerer Gloves and Tonban can answer a few questions for me, tried looking for some answers, but could not find any, so please forgive me if this was posted elsewhere. (Note: Question related to the armor that drops in Dynamis, not the first AF set acquired from the quests.)

    1) Does the Sorcerer Gloves add a noticeable damage difference to Magic Bursts? If so, could someone maybe give an example of how much more they did compared to using something else in the hand slot, with maybe a high-end black mage ~gaIII or IV spell.

    (I’ve seen MBs up to 1800 on Aura Statues – and was always wondering if any of that damage was contributed by the gloves, thought it could have been if the gloves really do add that much damage.)

    2) Regarding the Sorcerer Tonban that adds the bonus damage depending on day… I was wondering if that also made a noticeable damage difference rather then using Mahatma Slops, or Druid Slops on gods.

    As you can see, I am very curious and eager to get some pieces of the set, as some Black Mages in my Dynamis LS have gotten some, but they have not really given me any input.

    Thanks in advance to anyone that can give me some input.

  • #2
    Ok... I dont own any of the AF2 gear yet... but I have a friend with the full set. I asked him these questions and this is what he had to say :

    1) Does the Sorcerer Gloves add a noticeable damage difference to Magic Bursts? If so, could someone maybe give an example of how much more they did compared to using something else in the hand slot, with maybe a high-end black mage ~gaIII or IV spell.

    "The gloves do help some... but they dont show an overwhelming damage increase. I used his Firaga III on a Light Skillchain without the gloves and dealt on average 1400 damage - With my gloves on I dealt roughly 1600 damage."

    2) Regarding the Sorcerer Tonban that adds the bonus damage depending on day… I was wondering if that also made a noticeable damage difference rather then using Mahatma Slops, or Druid Slops on gods.

    "I never had the Mahatma Slops or Druid Slops, I only had Errant. And as for the damage, it works just like the gloves pretty much. They only really enhance the damage dealt, they dont redefine them."

    Thats all he said on those questions... I am eager too...


    • #3
      I'd have to imagine that the Sorceror's Tonban's Enhancements, based on Day, would work the same as the Elemental Staves. Adds ~+10% to the respective Element, on it's respective day.
      Alauna >> : yea.. what do TC majors do, anyways?
      >> Alauna : we are capable of doing lots of things, but aren't really experts in anything :-p
      Alauna >> : oh, so your a RDM?
      >> Alauna : yeah...


      • #4
        I have the Tonban, and I have a friend that has had the Gloves for many months.

        The Tonban only adds damage, it does not effect spell's "Accuracy" when casting. It adds exactly 5 Magic Atk Bonus for the day of the week corresponding to the spell being cast. That's 5% increase in all spells of that element. That's better then Mahatma slops damage, but the Druid slops analogy doesnt really fit here. Druid Slops are better if you are being resisted on Gods/CoP Dragons and other monsters with resist rate, but that should be obvious by now.

        As for the Gloves, my friend has constantly said that they add ~7% damage to MB's. My take on this personally is that it is actually +5 Magic Atk Bonus also, but then the MB damage bonus comes into play and makes the actual nuke slighty stronger. This should be the same damage as the Zenith hands, and I may be able to test that in the future also (I have another Dynamis ls friend that has gotten a pair).

        The drop rate on the Gloves seems to suck for our ls too... out of 20+ Windurst runs, only 1 drop ever. Tonban on the other hand is quite common comparitively, and easily the strongest pants in terms of pure damage on the correct day.

        Fuk it, Cut the cord...


        • #5
          Well speaking about Dynamis drops, can someone tell me which Dynamis locales drop what BLM AF2 pieces please?

          Ice, Dark, Fire, & Thunder Staves Aquired
          Genkai FINISHED!!
          Maat finally went down.
          All BLM AF1 - Acquired
          All WHM AF1 - Acquired
          Windurst Rank 7


          • #6
            Sorcerer's Petasos - Dynamis: Xarcabard
            Sorcerer's Coat - Dynamis: Beaudecine
            Sorcerer's Gloves - Dynamis: Windurst
            Sorcerer's Tonban - Dynamis: Bastok
            Sorcerer's Sabots - Dynamis: Jeuno
            Sony NW-E507 [wishlist]


            • #7

              Ice, Dark, Fire, & Thunder Staves Aquired
              Genkai FINISHED!!
              Maat finally went down.
              All BLM AF1 - Acquired
              All WHM AF1 - Acquired
              Windurst Rank 7


              • #8
                The gloves are about 5%. Ive had them for a long time and I just got zenith... the only reason I use the sorc gloves now is in my drain/aspir macros. They add some enmity but if Im making a super big MB no amount of -enmity will save me.
                Kuno's super cool stats!
                Server - Bahamut | Nationality - San d'Orian | Rank - 9 | Jobs - 75 BLM/74 SMN

                Fishing 100+ - Woodworking 80 - Cooking 35
                Lushang's: Ok!


                • #9
                  lol, well that must explain the 1800 ThundagaIII MB I saw from my LS member, because if the gloves indeed add roughly 200 dmg, MBs would be greatly increased in power. Right now i am doing roughly 1600-something with zenith. Really eager to get the sorcerer gloves. Tonban doesn't seem too impressive, would be good in some instances. Thanks for the replys, really cleared up a few questions in my mind.


                  • #10
                    I think you mis-read what peolpe were saying. They are saying that the gloves add roughy 5%. . . which is the exact same as Zenith . . so there is no need for the AF2 hands other than Dark magic skill. I am an elvaan and I can get close to 1700 on statues with full damage gear (zenith mitts, jupiter staff, republic circlet, mahatma slops, etc). taru's can easily top 1800. I also don't have the AF2 legs so there is another 5% on thundersday, and even more guarenteed if u can get the thunder obi.


                    • #11
                      I do about 1920-1980 MBs on statues, however that is with the help of certain republic items.
                      All HQ elemental staves
                      Republic circlet obtained w00t.
                      Tiamat trouncer : O
                      World Serpent Slayer : O
                      Vrtra Vanquisher : O


                      • #12
                        What I use in XP:

                        AF hat
                        Elemental Torque
                        Snow ring x2
                        Penitent's Rope
                        Mahatma Slops
                        Errant Pigaches
                        Rainbow Rape
                        HQ staves
                        Phatnom Tathlum
                        Zenith Mitts
                        Moldavite + Abyssal

                        With this gear, I am still not able to top that high in damage, I don't see why either, maybe I'll have to sub rdm or something, heh. I could get a republic Circlet made by a friend, but it'd be useless when Windurst never has sky, lol. Then again, I've only Xped as BLM on statues once, could have been bad weather/day at the time, not sure though ><


                        • #13
                          The circlet adds a hell of a lot of damage . I also use T.M+2 boots rather than zenith in sky for +4 INT, I have also almost finished merits heh.
                          All HQ elemental staves
                          Republic circlet obtained w00t.
                          Tiamat trouncer : O
                          World Serpent Slayer : O
                          Vrtra Vanquisher : O

